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I'm sorry people, I've decided to take down the pictures for now. When I find a lot of mirrors I'll put them back up. I also took down my music.

[url removed - sorry folks, orders directly from the top] USE THIS MIRROR FIRST, PLEASE!

Mirror 2 [url removed]

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Hah, illegal activity! That magazine is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without permission.

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myk said:
Hah, illegal activity! That magazine is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without permission.

Really, is it any worse then picking it up at a news agent, and just reading the interview?

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Little Faith said:

Good news: All and everything but...

Bad news: No usekey! Incidential music, just like quake.

Huh? If there's no usekey, how can you perform complex operations like the stuff id have been talking about?
That has to be false info, because it doesn't make sense.[edit] Ok, I've read the article and understood how they've done it - dunno what to say really, it worked decently in Quake, but I know that a lot of doomers on these forum will be greatly disappointed and I feel sorry for those :-([/edit]

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No use key? oh come on! it was all right for quake (since they were made with DM in mind) but geez, I hated it. there is such a thing as making things to simple.

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dsm said:

Huh? If there's no usekey, how can you perform complex operations like the stuff id have been talking about?
That has to be false info, because it doesn't make sense.

Apparantly it goes like this: If you go near a manipulatable object it will trigger. Much like in Quake.

If it is a more complex object (like a console with multiple buttons) you will enter a special "manipulation mode" where you will be able to use your mouse cursor to manipulate the object.

I would have preferred a mousekey so there would be no chance of accidentally entering "manipulation mode" in the midst of a heated battle. It would also allow for some more creative secrets where an object that would first seem to be nothing special in fact could be manipulated.

But apparantly John Carmack hates usekeys for some reason.

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Ok, now that I've read the article here are my comments:
1. Huh? Phobos? I thought Doom 3 took place on Mars itself. Dunno what to think. It's either true or a lie - part of me thinks it's untrue judging by the Martian landscape shown in the (actual - not the leaked one) E3 video.

2. Gah, the game doesn't seem to end in Hell, crap!

3. God dammit, that doomguy (on the cover) looks uglier (and less like the old doomguy) than I thought he was in the leaked video. Sorry if I'm being nitpicky here - I'm only voicing my opinion, if you think the new doomguy looks better than that's good for you.

4. That Archvile is really awesome - very Xenomorph-like and yet satisfyingly demonic. Now I only wish that they had made it eyeless and given the pinky glowing yellow eyes instead - just to make the enemies seem more like they were in the old Doom games.

5. Yess! They may not include that railgun after all, hallelujah! /Me dances around like a crazy Native American.

Overall: A lot of this info is really good news I think, but I wish there hadn't been SO much info - it's too much.

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That picture of doomguy really was ugly. Too much make-up :) And he should be blonde. Though the magazine covers and posters often lie a lot. The doomguy in the game can look entirely different.

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Do I understand it right that instead of having a usekey, you automatically switch into "use mode" (your crosshair becomes a cursor to interact with the terminals etc.) when approaching a terminal / button / computer console? That would really suck!

EDIT just what Little Faith said... that "manipulation mode" would seriously harm gameplay IMO.

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DooMer 4ever said:

That picture of doomguy really was ugly. Too much make-up :) And he should be blonde. Though the magazine covers and posters often lie a lot. The doomguy in the game can look entirely different.

He looked very similar to that in the E3 video I'm afraid.
Blonde wouldn't be correct either - the original Doomguy had LIGHT brown hair.
Blonde or dark brown hair are both totally off.
But I admit that I'm more pleased with his face now than I was when I saw it in the video - looks a bit more doomguy'ish.
If they gave him an army shave (not close shave so that he looks almost bald but still..) and made his hair light brown like it should, then I'm ready to accept his new looks :-)

Oh yeah and gloves, he needs gloves and proper army style pants (don't need to be camouflaged though, but that would definitely rock if they were imho).

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Tetzlaff said:

Do I understand it right that instead of having a usekey, you automatically switch into "use mode" (your crosshair becomes a cursor to interact with the terminals etc.) when approaching a terminal / button / computer console? That would really suck!

