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PrBoom+ 2.6.66 (Jun 20, 2023)


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Well I solved the problem, sort of, but I'm not sure what causes it yet. I'm using software that causes the screen to dim to a sort of reddish/orange color under normal circumstances starting at around sunset (f.lux). After disabling it, the problem stops. However, I still need to manually select the "GZDoom" value even though it is already selected, for it to be applied.


F.lux obviously interacts with the software somehow but it's not expected behavior from the side of f.lux (it should not interfere with other applications and it should not randomly deselect gamma settings from those applications). Perhaps there is some system value (or values) that's changed by both the emulator and f.lux.


I didn't know before how to change the gamma settings from the menu, I do know now, so I'm good. By the way, before disabling f.lux, changing these values made no difference:


useglgamma                        6
usegamma                          1


but now they do. For the record:


Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz   2.81 GHz
NVidia GeForce GTX 1050
Windows 10



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4 minutes ago, Kotzugi said:

F.lux obviously interacts with the software somehow but it's not expected behavior from the side of f.lux (it should not interfere with other applications and it should not randomly deselect gamma settings from those applications). Perhaps there is some system value (or values) that's changed by both the emulator and f.lux.


Glad the issue has a workable resolution. Since that application is closed-source there is not much to go on. It sounds very much like conflicting settings are being applied, just as you suspect. Avoiding that program while recording seems like the best option here.

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Latest dev builds, as of commit 3e957d6 (June 22 2022).


Noteworthy changes since last official release (v2.6.2um, February 11 2022):

- sort resolutions by width first and associated fixes
- consider the case of only one available resolution
- fixed integer overflow that caused jagged motion after running for about 26 minutes
- UMAPINFO: fixed par times not loading for finale levels
- generate mixer buffer size from sample rate
- fixed mouse stuttering with uncapped framerate and VSync
- convert uppercase shortcut keys from UMAPINFO
- added complevel hints
- UMAPINFO: fixed nextsecret inconsistencies
- free temp footer buffers
- fixed mid-texture judder when upper and middle textures overlap
- optionally include wipe effect in video capture

+ console output



prboom-plus-20220622-w32.zip (Mediafire)

prboom-plus-20220622-w32.zip (Google Drive)



prboom-plus-20220622-w64.zip (Mediafire)

prboom-plus-20220622-w64.zip (Google Drive)


Required DLLs included. See the accompanying TXT files for details.

For a complete list of changes since last official release look here.


Edited by Never_Again
fixed 64-bit build

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18 hours ago, Never_Again said:


Latest dev builds, as of commit 3e957d6 (June 22 2022).


Noteworthy changes since last official release (v2.6.2um, February 11 2022):

- sort resolutions by width first and associated fixes
- consider the case of only one available resolution
- fixed integer overflow that caused jagged motion after running for about 26 minutes
- UMAPINFO: fixed par times not loading for finale levels
- generate mixer buffer size from sample rate
- fixed mouse stuttering with uncapped framerate and VSync
- convert uppercase shortcut keys from UMAPINFO
- added complevel hints
- UMAPINFO: fixed nextsecret inconsistencies
- free temp footer buffers
- fixed mid-texture judder when upper and middle textures overlap
- optionally include wipe effect in video capture

+ console output



prboom-plus-20220622-w32.zip (Mediafire)

prboom-plus-20220622-w32.zip (Google Drive)



prboom-plus-20220622-w64.zip (Mediafire)

prboom-plus-20220622-w64.zip (Google Drive)


Required DLLs included. See the accompanying TXT files for details.

For a complete list of changes since last official release look here.



Thank you so much mate :)

Edited by nobleflame

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On mercredi 29 juin 2022 at 11:12 PM, fabian said:

Isn't `colormaps[0]` usually a direct mapping to the palette colors? 

There's no guarantee about that, actually.


Take Doom's COLORMAP and look at it with a hex editor. You'll notice that while for the most part, the first 256 bytes are counting up in increments of 1, as expected, there are a few outliers. For example, #168 is 4. #190 is 45. #191 is 47. #208 is 4 again, and so is #224. #240 is 207. And lastly, #247 is 0.

