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Just a quick note: The UTD CGC is getting on this weekend. Rumour has it some of the id guys are gonna be a the conference party tomorow night. Wondering if you forums mugs have any questions or messages you want me to pass on in the off-chance I can actually talk to somebody there.

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We have real 3D world,ragdoll physics,real time lighting,what`s next?
How is the progress of nerve Co-developed game?
Chance of DOOM3test?
Any non-id (fps) game do you like?
wish them luck

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Ask them if they plan on adding any stupid little violence locks to make the whiney parents happy. Also ask if they plan on putting any easter eggs into Doom 3.

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Shaviro said:

Ask them how they put up with their whiney fans =)

I second that one.

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I'd like to know if we will be able to import 3d objects in the game. Also what format would they be, like .lwo (Lightwave object) .lws (ligthwave scene), 3d max, etc... or if it's totally a new format they created.

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Ask them what they have planned for a add-on, suggesty co op focused stuff

to me thats the only major thing they left out, i hope some good mappers can make co-op maps

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Tell them (if they haven't already done so) to get somebody to come in here and look at some of these threads, and incorporate some of the very few good ideas into the game. Then if they put out a demo before the full version release, there'll be less to fill in when they get the feedback from the demo, and the release date might be earlier.
All of this is dependent on the condition that I'm not flamed too hell^ which means that I made some sense.

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No one (currently) from id showed up, sadly. I split after about an hour and a half of the "party"; the door prizes were gone and the rest of it was people waiting to get on a Q3A machine or trying to find the people who signed up for the Smash Bros and DDR tourneys. And all the snacks and Bawls vanished within the first ten minutes. :P Tom Hall and the Ritual crew gave some good presentations though.

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Dark-tenshi said:

Did Tom Hall talk about his next game?

Nope. Mostly talked about The Big Secret To Creating A Game.

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