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Cyberdemon is back!

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2 hours ago, DooM_RO said:


@Maes will not be pleased.


Indeed. My main man Cybie worked hard for them bad boys, and I was spotting him all the time. Where his gains now at, huh?!

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Looks excellent. To me Doom 4's designs had an odd mix of semi-faithful updates of the original surreal sprites, the grim alien look from Doom 3 and what I can only describe as an RPG-esque monster aesthetic (the cyberdemon and pinkie in particular here).


Of those different styles, Eternal seems to be dialling in more of the originals. All to the good in my eyes. I agree the cyberdemon looks a bit shite waist down in the stills above, but when seeing the bit in the demo I immediately thought it'd be bloody hard to do a better full-3d version of the original than that. 

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There are 3 minor issue I have with this cyberdemon:

1) As BoxY mentioned, his left leg (non-mechanical leg) is a bit too much like an elephant's leg (too fatty and has flat nails instead of hooves).

2) His eyes are a bit too small and far apart imho.

3) He is not as muscular as OG cyberdemon.


Still, I like it more that the "moose" we got in Doom 2016

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Great, it no longer looks like a golem with moose antlers.

Edited by Avoozl

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34 minutes ago, Avoozl said:

Great, it no longer looks like a golem with moose antlers.


I always thought it looked like a fat bully.

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Guest Unregistered account

Anyone else catch the OG Manc death animation with the flesh melting away from the spine?

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I didn't really mind the Cybermoose, other than that he felt a bit generic fantasy MMO-ish. The two guardians at the crucible were far worse offenders.


This new version feels a bit smaller and lighter, so hopefully it will be a general monster that can be placed anywhere, and not restricted to set piece arenas.

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I feel like this design makes sense.
As far as I remember, the 2016 Cyberdemon was a recreation from the DNA samples or something like that.

And this is the original, although I am curious how or why hell engineered the metalic parts, or if it was repaired by humans...

Who knows, I would like to find out.


Edit: After bit of thinking, how cool would be seeing the 2016 Cyberdemon in his original form, without the cybernetic parts.

If UAC was recreating something a "extincted" demon it was easier to replace the missing DNA with cybernetic implants.

Edited by Shawny

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I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of the design. I'd rather they kept the Cyberdemon design from DOOM '16. That was more imposing at the very least.

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I'm thrilled to bits that we're getting a return to form for the Cyberdemon. No redesign of him, be it Doom 3 or Doom 2016, has ever resonated with me. My one nitpick is that this feels slightly too much like the Doom64 version (not very muscular/ bulky compared to OG Cyberdemon, or even box-art Doom 2 cybie), but I'm content that he's back in the form that we all know and love. 

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Something tells me there might be a reason why this particular version of the Cyberdemon is off-putting:


Outside of fan creations, a classic-style Cyberdemon was never really done outside of the original clay model used for OG Doom. Seeing it in motion like this for the first time can seem a little weird at first. 


That, and this Cybie’s teeth/protruding ribs look way too clean, if not outright bleached. I mean, Hell must have an excellent dental plan for him to have those kind of pearly whites!

(Seriously, he could use a little more grunge and dirt.)

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12 minutes ago, Man of Doom said:

Something tells me there might be a reason why this particular version of the Cyberdemon is off-putting:


Outside of fan creations, a classic-style Cyberdemon was never really done outside of the original clay model used for OG Doom. Seeing it in motion like this for the first time can seem a little weird at first. 


That, and this Cybie’s teeth/protruding ribs look way too clean, if not outright bleached. I mean, Hell must have an excellent dental plan for him to have those kind of pearly whites!

(Seriously, he could use a little more grunge and dirt.)


The Cyberdemon likely has a healthy protein diet and likely no sugar so no dental care needed.

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Glad the classic Cyber is back, never been a fan its 2016 design either.


It seems id really wants to bring back as much classic stuff as possible, if that wasn't clear already with the redesign of weapons such as the Plasma Rifle and enemies like the Mancubus. I like where this is going.

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He looks so much like the classic Cyberdemon, and so against the aesthetic of the rest of the demons (no carapace, etc.) that I'm wondering if he's literally the OG Cyberdemon.

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Probably because of the awkward distance between the eyes.


The sprite also looks strange when facing the player directly, it looks better when looking at it from an angle.

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Glad to see my favorite demon back in all his classic glory.


Not like the 2016 one was bad or anything though.


Edited by TakenStew22

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4 hours ago, Taurus Daggerknight said:

He does look better in this shot, to be fair: 


Now that I've had a better look at him, he does look a bit odd. His calf muscle is bigger

than his thigh, his pectorals are strangely flat and his lower arms seems misshapen.