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8 hours ago, Gez said:

There's no guarantee about that, actually.


Take Doom's COLORMAP and look at it with a hex editor. You'll notice that while for the most part, the first 256 bytes are counting up in increments of 1, as expected, there are a few outliers. For example, #168 is 4. #190 is 45. #191 is 47. #208 is 4 again, and so is #224. #240 is 207. And lastly, #247 is 0.


Yeah, but those are just duplicate colors in the palette. The code to generate the colormap presumably just chooses the first available color that matches each index so you get this result due to duplicates.

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2 hours ago, maxmanium said:

Yeah, but those are just duplicate colors in the palette.

Until you change the palette without updating the colormap.

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Hey, I have a problem with the source port. I've noticed that the mouse movement is a lot better with OpenGL than Software, it is much more precise and snappy unlike with Software mode which feels too floaty, but when I change it to OpenGL, my pc starts to make a high pitched noise, the lighting gets all fucked up and is much too dark, and when I look around the walls are weirdly distorted. Any idea what could be the cause of any of these issues? If you need any technical details I'll give them to you.

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7 minutes ago, abc said:

Hey, I have a problem with the source port. I've noticed that the mouse movement is a lot better with OpenGL than Software, it is much more precise and snappy unlike with Software mode which feels too floaty, but when I change it to OpenGL, my pc starts to make a high pitched noise, the lighting gets all fucked up and is much too dark, and when I look around the walls are weirdly distorted. Any idea what could be the cause of any of these issues? If you need any technical details I'll give them to you.


Technical details and screenshots would help. Also there are multiple OpenGL lighting modes; if you can post your PrBoom+ config that would help as well.

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All other lighting modes other than GLBoom make everything extremely bright and washed out, but for some reason the screenshots don't capture it or the wall distortions. But here is how the lighting is with GLBoom lighting mode selected.doom14.png.2dc63a6b6245dac493bbf2dfb73d10b9.pngdoom13.png.9c4c0ade507439db89592deb5d4da891.png

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6 minutes ago, abc said:

And do you want the config file?


Yes. What are your system specifications? Have you tried adjusting Gamma correction (default switching F11/F12)?


Have you tried disabling "uncapped framerate"?

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# Doom config file
# Format:
# variable   value

# System settings
process_priority              0

# Misc settings
default_compatibility_level     2
realtic_clock_rate          100
menu_background               1
max_player_corpse            32
flashing_hom                  0
demo_insurance                2
endoom_mode               0x5
level_precache                1
demo_smoothturns              0
demo_smoothturnsfactor        6

# Files
wadfile_1                 ""
wadfile_2                 ""
dehfile_1                 ""
dehfile_2                 ""

# Game settings
default_skill                 4
weapon_recoil                 0
doom_weapon_toggles           1
player_bobbing                1
weapon_attack_alignment       0
monsters_remember             1
monster_infighting            1
monster_backing               0
monster_avoid_hazards         1
monkeys                       0
monster_friction              1
help_friends                  0
allow_pushers                 1
variable_friction             1
player_helpers                0
friend_distance             128
dog_jumping                   1
sts_always_red                1
sts_pct_always_gray           0
sts_traditional_keys          0
show_messages                 1
autorun                       1

# Dehacked settings
deh_apply_cheats              1

# Compatibility settings
comp_zombie                   1
comp_infcheat                 0
comp_stairs                   0
comp_telefrag                 0
comp_dropoff                  0
comp_falloff                  0
comp_staylift                 0
comp_doorstuck                0
comp_pursuit                  0
comp_vile                     0
comp_pain                     0
comp_skull                    0
comp_blazing                  0
comp_doorlight                0
comp_god                      0
comp_skymap                   0
comp_floors                   0
comp_model                    0
comp_zerotags                 0
comp_moveblock                0
comp_sound                    0
comp_666                      0
comp_soul                     0
comp_maskedanim               0

# PrBoom-plus compatibility settings
comp_ouchface                 0
comp_maxhealth                0
comp_translucency             0

