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Oops! All Techbase - Final Release! NOW ON IDGAMES!

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12 minutes ago, nicolas monti said:

Zemystic, I recently downloaded the textures wad, it has everything I needed, still the skyes are not the prettiest, you can use the skyes I made for my favillesco alphas episodes, mano laikas or witness of time if you want, there are a couple of night skyes and one blue sky. However I understand the green theme for the first episode, decision is yours, I'll be fine with it.

I think Ill have to change SKY1 to something less visually whack-a-doodle, Ill take a look at your skies, however I do want to keep in SKY2 and SKY3 becuase I like them a good amount.


Ill most likely change it to this when I get the chance.


Edited by ZeMystic

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24 minutes ago, ZeMystic said:

I think Ill have to change SKY1 to something less visually whack-a-doodle, Ill take a look at your skies, however I do want to keep in SKY2 and SKY3 becuase I like them a good amount.


Ill most likely change it to this when I get the chance.


That one looks gorgeous man, it sure works fine!

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Started on mine which I'm planning to put plenty of green in it.






Edited by Philnemba

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Ok, this is what I have by now, suggestions are welcome, there is time to fix things up, the textures are included for sake of simplicity, they won't be included in the final submission.


MAP09 - Technoid



EDIT: updated version


Edited by nicolas monti
File update

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i just want to say that... eh... all techbases? full 30+ map set? really? THANK YOU!!! techbase is my favorite style, there cannot be enough techbases, and now there will be a whole megawad... sometimes your dream comes true.

Edited by ketmar

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@nicolas monti, wow, great map overall. Excellent layout and progression especially. I thought the number of suits could be decreased. The ubiquity of nukage is certainly thematic, but it's somewhat nullified by the availability of the suits. I also thought the combat got rather hordey, and in a way I personally didn't love. The layout felt like it "should" have been more Doom 1 style combat with tricky maneuvering and well placed threats. I also wonder if @ZeMystic has any plans for difficulty ramping, weapon availability, etc. The only other thing I might try to do is make the exit door visible earlier. It looks like you could make it visible through a window somewhere without changing much.


But I like it a lot.

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28 minutes ago, HAK3180 said:

@nicolas monti, wow, great map overall. Excellent layout and progression especially. I thought the number of suits could be decreased. The ubiquity of nukage is certainly thematic, but it's somewhat nullified by the availability of the suits. I also thought the combat got rather hordey, and in a way I personally didn't love. The layout felt like it "should" have been more Doom 1 style combat with tricky maneuvering and well placed threats. I also wonder if @ZeMystic has any plans for difficulty ramping, weapon availability, etc. The only other thing I might try to do is make the exit door visible earlier. It looks like you could make it visible through a window somewhere without changing much.


But I like it a lot.

Thanks for your feedback, the exit more visible is something I will change, it was visible but I decided to put some structure to delay de player and encourage the fight, I'll make something different,  maybe a pit with raising floor, I'll see.

On the rad suits I may decrease them, I wanted them to be plenty because the need of backtracking, revisiting and exploration but cutting out a couple of then won't be a problem.

About gameplay I'll wait to see what other peolple think but is taken into account, I wanted to make it "modern" or "menacing" as the fights go harder with the progression.

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Considering it's the later of the two E3 maps that haven't been taken yet, I'll take map 24.

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11 hours ago, nicolas monti said:

Ok, this is what I have by now, suggestions are welcome, there is time to fix things up, the textures are included for sake of simplicity, they won't be included in the final submission.


MAP09 - Technoid


fucking beautiful.


where's the midi from?


I do think some of the suits can be reduced but not too many, I still found my self back tracking so having enough suits helps for players who are lost.

Edited by ZeMystic

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@nicolas monti just played it, and liked it. but yeah, i too think that suits are too many. they basically just turns acid into yet-another-floor, and adds annoying green tint. ;-) maybe put only some suits, so they will barely cover player's needs, and add some more medkits/put more suits into secrets. dunno, i am not a mapper, so my ideas may sux. maybe put some switches to raise small platforms here and there, so player will be forced to think about movement while fighting. like, not something you can fall off, but just some safe spots, which can be used to move around, yet far enough one from another, so player will have to watch their steps when dodging monster attacks.

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1 hour ago, ZeMystic said:

@nicolas monti


The sky has been updated into textures and it's good to go!


Nice, I'll be making the changes suggested on the map but I'll wait a couple of days to upload it just if some new advice pops up.

Some of the "history" of the map: I made the layout in paper a year ago and when you made the project I wanted to do that layout for it, the problem is that I couldn't find that drawing so I had to remake it in paper again trying to remember the first version of it, I think the 70% of it was saved in my memory, but sure this version is different, yet the only one to see the light.




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I'll take MAP23, final map in the slot! It won't disappoint!


