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Oops! All Techbase - Final Release! NOW ON IDGAMES!

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On 8/2/2023 at 3:57 AM, RaRu Des2122 said:

Today are presented:

Map16: Warforged by xxWenxx, @Magicana and @mistersector

Map17: Heterodox by @UndeadRyker

Map18: Astray by @ZeMystic














Map 16 was another fun one. xxWenxx had made a fully functioning map (Probably about 90% of what you saw in here) without any Thing placement. He then dropped out of the project suddenly, kinda leaving us in the lurch. With a lot of prodding and pleading, he sent us what he had worked on. At this point map03 was done so I volunteered to do the Thing placement. It did involve a little manipulation of the geometry, but the basics were all from xxWenxx. I was playing Sunder when I worked on it, so the monster placement is a little based on that experience - Not that there are enough monsters to warrant the slaughter title.


The cyberdemon placement is probably what I'm most proud of - The ominous thud being heard right through the map builds a lot of atmosphere. The baron room still makes me laugh - Everyone always tries to fight them in cramped quarters, but the door is only locked from the outside so you can also just leave.


The final fight with the Hell Knights and the Cyber is probably the weak point in my view. You did fine because of the weapon carryover, but no BFG kinda makes the fight a bit RNG. Sometimes the knights walk the stairs and push you out into the cyber, sometimes everything infights and you have a good time.


Again, like Map03, Mistersector went through and made the map look 1000x better. He has a map coming up later that was absolutely gobsmacking - If you thought map03 was big, wait till you try his next one!

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5 hours ago, Magicana said:


The final fight with the Hell Knights and the Cyber is probably the weak point in my view. You did fine because of the weapon carryover, but no BFG kinda makes the fight a bit RNG. Sometimes the knights walk the stairs and push you out into the cyber, sometimes everything infights and you have a good time.


I've been playing Doom like this all my life because my first FPS was Quake II. I'm used to transferring everything from the previous level to the next and moreover, I think it's logical. After all, I'm playing a megawad of 32 consecutive maps not downloading them one by one.


5 hours ago, Magicana said:


He has a map coming up later that was absolutely gobsmacking - If you thought map03 was big, wait till you try his next one!


I have already recorded Map24. It will be coming soon!

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Today are presented:

Map19: The Forgotten Forge by @RonnieJamesDiner

Map20: XYZ by @Walter confetti

Map21: Inventive Prowess by @HAK3180









The most difficult moment on this map was a rather long run to the secret with health bonuses and a jump into a pool with lava and a soul sphere. If you stumble or slow down at least once, you will have to run again and there will be enough turns that take precious milliseconds during the race.






I was amused by the text before the level. Apparently, for this particular marine the techbases are his personal hell. He is so eager to get into the red fire-breathing sheol but after each such teleportation his nose is burned again and again by the acrid smell of chemicals... I liked the map itself because I love weapons factories. Did I understand correctly that in secret with the red key we are observing the manufacturing process of the BFG9000, @HAK3180?


One of the hellknights refused to teleport to the battlefield categorically, so I could not achieve a 100% kills rate. I encountered the same problem, only on a slightly larger scale, on the Map29.

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Today are presented:

Map22: The UAC by @Angry Saint

Map23: Processing Station by @ShadesMaster

Map24: Arms Trafficking by @mistersector





A straightforward, unsophisticated and densely populated map.  If we assume that the map was conceived as a path from one UAC technical complex to another, then the lack of secrets is quite understandable.






An even shorter and easier map which can be called the calm before the natural storm! However, I can't say that it was boring or uninteresting for me to play it because references to the original Doom constantly catch my eye. Clearly, for example, the premises inspired by the maps E1M1 and E2M6 from there are guessed. 






A long and non-linear map, which was a great pleasure to play! Battles, despite the presence of two spider masterminds and three cyberdemons, are very annoying except at first (when you are fired with bullets from everywhere), you can only admire brightly colored ordinary textures here (although the flying vehicle with invulnerability on it impressed) but finding the right and then the optimal path is a really interesting task!


This exceptionally pleasant impression is spoiled only by a terribly annoying secret with a megasphere that requires an angle jump... I always couldn't stand such tricks!

Edited by RaRu Des2122

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On 8/3/2023 at 11:57 AM, RaRu Des2122 said:

Today are presented:

Map21: Inventive Prowess by @HAK3180


I was amused by the text before the level. Apparently, for this particular marine the techbases are his personal hell. He is so eager to get into the red fire-breathing sheol but after each such teleportation his nose is burned again and again by the acrid smell of chemicals... I liked the map itself because I love weapons factories. Did I understand correctly that in secret with the red key we are observing the manufacturing process of the BFG9000, @HAK3180?