# Sound settings
snd_pcspeaker                 0
sound_card                   -1
music_card                   -1
pitched_sounds                0
samplerate                22050
sfx_volume                    8
music_volume                  0
mus_pause_opt                 1
snd_channels                 32
snd_midiplayer            "portmidi"
snd_soundfont             "TimGM6mb.sf2"
snd_mididev               ""
mus_extend_volume             0
mus_fluidsynth_chorus         1
mus_fluidsynth_reverb         1
mus_fluidsynth_gain          50
mus_opl_gain                 50

# Video settings
videomode                 "OpenGL"
screen_resolution         "1920x1080"
use_fullscreen                1
render_vsync                  0
translucency                  1
tran_filter_pct              66
screenblocks                 10
usegamma                      2
uncapped_framerate            0
test_interpolation_method     0
filter_wall                   1
filter_floor                  1
filter_sprite                 1
filter_z                      1
filter_patch                  1
filter_threshold          49152
sprite_edges                  0
patch_edges                   0

# OpenGL settings
gl_compatibility              0
gl_arb_multitexture           1
gl_arb_texture_compression     1
gl_arb_texture_non_power_of_two     1
gl_ext_arb_vertex_buffer_object     1
gl_arb_pixel_buffer_object     1
gl_arb_shader_objects         1
gl_ext_blend_color            1
gl_ext_framebuffer_object     1
gl_ext_packed_depth_stencil     1
gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic     1
gl_use_stencil                1
gl_use_display_lists          0
gl_finish                     1
gl_clear                      0
gl_ztrick                     0
gl_nearclip                   5
gl_colorbuffer_bits          32
gl_depthbuffer_bits          24
gl_texture_filter             0
gl_sprite_filter              0
gl_patch_filter               0
gl_texture_filter_anisotropic     3
gl_tex_format_string      "GL_RGBA"
gl_sprite_offset              0
gl_sprite_blend               0
gl_mask_sprite_threshold     50
gl_skymode                    0
gl_sky_detail                16
gl_use_paletted_texture       0
gl_use_shared_texture_palette     0

# Mouse settings
use_mouse                     1
mouse_sensitivity_horiz      10
mouse_sensitivity_vert        0
mouseb_fire                   0
mouseb_strafe                 1
mouseb_forward               -1
mouseb_backward              -1
mouseb_use                   -1

# Key bindings
key_right                 0xae
key_left                  0xac
key_up                    0x77
key_down                  0x73
key_mlook                 0x5c
key_menu_right            0xae
key_menu_left             0xac
key_menu_up               0xad
key_menu_down             0xaf
key_menu_backspace        0x7f
key_menu_escape           0x1b
key_menu_enter            0xd
key_menu_clear            0xc8
key_setup                 0x0
key_strafeleft            0x61
key_straferight           0x64
key_flyup                 0x2e
key_flydown               0x2c
key_fire                  0x9d
key_use                   0x20
key_strafe                0xb8
key_speed                 0xb6
key_savegame              0xbc
key_loadgame              0xbd
key_soundvolume           0xbe
key_hud                   0xbf
key_quicksave             0xc0
key_endgame               0xc1
key_messages              0xc2
key_quickload             0xc3
key_quit                  0xc4
key_gamma                 0xd7
key_spy                   0xd8
key_pause                 0xff
key_autorun               0xba
key_chat                  0x74
key_backspace             0x0
key_enter                 0xd
key_map                   0x9
key_map_right             0xae
key_map_left              0xac
key_map_up                0xad
key_map_down              0xaf
key_map_zoomin            0x3d
key_map_zoomout           0x2d
key_map_gobig             0x30
key_map_follow            0x66
key_map_mark              0x6d
key_map_clear             0x63
key_map_grid              0x67
key_map_rotate            0x72
key_map_overlay           0x6f
key_map_textured          0x0
key_reverse               0x2f
key_zoomin                0x3d
key_zoomout               0x2d
key_chatplayer1           0x67
key_chatplayer2           0x69
key_chatplayer3           0x62
key_chatplayer4           0x37
key_weapontoggle          0x30
key_weapon1               0x31
key_weapon2               0x32
key_weapon3               0x71
key_weapon4               0x7a
key_weapon5               0x63
key_weapon6               0x66
key_weapon7               0x72
key_weapon8               0x38
key_weapon9               0x39
key_nextweapon            0xeb
key_prevweapon            0xec
key_screenshot            0x12b