EDIT just what Little Faith said... that "manipulation mode" would seriously harm gameplay IMO.

Oh come on, it wouldn't be THAT bad would it? Why do you think it'd be harmful to the gameplay - it would add a more puzzle like feel to the game to use the cursor to manipulate keyboards and consoles.
The lack of use key is of course bad - though it doesn't bother me as much as it bothers you because I focus on other aspects (but I still wish that they had included a use key because then more of us would be happy with Doom 3 and I also want you guys to be happy with it).

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Alright, I've read everything. Let's see...

  • The Cover

    Sweet monkey JESUS. Doom guy looks very cool indeed in his shiny new armor (perhaps a little too clean), and that Hell Knight is flippin' fantastic. And that shotgun looks like it could dish out some SERIOUS damage.

  • "'Simple' is a rule of thumb for Doom III."

    Ngh. I was hoping id would try to innovate the gameplay aspect a little as well. Looks like gameplay-wise it's going to be an ultra-polished cross between Half-Life and Alien vs Predator... Which is nice unless you're REALLY sick of the classic FPS formula. And I'm not.

  • "You won't find a use key."

    Damn you, John. You stubborn fuck. Let's hope things like doors and computer interfaces only go off when you get real close - so you don't get the Quake syndrome of doors opening whenever you get closer than 4 feet away from them.

  • "A plasma rifle is under development"

    YAY !

  • "The PDA consists of an automap, inventory, and communications device."

    Cool. I like how the automap is an artist's representation, rather than some crappy representation of the actual geometry. Kinda neat to see Sarge show up again... Looks like id are still trying to fit all their game characters into a single universe.

    The whole intro thing reminds me very much of Half-Life. Which is a Good Thing. In fact, any Half-Life bashing in this thread will result in a BAN !! MuahahahaHhhaaa... oh wait, I'm not a mod anymore.

  • "No defaulting to run, since you'll burn out your stamina"

    A pretty good system. I'll have to check the leaked vid again and see if I can catch any difference in movement speed.

  • "While some pellets give a dull thud as they penetrate the sickeningly grey flesh, others ping loudly off the floor, the walls, the railings and the ceiling."

    Man, I have GOT to get me a new sound card. At least I've already got the $100 500Watt speakers =)

  • "Located in some yet-to-be-specified-but-evidently-quite-safe command center, Sarge will give you broad objectives that you'll break down into specific tasks"

    Cool... I guess. They better not do anything stupid, like letting John Carmack do the voices or something. And I definitely do NOT want a wise-cracking "narrator" commenting on my every move.

  • "A rusty, grimy underground complex, some kind of Mars city, a cavern complex of sorts, Hell (of course), and even into the great outdoors."

    Yay, yay, triple YAY !

  • Screenshot of the editor

    Looks pretty much exactly like GtkRadiant as far as I can tell. Loads of nice, curvy detail... And of course, that "in-game" display is like the Holy Grail of map development. Looks like I'm going to lose a lot of sleep once the game's released...

  • "The Mancubus seemed to be, well, female..."

    Err, well it's a change from Paul Steed's models I guess...

  • "Probably the naked woman..."

    YEAH ! By the way, if you're interested in contributing to the PornDoom3 project (website in progress), mail me at lordflathead@yahoo.com.

A final note: I definetly WILL be buying this issue of PC Gamer legally once I've found it. And I encourage everyone here to do the same thing if they can. That is all.

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Ct_red_pants said:

Hmm, i'd say it's doom guy near the start of the fiasco, so he's not all battle hardened and the like. personally, I don't think he looks to bad.

True, he could have looked just as bad as I thought he did in the E3 video - he could've looked even worse.
He looks battle hardened enough on this pic (that's his frightened look he's wearing, but he doesn't look as young and inexperienced as the E3 video made him seem), but the hair colour and that haircut makes me think of 1930s male movie stars - let's see a badass marine shave cut and the right doomguy hair colour, huh.