Edited by Urthar

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13 hours ago, Crackers0106 said:



Giving a good look to this picture I think the Cyberdemon looks really brutal. It has human pigment flesh with a very alien and aggressive looking bone structure.


In a way this is more suited with the Doom 3 / 2016 Hell Knights design. The fact that it has eyes and large horns suggests its superiority.

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12 hours ago, Shawny said:

I feel like this design makes sense.
As far as I remember, the 2016 Cyberdemon was a recreation from the DNA samples or something like that.

And this is the original, although I am curious how or why hell engineered the metalic parts, or if it was repaired by humans...

Who knows, I would like to find out.


Edit: After bit of thinking, how cool would be seeing the 2016 Cyberdemon in his original form, without the cybernetic parts.

If UAC was recreating something a "extincted" demon it was easier to replace the missing DNA with cybernetic implants.

That works for me. I actually liked the 2016 design but thought "Since this is a replication, this is the one and only Cybie."

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On 6/10/2019 at 7:25 AM, BoxY said:

It's much better for the cyber to have two eyes that you can look into as you blast its shit to pieces.


Are you sure?


On 3/13/2010 at 6:41 AM, Ralphis said:



Now on to the serious stuff:


On 6/10/2019 at 7:25 AM, BoxY said:

However he appears to have an all-metal pelvis now so the player can no longer take a moment to admire those juicy glutes, which is a major downgrade. More angles needed to confirm.


Well, as GTA: San Andreas taught us, there's always the hope of a "Hot Coffee" mod or something...


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Hey folks, I know this is technically a creative work, but since it is related to my critique of new throwback Cybie, I thought my doodles would be appropriate here:



I know a few people think that throwback Cybie looks a bit on the goofy side, and I agree. It's not necessarily a bad thing. Especially if it's in keeping with the sort of tongue in cheek vibe of the series reboot. I just wanted to illustrate that a throwback cyberdemon can be both faithful to the classic design, and still rather imposing. Or at least I want to attempt to illustrate the point with these little quick doodles. I would love to further explore the design in a more proper and complete full color illustration whenever I have some spare time (you know, like never). 

I'm hoping that the line drawing reasonably conveys a more menacing sort of psuedorealistic take on the old design. The portrait above is a bit of a riff on the old doom demon portraits from the original games. I personally would prefer to see more of a 3d render of this versus what is currently in game. Again, not that I think that the new take on the design is necessarily bad, it just looks a little like a pixar interpretation of ole cybie. To me at least.



So, here is my take on how to interpret the full body proportions of the cyberdemon into a more realistic setting. One thing that I think makes the throwback Cybie seem less serious is that his proportions aren't altered very much from the classic sprite. It almost makes him seem more like a parody with the large head and stumpy legs. One thing that ID got right with the 2016 cybermoose is a relatively small head and broad shoulders. I personally see the cyberdemon as monolithic, tall and terrible, so really exaggerated heroic proportions I feel would suit a reinterpretation of the design best. Small head, broad shoulders, and long legs would convey a towering, 25 foot tall super demon quite nicely, again, to me at least. 


So, I guess that about sums up my thoughts on this reinterpretation of an iconic classic. Please do keep in mind that these are more like preliminary studies than an actual finished work. There would like likely be a lot of aspects that would change between this, and a more finalized design. For example, I don't think the grotesque sinewy muscle reads properly in this sketch, I would probably make the musculature more grotesque, and just a little less comic book super hero.


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I'm not a big fan of this reimagined-classic incarnation, I find his skin to be too smooth. I always thought the original Cyberdemon had a brown leather-like skin.

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I liked Doom 2016s approach but I'm fine with Eternals one. It looks like a mix of cow, robot and demon - like the original one.

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Although his legs are bending the wrong way (which affects of overall strange pose of him) I think it's perfect. That one from 2016 is one of the biggest mistakes in game character design history.


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I can't believe how much praise or approval the 2016 Cybermoose is receiving since this demo, especially when back in the day it was the most criticised design of the entire game.


Maybe the current Cyberdemon could use a little more goat legs and lift some more weights, maybe. Regardless this design is a awesome throw back.


Maybe we need to see its butt before it gets a final approval.

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1 hour ago, Chezza said:

I can't believe how much praise or approval the 2016 Cybermoose is receiving since this demo, especially when back in the day it was the most criticised design of the entire game.


Maybe the current Cyberdemon could use a little more goat legs and lift some more weights, maybe. Regardless this design is a awesome throw back.


Maybe we need to see its butt before it gets a final approval.


It's the same story with the color. I remember Doom 2016's getting criticised on its first showing for being "too drab" and having "not enough color". Then when Doom Eternal is first revealed, people got mad and said it was "too cartoony". 

Can't please everyone. 

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