# Joystick settings
use_joystick                  0
joy_left                      0
joy_right                     0
joy_up                        0
joy_down                      0
joyb_fire                     0
joyb_strafe                   1
joyb_strafeleft               4
joyb_straferight              5
joyb_speed                    2
joyb_use                      3

# Chat macros
chatmacro0                "No"
chatmacro1                "I'm ready to kick butt!"
chatmacro2                "I'm OK."
chatmacro3                "I'm not looking too good!"
chatmacro4                "Help!"
chatmacro5                "You suck!"
chatmacro6                "Next time, scumbag..."
chatmacro7                "Come here!"
chatmacro8                "I'll take care of it."
chatmacro9                "Yes"

# Automap settings
mapcolor_back             0xf7
mapcolor_grid             0x68
mapcolor_wall             0x17
mapcolor_fchg             0x37
mapcolor_cchg             0xd7
mapcolor_clsd             0xd0
mapcolor_rkey             0xaf
mapcolor_bkey             0xcc
mapcolor_ykey             0xe7
mapcolor_rdor             0xaf
mapcolor_bdor             0xcc
mapcolor_ydor             0xe7
mapcolor_tele             0x77
mapcolor_secr             0xfc
mapcolor_exit             0x0
mapcolor_unsn             0x68
mapcolor_flat             0x58
mapcolor_sprt             0x70
mapcolor_item             0xe7
mapcolor_hair             0xd0
mapcolor_sngl             0xd0
mapcolor_me               0x70
mapcolor_enemy            0xb1
mapcolor_frnd             0x70
map_secret_after              0
map_point_coord               0
map_level_stat                1
automapmode               0x0
map_always_updates            1
map_grid_size               128
map_scroll_speed              8
map_wheel_zoom                1
map_use_multisamling          1
map_textured                  1
map_textured_trans          100
map_textured_overlay_trans    66
map_lines_overlay_trans     100
map_overlay_pos_x             0
map_overlay_pos_y             0
map_overlay_pos_width       320
map_overlay_pos_height      200
map_things_appearance         2

# Heads-up display settings
hudcolor_titl                 5
hudcolor_xyco                 3
hudcolor_mapstat_title        6
hudcolor_mapstat_value        2
hudcolor_mapstat_time         2
hudcolor_mesg                 6
hudcolor_chat                 5
hudcolor_list                 5
hud_msg_lines                 1
hud_list_bgon                 0
health_red                   25
health_yellow                50
health_green                100
armor_red                    25
armor_yellow                 50
armor_green                 100
ammo_red                     25
ammo_yellow                  50
ammo_colour_behaviour         2
hud_num                       6
hud_displayed                 0

# Prboom-plus key bindings
key_speedup               0x2a
key_speeddown             0x12d
key_speeddefault          0x12a
speed_step                    0
key_demo_skip             0xd2
key_level_restart         0xc7
key_nextlevel             0xd1
key_demo_jointogame       0x33
key_demo_endlevel         0xcf
key_walkcamera            0x130
key_showalive             0x12f

# Prboom-plus heads-up display settings
hudadd_gamespeed              0
hudadd_leveltime              0
hudadd_demotime               0
hudadd_secretarea             0
hudadd_smarttotals            0
hudadd_demoprogressbar        1
hudadd_crosshair              0
hudadd_crosshair_scale        0
hudadd_crosshair_color        3
hudadd_crosshair_health       0
hudadd_crosshair_target       0
hudadd_crosshair_target_color     9
hudadd_crosshair_lock_target     0

# Prboom-plus mouse settings
mouse_acceleration            0
mouse_sensitivity_mlook      10
mouse_doubleclick_as_use      1

# Prboom-plus demos settings
demo_extendedformat           1
demo_demoex_filename      ""
getwad_cmdline            ""
demo_overwriteexisting        1

