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How to show weapon pieces of custom 4th weapon on HUD in Hexen (Zdoom)

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Hi people. I modified Quietus (Fighter's 4th weapon) by making a new actor called "FWeapQuietusNew" that inherits from and replaces original weapon "FWeapQuietus"


ACTOR FWeapQuietusNew : FWeapQuietus replaces FWeapQuietus
	Weapon.AmmoUse1 12
	Weapon.AmmoUse2 12
			FSRD DE 2 Bright Offset(5, 36)
			FSRD F 2 Bright Offset(5, 36)
			FSRD G 2 Bright Offset(5, 36) A_FSwordAttack
			FSRD H 2 Bright Offset(5, 36)
			FSRD I 2 Bright Offset(5, 36)
			FSRD I 8 Bright Offset(5, 150)
			FSRD A 1 Bright Offset(5, 60)
			FSRD B 1 Bright Offset(5, 55)
			FSRD C 1 Bright Offset(5, 50)
			FSRD A 1 Bright Offset(5, 45)
			FSRD B 1 Bright Offset(5, 40)
			Goto Ready


I also created new weapon pieces that inherit from original Quietus pieces but changed so that they act as pieces for the new Quietus.

actor FWeaponPiece1New : FighterWeaponPieceNew replaces FWeaponPiece1
	WeaponPiece.Number 1
			WFR1 A -1 Bright

actor FWeaponPiece2New : FWeaponPiece1New replaces FWeaponPiece2
	WeaponPiece.Number 2
			WFR2 A -1 Bright

actor FWeaponPiece3New : FWeaponPiece1New replaces FWeaponPiece3
	WeaponPiece.Number 3
			WFR3 A -1 Bright


The weapon pieces work fine and give me the new modified quietus. Only the HUD is not showing the pieces when I obtain them. How do I make them show?

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It's possible. Idk if you are using zscript HUD or SBARINFO, but in SBARINFO you would just add InInventory blocks and draw an image if the player has a piece of the weapon.

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10 hours ago, R4L said:

It's possible. Idk if you are using zscript HUD or SBARINFO, but in SBARINFO you would just add InInventory blocks and draw an image if the player has a piece of the weapon.


Thank you. I didn't knew about SBARINFO. But got it working now using it.


For anyone else wondering what I did, I created a SBARINFO lump and copied the code from here. Then I added "base hexen;" (without quotation) in the beginning like the comment in code says and replaced all instances of FWeapQuietus with FWeapQuietusNew

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