One of the hellknights refused to teleport to the battlefield categorically, so I could not achieve a 100% kills rate. I encountered the same problem, only on a slightly larger scale, on the Map29.


Wow, what fun. Yes, indeed, some vanilla machinery constructing BFGs, why not? 

A couple errors from several maps made it into the final version, unfortunately. As I recall, there was a miscommunication as to who was implementing several last-minute things with the result that some simply were not implemented.


Happy Dooming.

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Today, in the last part of the walkthrough, are presented:


Map28: Corporate Mandated Singularity by @Egg Boy

Map29: Recess in the Fold by @Mk7_Centipede and @mistersector

Map30: Fusion Core by @ZeMystic





Not only do I not like slaughters too much but there are also no items here - there will simply be nothing to heal possible injuries. Which, taking into account the next map (the hardest in the megawad) looks especially unpleasant...






This huge and complex map in all respects is the real last challenge! It was difficult for me to start it because of the injuries at the previous level but it did not get easier either in the middle or at the end. All the time there was a certain lack of ammunition and health forcing me to think over tactics on every, EVERY section (without any exaggeration!) of the map... What you see in the video is far from the first attempt of walkthrough and I even had a stupid idea to drop it. Especially after the death in the blue key room...

By the way, on this map I encountered the same problem as on Map21 -  the refusal of some monsters to teleport from technical zones. I went through the level several times and there were 11 of them all the time.






@ZeMystic, thank you very much for making the map with the Icon of Sin not particularly difficult! After the previous two this is exactly what I need for a comfortable completion of the megawad!


Also, thank you and your team as a whole for the work and the great pleasure! I will summarize the overall results on monsters and liked/disliked maps tomorrow...

Edited by RaRu Des2122

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Monsters' appearance statistics for the Ultra-Violence difficulty.




1) Top of the best maps: 


- Map03: Despondent Nukage Base by @Magicana, @mistersector and @Philnemba

- Map09: Technoid by @nicolas monti

- Map11: Familiar Fiends by @ZeMystic and @mistersector

- Map15: Sinthetic Icon by @Mk7_Centipede and @mistersector

- Map21: Inventive Prowess by @HAK3180

- Map26: Small Arms Depot by @beast


2) Top of the least liked maps:

- Map10: Chemical Weapons Research by @xdarkmasterx 

- Map28: Corporate Mandated Singularity by @Egg Boy

- Map29: Recess in the Fold by @Mk7_Centipede and @mistersector


3) Top of the best soundtracks (I will not mention the tracks that I myself put on maps 5, 13, 25 and 26, although for obvious reason I also liked them): 


- Map01: "Easel" by @Jimmy

- Map03: "Suspense" by Robert Prince

- Map09: ... @nicolas monti, how is this soundtrack named? 
- Map19: "Icicles" by @Jimmy

- Map24: "In the Dark" by Robert Prince

- Map27: "Smells Like Burning Corpse" by L.A. Sieben



Once again, I thank everyone involved in the creation of this megawad!

Edited by RaRu Des2122

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On 8/8/2023 at 7:41 PM, RaRu Des2122 said:



Monsters' appearance statistics for the Ultra-Violence difficulty.




1) Top of the best maps: 


- Map03: Despondent Nukage Base by @Magicana, @mistersector and @Philnemba

- Map09: Technoid by @nicolas monti

- Map11: Familiar Fiends by @ZeMystic and @mistersector

- Map15: Sinthetic Icon by @Mk7_Centipede and @mistersector

- Map21: Inventive Prowess by @HAK3180

- Map26: Small Arms Depot by @beast


2) Top of the least liked maps:

- Map10: Chemical Weapons Research by @xdarkmasterx 

- Map28: Corporate Mandated Singularity by @Egg Boy

- Map29: Recess in the Fold by @Mk7_Centipede and @mistersector


3) Top of the best soundtracks (I will not mention the tracks that I myself put on maps 5, 13, 25 and 26, although for obvious reason I also liked them): 


- Map01: "Easel" by @Jimmy

- Map03: "Suspense" by Robert Prince

- Map09: ... @nicolas monti, how is this soundtrack named? 
- Map19: "Icicles" by @Jimmy

- Map24: "In the Dark" by Robert Prince

- Map27: "Smells Like Burning Corpse" by L.A. Sieben



Once again, I thank everyone involved in the creation of this megawad!


This has been a great trip down memory lane - Thank you for the playthrough!

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