# Prboom-plus game settings
movement_strafe50             0
movement_shorttics            0
interpolation_maxobjects      0

# Prboom-plus misc settings
showendoom                    1
screenshot_dir            ""
health_bar                    0
health_bar_full_length        1
health_bar_red               50
health_bar_yellow            99
health_bar_green              0

# Video capture encoding settings
cap_soundcommand          "oggenc2 -r -R %s -q 5 - -o output.ogg"
cap_videocommand          "x264 -o output.mp4 --crf 18 --muxer mp4 --demuxer raw --input-csp rgb --input-depth 8 --input-res %wx%h --fps %r -"
cap_muxcommand            "mkvmerge -o %f output.mp4 output.ogg"
cap_tempfile1             "output.ogg"
cap_tempfile2             "output.mp4"
cap_remove_tempfiles          1
cap_fps                      60

# Prboom-plus video settings
sdl_video_window_pos      "center"
palette_ondamage              1
palette_onbonus               1
palette_onpowers              1
render_wipescreen             1
render_screen_multiply        1
render_aspect                 0
render_doom_lightmaps         0
fake_contrast                 1
render_stretch_hud            1
render_patches_scalex         0
render_patches_scaley         0
render_stretchsky             1
sprites_doom_order            1
movement_mouselook            0
movement_maxviewpitch        90
movement_mouseinvert          0

# Prboom-plus OpenGL settings
gl_allow_detail_textures      1
gl_detail_maxdist             0
render_multisampling          0
render_fov                   90
gl_spriteclip                 2
gl_spriteclip_threshold      10
gl_sprites_frustum_culling     1
render_paperitems             0
gl_boom_colormaps             1
gl_hires_24bit_colormap       0
gl_texture_internal_hires     1
gl_texture_external_hires     0
gl_hires_override_pwads       0
gl_texture_hires_dir      ""
gl_texture_hqresize           0
gl_texture_hqresize_textures     0
gl_texture_hqresize_sprites     0
gl_texture_hqresize_patches     0
gl_motionblur                 0
gl_motionblur_min_speed   "21.36"
gl_motionblur_min_angle   "20.0"
gl_motionblur_att_a       "55.0"
gl_motionblur_att_b       "1.8"
gl_motionblur_att_c       "0.9"
gl_lightmode                  0
gl_light_ambient             20
gl_fog                        1
gl_fog_color              0x0
useglgamma                    6
gl_color_mip_levels           0
gl_shadows                    0
gl_shadows_maxdist         1000
gl_shadows_factor           128
gl_blend_animations           0

# Prboom-plus emulation settings
overrun_spechit_warn          0
overrun_spechit_emulate       1
overrun_reject_warn           0
overrun_reject_emulate        1
overrun_intercept_warn        0
overrun_intercept_emulate     1
overrun_playeringame_warn     0
overrun_playeringame_emulate     1
overrun_donut_warn            0
overrun_donut_emulate         0
overrun_missedbackside_warn     0
overrun_missedbackside_emulate     0

# Prboom-plus 'bad' compatibility settings
comperr_zerotag               0
comperr_passuse               0
comperr_hangsolid             0
comperr_blockmap              0
comperr_allowjump             0
comperr_freeaim               0

# Prboom-plus launcher settings
launcher_enable               1
launcher_history0         "doom2.wad|E:\Games\prboom-plus-\prboom-plus-\doom2.wad"
launcher_history1         ""
launcher_history2         ""
launcher_history3         ""
launcher_history4         ""
launcher_history5         ""
launcher_history6         ""
launcher_history7         ""
launcher_history8         ""
launcher_history9         ""