... and HERE it is! This started as a redux of the Power Levels someone made to show them Romero design rules, but went in their own direction anyway. So I combined my two maps into one, and voila!


Lemme know what you think; I can always add a smattering of mid or higher-tier critters in since this is later on in the map pack. Maybe a baron and a few Revenants in spots, we'll see.


Map Name: Processing Station

Music MIDI: mus_e1m6

File: Oops!ShadesTek23.zip

CREDITS: ID software

Edited by ShadesMaster
Updated file to work in Chocolate doom!

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4 hours ago, ShadesMaster said:

I'll take MAP23, final map in the slot! It won't disappoint!


... and HERE it is! This started as a redux of the Power Levels someone made to show them Romero design rules, but went in their own direction anyway. So I combined my two maps into one, and voila!


Lemme know what you think; I can always add a smattering of mid or higher-tier critters in since this is later on in the map pack. Maybe a baron and a few Revenants in spots, we'll see.


Map Name: Processing Station

Music MIDI: mus_e1m6

File: Oops!ShadesTek23.zip

CREDITS: ID software

Oh fuck nice! alright thank you.


However It doesn't work in Chocolate Doom, I am getting the error


R_TextureNumForName: N_BNTN01 which means a texture that you have placed somewhere isn't finding N_BNTN01.

Edited by ZeMystic

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18 minutes ago, ZeMystic said:

How is it for coop support?


It's literally the exact same as Chocolate Doom, so it should be as good.

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1 minute ago, -TDRR- said:

It's literally the exact same as Chocolate Doom, so it should be as good.

neat! I will check it out.

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1 minute ago, -TDRR- said:

It's literally the exact same as Chocolate Doom, so it should be as good.

I think the problem is that vanilla was already set as the format for the project, and considering many have already started maps, making it limit removing now would be kind of unfair.

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1 minute ago, Egg Boy said:

I think the problem is that vanilla was already set as the format for the project, and considering many have already started maps, making it limit removing now would be kind of unfair.

While I don't intend to remove the vanilla limitation, if I did switch it and i wont. you wouldn't have to restart your map from scratch you'd be making the same level just wouldn't have to worry about the visplane limitation.

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2 hours ago, ZeMystic said:

However It doesn't work in Chocolate Doom

it is intended to be run with your texture pack. ;-)

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Don't get too excited. This is pretty much all there is:21WIP.JPG.1bd1a38bda6268e08f1ec4248cf3a29e.JPG


Pretty much no plan. We'll see where this goes.

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1 hour ago, HAK3180 said:

Don't get too excited. This is pretty much all there is:21WIP.JPG.1bd1a38bda6268e08f1ec4248cf3a29e.JPG


Pretty much no plan. We'll see where this goes.

I'd say it's going very well.

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Well, a minor update for map09

* rad suits reduced to a half

* exit now more visible 

* glowing light added to a technopillar sector.

EDIT: *smaller platforms over acid in pipewall area before final fight, just to make the fight more difficult.

Also new texture pack with new sky included.



The midi is called "use your head" not sure where is from, maybe some earth worm jim level.

Edited by nicolas monti

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I've updated my MAP23 slot to work in Chocolate doom by replacing the problem texture with BROWN1. It's a shame, it was the more vibrant tan version of that texture I was trying to use for outer building walls, too....


Also added a few Revenants, Mancs and a Baron... otherwise, it's the same. Updated my original post, too.


Map Name: Processing Station

Music MIDI: mus_e1m6

File: Oops!ShadesTek23.zip

CREDITS: ID software

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Can I make a texture request? I really want a flowing lava texture. It's cool if you can't do that, but it would make certain detailing far easier, since my map involves lava.

Edited by Egg Boy
"More easier" LMAO

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3 minutes ago, Egg Boy said:

Can I make a texture request? I really want a flowing lava texture. It's cool if you can't do that, but it would make certain detailing way more easier, since my map involves lava.

Yea give me a bit and I'll add it


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22 minutes ago, ShadesMaster said:

I've updated my MAP23 slot to work in Chocolate doom by replacing the problem texture with BROWN1. It's a shame, it was the more vibrant tan version of that texture I was trying to use for outer building walls, too....


Also added a few Revenants, Mancs and a Baron... otherwise, it's the same. Updated my original post, too.


Map Name: Processing Station

Music MIDI: mus_e1m6

File: Oops!ShadesTek23.zip

CREDITS: ID software

Lovely map! Felt very E1, I could still tell it was based off "the power levels" maps. Which is fine, but it was very easy, like, easier than map23 of doom2 easy. The layout is excellent! But the difficulty, even on UV is quite weak for a map23.

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15 minutes ago, Egg Boy said:

Can I make a texture request? I really want a flowing lava texture. It's cool if you can't do that, but it would make certain detailing far easier, since my map involves lava.

Link is updated, map on my friend.


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