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I found Doomguy art and I saved it

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A few years ago in Antwerp there were people squatting in an empty monastery. If you know Antwerp, it was behind the Zoo / central station. 

I have never entered the building while there were squatters, but I've heard that the people there were not criminals, but more artististic / free people. They would organize things there, give food to the homeless, ... 


Then the city cleared out the monastery with the plan of renting out the rooms to artists. Artists then can use these rooms as a workshop to work on their art, or to host exhibitions.

The church next to the monastery is going to be converted to a climbing hall I've heard?


Well, my friend she is a artist and she rented a room there. I was visiting the building and walking around and in one room I suddenly find this very old doomguy painting. The paper was ripped apart and the pieces of paper were held together with nails in the wall. 


I was sure that if I didn't take it that the artist who would rent that room would throw it away in the trash. So I took it and put it in a frame. 


I like it. Everyone I know hates it. 


Edited by steuntron

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51 minutes ago, crazyflyingdonut said:

Who created it, and where did it come from, the world may never know.

Unless the artist is lurking around here

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Looks pretty good with some interesting vibe thanks to the rip. Something tell that toilet door will be the best place for it, is nothing better than some guest will have to look on this the whole time while taking... :P LUL

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