# Prboom-plus demo patterns list. Put your patterns here
demo_patterns_mask        "demo_pattern"
demo_pattern0             "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth/((lv)|(nm)|(pa)|(ty))\d\d.\d\d\d\.lmp/doom2.wad"
demo_pattern1             "DOOM 2: Plutonia Experiment/p(c|f|l|n|p|r|s|t)\d\d.\d\d\d\.lmp/doom2.wad|plutonia.wad"
demo_pattern2             "DOOM 2: TNT - Evilution/((e(c|f|v|p|r|s|t))|(tn))\d\d.\d\d\d\.lmp/doom2.wad|tnt.wad"
demo_pattern3             "The Ultimate DOOM/(((e|f|n|p|r|t|u)\dm\d)|(n\ds\d)).\d\d\d\.lmp/doom.wad"
demo_pattern4             "Alien Vendetta/a(c|f|n|p|r|s|t|v)\d\d.\d\d\d\.lmp/doom2.wad|av.wad|av.deh"
demo_pattern5             "Requiem/r(c|f|n|p|q|r|s|t)\d\d.\d\d\d\.lmp/doom2.wad|requiem.wad|req21fix.wad|reqmus.wad"
demo_pattern6             "Hell Revealed/h(c|e|f|n|p|r|s|t)\d\d.\d\d\d\.lmp/doom2.wad|hr.wad|hrmus.wad"
demo_pattern7             "Memento Mori/mm\d\d.\d\d\d\.lmp/doom2.wad|mm.wad|mmmus.wad"
demo_pattern8             "Memento Mori 2/m2\d\d.\d\d\d\.lmp/doom2.wad|mm2.wad|mm2mus.wad"

# Weapon preferences
weapon_choice_1               6
weapon_choice_2               9
weapon_choice_3               4
weapon_choice_4               3
weapon_choice_5               2
weapon_choice_6               8
weapon_choice_7               5
weapon_choice_8               7
weapon_choice_9               1

# Music
mus_e1m1                  "e1m1.mp3"
mus_e1m2                  "e1m2.mp3"
mus_e1m3                  "e1m3.mp3"
mus_e1m4                  "e1m4.mp3"
mus_e1m5                  "e1m5.mp3"
mus_e1m6                  "e1m6.mp3"
mus_e1m7                  "e1m7.mp3"
mus_e1m8                  "e1m8.mp3"
mus_e1m9                  "e1m9.mp3"
mus_e2m1                  "e2m1.mp3"
mus_e2m2                  "e2m2.mp3"
mus_e2m3                  "e2m3.mp3"
mus_e2m4                  "e2m4.mp3"
mus_e2m5                  "e1m7.mp3"
mus_e2m6                  "e2m6.mp3"
mus_e2m7                  "e2m7.mp3"
mus_e2m8                  "e2m8.mp3"
mus_e2m9                  "e3m1.mp3"
mus_e3m1                  "e3m1.mp3"
mus_e3m2                  "e3m2.mp3"
mus_e3m3                  "e3m3.mp3"
mus_e3m4                  "e1m8.mp3"
mus_e3m5                  "e1m7.mp3"
mus_e3m6                  "e1m6.mp3"
mus_e3m7                  "e2m7.mp3"
mus_e3m8                  "e3m8.mp3"
mus_e3m9                  "e1m9.mp3"
mus_inter                 "e2m3.mp3"
mus_intro                 "intro.mp3"
mus_bunny                 "bunny.mp3"
mus_victor                "victor.mp3"
mus_introa                "intro.mp3"
mus_runnin                "runnin.mp3"
mus_stalks                "stalks.mp3"
mus_countd                "countd.mp3"
mus_betwee                "betwee.mp3"
mus_doom                  "doom.mp3"
mus_the_da                "the_da.mp3"
mus_shawn                 "shawn.mp3"
mus_ddtblu                "ddtblu.mp3"
mus_in_cit                "in_cit.mp3"
mus_dead                  "dead.mp3"
mus_stlks2                "stalks.mp3"
mus_theda2                "the_da.mp3"
mus_doom2                 "doom.mp3"
mus_ddtbl2                "ddtblu.mp3"
mus_runni2                "runnin.mp3"
mus_dead2                 "dead.mp3"
mus_stlks3                "stalks.mp3"
mus_romero                "romero.mp3"
mus_shawn2                "shawn.mp3"
mus_messag                "messag.mp3"
mus_count2                "countd.mp3"
mus_ddtbl3                "ddtblu.mp3"
mus_ampie                 "ampie.mp3"
mus_theda3                "the_da.mp3"
mus_adrian                "adrian.mp3"
mus_messg2                "messag.mp3"
mus_romer2                "romero.mp3"
mus_tense                 "tense.mp3"
mus_shawn3                "shawn.mp3"
mus_openin                "openin.mp3"
mus_evil                  "evil.mp3"
mus_ultima                "ultima.mp3"
mus_read_m                "read_m.mp3"
mus_dm2ttl                "dm2ttl.mp3"
mus_dm2int                "dm2int.mp3"



