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Slade 3 importing flat issue

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I'm having an issue with importing a flat from cc4-tex.wad callled RROCK4BK. Basically when I import this flat with Slade3 and convert it to Doom (Flat), it turns into "Unknown" and the texture doesn't show up. Someone know what causes this ?

(It only happens with that particular flat not with others btw)

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This happens if the graphic isn't 64x64 in size iirc

if it isnt 64x64 i dont think you can use it in vanilla doom anyway and if your using zdoom you can use textures on floors and ceilings

Edited by unpleasantmarine

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Flats in doom need to be 64x64 and they need to be placed between markers called FF_START and FF_END. If you place a would be flat outside those markers the game and SLADE won't know how to handle the graphic.

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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keep in mind, sometimes slade messes up and can't read the filetype even if you do everything correctly (happens to me all the time). it should still work in game, and if you restart slade it will display the file properly (assuming there are no other issues with it)

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Guest Unregistered account

Chances are you did everything right. Doom's flat format is so basic that Slade won't recognize it without appropriate markers. If you re-open the WAD with the flats inside the correct markers, they should appear as flats.

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