That shotgun would look cool enough to me if.
1. It didn't have that pistol handle and a butt like the old shotgun.
2. It didn't look so ridiculously big

I'm honestly getting really tired of id's motorcycle-sized weapons.
True, bigass weapons ARE cool, but if every gun has a bulky, bigger-than-avarage look, then you get tired of big guns really quick.
What I wish they'd have done:
Made a balance of small, medium-sized and bigass weapons.

Small weapons: Pistol, sb shotgun, machinegun, grenade launcher.
Medium weapons: Chainsaw, db shotgun, rocket launcher, (plasma rifle, not sure yet).
Bigass guns: Chaingun, (plasma rifle, not sure yet), BFG 9k
Having a varied set of weapons with some smaller guns would make the big guns seem much cooler imo.

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Damn... somebody beat me on scanning those pages... oh well, as long as you guys get to see everything. All I can say after reading the article is that I'm truly excited now. All the enemies I wanted to see in it have been confirmed, I've seen the mouse interface in action and it kicks ass (they actually use the same interface with the game menues), the weapons look great, as do the environments, hell there's even a red key cameo. I can confidently say that this game is going to be great.

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dsm said:
That shotgun would look cool enough to me if.
1. It didn't have that pistol handle and a butt like the old shotgun.
2. It didn't look so ridiculously big

I'm honestly getting really tired of id's motorcycle-sized weapons.
True, bigass weapons ARE cool, but if every gun has a bulky, bigger-than-avarage look, then you get tired of big guns really quick.
What I wish they'd have done:
Made a balance of small, medium-sized and bigass weapons.

hmm, I'm not sure if it's oversized, I think it's just close to the camera. I'd wait till he's holding it with both hands before guessing it's size. but it looks to be one bad mother fucking shot gun. I am pleased :)

also, that might not be dood guy. it just might be an unlucky extra. (though I find that unlikely)

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also, that might not be dood guy. it just might be an unlucky extra. (though I find that unlikely)

Sorry, but that is the Doom guy on the cover. The same one they had shown at Quakecon at least. I suppose they could change it still, though that is most unlikely.

Btw, what are your thoughts on id's incorporating NPC's to the beginning of the game and that whole 'peaceful' segmentt like in Half-Life? I personally think it's a great idea allowing you to progress deeper into the feeling of chaos once you see how it was before things went wrong. It also lets you get used to the controls before you have to survive, which should help a bit too.

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Ultimate Demon said:

Why ID, WHY??? Why did you have to change the design of the poor old Archville? It looks more like an Alian :(

What the fuck is your problem man? The new Arch-vile looks more badass than the older one could've ever looked.

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EllipsusD said:

Sorry, but that is the Doom guy on the cover. The same one they had shown at Quakecon at least. I suppose they could change it still, though that is most unlikely.

The only thing they need to change with his head to please me (in regards to the face that is) is to change the hair colour to light brown and shorten his hair down so that it's a military shave. But you're right, they probably won't change it :~(

Btw, what are your thoughts on id's incorporating NPC's to the beginning of the game and that whole 'peaceful' segmentt like in Half-Life? I personally think it's a great idea allowing you to progress deeper into the feeling of chaos once you see how it was before things went wrong. It also lets you get used to the controls before you have to survive, which should help a bit too. [/B]

I think it's pretty cool, I only hope that after the first time, you'll be able to skip it and jump right into the action, because yeah, as you said, it'd familiarize you with the controls. But later on, having to wait for ages before the action starts would only be really annoying. So please id, make it possible to skip the 'peaceful' segment when you play through the game later on.
Oh yeah, and JUST to annoy Flathead: Half life's beginning sucked because you couldn't skip the intro, the weapons and story were Doom ripoffs, *bitch, bitch, bitch............*

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overall it's quite a good read.the new archile looks nice.and mancubus is female?!?Egrh...
Sound might add the great experince.Greame said that if you can't afford 5.1 system,you'd better use headphone instead.
id don't try to innovate gameplay.i was hoping them to do it.well,it's id.i still like old style run and gun gameplay.and it well fits with DOOM gameplay.

there is one outdoor area shot.it looks impressive.

just coming back from 3Dr forum to see non-doomer's thought of DOOM3.it did give me some thought..

at least,i hope DOOM3 will please all doom and id fan.

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