Adjusting gamma correction fixed the darkness problem, and capped framerate fixes the wall distortion. My OS is Win 7 x64.

Also for some reason it says I can't make any more posts today, so I have to edit this one.

Edited by abc
I made 3 posts and can't make any more per day?!?!?!?!?!

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20 minutes ago, abc said:


Adjusting gamma correction fixed the darkness problem, and capped framerate fixes the wall distortion


Ok - the distortion you're talking about sounds like tearing; unless you are dissatisfied you may keep framerate capped to resolve this. If not you may try enabling V-sync, and/or try tweaking V-sync settings in your drivers if you have those.


The gamma switching fixing it seems like a settings change issue of some kind; if it's resolved with adjusted gamma then just continue to use those working settings.

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  • 1 month later...

Is there some way to return the bug that caused the Chaingun to make the firing sound twice while only having 1 bullet left in its chamber?

I'm asking because I want the game to behave exactly like the classic Doom engine on complevels 2 and 3, and I REALLY don't appreciate PrBoom+ fixing random bugs like this without the simple option to turn them back on...

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7 minutes ago, Legatron17 said:

Is there some way to return the bug that caused the Chaingun to make the firing sound twice while only having 1 bullet left in its chamber?

I'm asking because I want the game to behave exactly like the classic Doom engine on complevels 2 and 3, and I REALLY don't appreciate PrBoom+ fixing random bugs like this without the simple option to turn them back on...


Not really. This was probably fixed across the board since it doesn't affect demos. It's not really sensible to muddy up the codebase with an option for this fix since most people don't mind. You'd probably need to fork the codebase and change it yourself in a new build. This particular change doesn't seem like it would be too difficult tho if you cared to go that route.

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45 minutes ago, Legatron17 said:

Is there some way to return the bug that caused the Chaingun to make the firing sound twice while only having 1 bullet left in its chamber?

I'm asking because I want the game to behave exactly like the classic Doom engine on complevels 2 and 3, and I REALLY don't appreciate PrBoom+ fixing random bugs like this without the simple option to turn them back on...

dsda-doom still seems to preserve that bug, so maybe try that. That said, Chocolate Doom/Crispy Doom would be a better starting point for a "pure" vanilla experience.

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39 minutes ago, maxmanium said:


Not really. This was probably fixed across the board since it doesn't affect demos. It's not really sensible to muddy up the codebase with an option for this fix since most people don't mind. You'd probably need to fork the codebase and change it yourself in a new build. This particular change doesn't seem like it would be too difficult tho if you cared to go that route.

Nevermind, I figured it out. There is an option in the compatibility settings titled "Retain quirks in Doom's sound code" that brings back the buggy Chaingun sound among other sound related things. I still find it kind of weird though how it isn't activated by default when using complevels 2 and 3, but at least there's an option, so I take back my comment.

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Will PRB+UM ever get MBF21 support? I'm aware it's in maintenance mode but I'm not really sure why it shouldn't be there otherwise.

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So there's an issue with PrBoom+ that's been annoying me for quite some time. Whenever you only have an IWAD loaded (e.g. "prboom-plus.exe -iwad DOOM -complevel 3") and wait in the title screen until a demo plays and eventually ends, the original credits screen that's supposed to appear gets replaced with the PrBoom+ credits screen. I'm assuming this is a bug, since this doesn't happen whenever you have an additional PWAD loaded that includes a custom credits screen. Oddly enough though, the bug doesn't happen whenever you just drag & drop the IWAD into prboom-plus.exe. Would be awesome if you guys could fix this in the next update!

