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TAS Tutorial Part 1 - How to install and get XDRE 2.20 to run on Windows 10

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1. Where to get XDRE 2.20?


You can download XDRE 2.20 from here.


Once the page loaded, click on xdre-2.20-msw.zip and then click on Ansicht im Originalformat (see Figure 1), the download prompt of your browser should open up and you should be able to download that file now. Be aware, my system language is set to German and the German text above roughly translates to "Show original format".




Click on Ansicht im Originalformat (translation: "Show original format)

Figure 1


Extract the zip file to a place of your choice, for example C:/Games/Doom/XDRE 2.20.


After extracting the files you can try to run xdre.exe. If an unusual blue window pops up, then calmly click on Weitere Informationen (translation: "More information") and then on Trotzdem ausführen (translation: "continue") (see Figure 2).




Click on Weitere Informationen (translation: "more information")


Click on Trotzdem ausführen (translation: "continue")

Figure 2


2. Why doesn't it still run?


XDRE needs an IWAD to be able to run. For that, just copy and paste an IWAD of your choice (e.g. if you want to run Doom 2 or a PWAD based on Doom 2 then you can for example copy and paste your doom2.wad or freedoom2.wad into your XDRE folder. The same goes for Doom 1 or Plutonia or TNT.)


If you try to open xdre.exe now, then you should hopefully see a black window popping up. Even if it might seem strange, that black window means that XDRE has opened up successfully! Now, drag the black window a bit to the side, this should reveal you a second window (see Figure 3). This second window is where you can input your commands and read specific stats about your Doommarine and the map (we will have a further look into this in Part 2 of our Tutorial).




Drag the PrBoom-Plus (XDRE 2.20) window to the side to reveal the second XDRE 2.20 window hiding behind it.


Yay! We successfully got XDRE to run!

Figure 3


3. Why didn't we download XDRE 2.21?


That version of XDRE doesn't really work.


4. Where did XDRE come from?


As you could see on Figure 2 already, it reads Herausgeber: Unbekannter Herausgeber (translation: "Author: Unknown Author"). As far as I could gather (thanks to @Looper and @38_ViTa_38) the creator of XDRE is @xepop. Xepop built XDRE from DRE 2 (Doom Replay Editor 2). Though, XDRE 2.14 up to XDRE 2.21 were created by Vita. However, as a coincidence, there are 2.14 and 2.17 by both Vita and Xepop.

Edited by rodster

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I was going to record a full tutorial of how to make Doom TAS demos after my university exams are over, but you're first =)

Nice start, rodster! Looking for your part 2 to ask you first questions about the configuration since it's different from XDRE 2.14.

Also mention there about xdre.ini somewhere inside the system

Edited by Dimon12321

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32 minutes ago, Dimon12321 said:

I was going to record a full tutorial of how to make Doom TAS demos after my university exams are over, but you're first =)

Nice start, rodster! Looking for your part 2 to ask you first qustions about the configuration since it's different from XDRE 2.14.

Also mention there about xdre.ini somewhere inside the system

Thank you!


I'd gladly watch the video tutorial and I believe others would enjoy it too!! Sometimes video tutorials are more easy and better to follow, I think it depends on the reader/viewer on an individual level.


Edit: Part 2 is not quite fully done so to say xD. Might take some time.

Edited by rodster

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38 minutes ago, rodster said:

Edit: Part 2 is not quite fully done so to say xD. Might take some time.

BTW, you can use this piece of material as well.

Edited by Dimon12321

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