Edited by Legatron17

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2 hours ago, Legatron17 said:

So there's an issue with PrBoom+ that's been annoying me for quite some time. Whenever you only have an IWAD loaded (e.g. "prboom-plus.exe -iwad DOOM -complevel 3") and wait in the title screen until a demo plays and eventually ends, the original credits screen that's supposed to appear gets replaced with the PrBoom+ credits screen. I'm assuming this is a bug, since this doesn't happen whenever you have an additional PWAD loaded that includes a custom credits screen. Oddly enough though, the bug doesn't happen whenever you just drag & drop the IWAD into prboom-plus.exe. Would be awesome if you guys could fix this in the next update!


There's no bug here; this is just how PrBoom+ behaves. If no CREDIT lump is loaded then a PrBoom+ credit screen is shown.


5 hours ago, maxmanium said:

Will PRB+UM ever get MBF21 support? I'm aware it's in maintenance mode but I'm not really sure why it shouldn't be there otherwise.


Realistically, no. Is there any reason not to use dsda-doom where mbf21 support is desired, though?

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2 hours ago, Legatron17 said:

So there's an issue with PrBoom+ that's been annoying me for quite some time. Whenever you only have an IWAD loaded (e.g. "prboom-plus.exe -iwad DOOM -complevel 3") and wait in the title screen until a demo plays and eventually ends, the original credits screen that's supposed to appear gets replaced with the PrBoom+ credits screen. I'm assuming this is a bug, since this doesn't happen whenever you have an additional PWAD loaded that includes a custom credits screen. Oddly enough though, the bug doesn't happen whenever you just drag & drop the IWAD into prboom-plus.exe. Would be awesome if you guys could fix this in the next update!

That's intentional, it replaces the credits screen if the CREDIT lump comes from the IWAD (M_DrawCredits), but allows PWADs to override it with their own. The CREDIT screen is displayed later in the sequence regardless, though - just wait a couple more demos (this is the sequence defined for each game mode). If you drag & drop the IWAD onto the executable, you're loading it as a PWAD, so the PWAD rules would apply.

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10 hours ago, Shepardus said:

That's intentional, it replaces the credits screen if the CREDIT lump comes from the IWAD (M_DrawCredits), but allows PWADs to override it with their own. The CREDIT screen is displayed later in the sequence regardless, though - just wait a couple more demos (this is the sequence defined for each game mode). If you drag & drop the IWAD onto the executable, you're loading it as a PWAD, so the PWAD rules would apply.

Thank you for the thorough explanation, I understand now. I agree that if a PWAD doesn't have a unique CREDITS lump, the PrBoom+ credits should show up after every title screen demo ending. I think that it would be a good idea though to have an exception built in for when ONLY a commercial IWAD is loaded, that the CREDITS lump from said IWAD is then always shown after every demo ending, because in a sense, the IWAD's CREDITS lump is its own unique lump. Alternatively, there could also be a miscellaneous option to toggle whether or not you want the IWAD's credits to be replaced by the PrBoom+ credits.

I'd imagine something like this makes more sense:


Edited by Legatron17

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I think it would make more sense to show the CREDIT lump after the first demo, then the PrBoom+ credits after the second in all cases.

Edited by Andromeda

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13 hours ago, JadingTsunami said:

Realistically, no. Is there any reason not to use dsda-doom where mbf21 support is desired, though?

Showing off your ASCII art skillz in ENDOOM, I guess? That was the lump all that drama was over, right?

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Has translucency on this port always been universally active regardless of complevel? I'm seeing translucent projectiles in -cl 2-4.


I'm an idiot -- I apparently requested this to be the case over a year ago on GitHub but completely forgot about it. I thought the compatibility option wasn't working, but it just requires a restart.

Edited by maxmanium

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  • 2 weeks later...


When I open prboom+ it tells me that it is infected by a virus, I should worry about that.

thanks greetings

Edited by lastplayer

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16 hours ago, lastplayer said:


When I open prboom+ it tells me that it is infected by a virus, I should worry about that.

thanks greetings

Its a false positive. No need to worry

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