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What is your favourite episode 1 level?

What is your favourite episode 1 level?  

85 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favourite episode 1 level?

    • E1M1 - Hangar
    • E1M2 - Nuclear Plant
    • E1M3 - Toxin Refinery
    • E1M4 - Command Control
    • E1M5 - Phobos Lab
    • E1M6 - Central Processing
    • E1M7 - Computer Station
    • E1M8 - Phobos Anomaly
    • E1M9 - Military Base

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Since all other episodes had their favourite level voting threads so I guess E1 should have one too. My favourite is E1M7.

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That would be:

Military Base 1st

Phobos Lab 2nd

Toxin Refinery 3rd


As discovering Doom through E1, I pretty much love all maps from Knee Deep in the Dead.

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Toxin rafinery.

It has a beautiful layout and the best secrets in E1. I remember the first time I played it and went for the blue key. That ambush was pure fear for a small child (and there is no lamp in UV, something that shows how deep is the thing placement in this map).

The yellow keycard being completly optional, the leak of the soulsphere and generally the level of secrets interconnections make this map my favourite

Edited by Simomarchi

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E1M2 is the most nostalgic for me and has my favorite song in Doom. Also Bill Gates was in it once. I'd pick this one as my favorite.

E1M4 was really scary as a little kid back then, because it's the first map to have a Demon on easy... in a maze. It would even make me quit the game sometimes.

E1M5 is dark and creepy. and has some fun barrell kills. It's the first map a lot of people saw.

E1M7 is the most badass and epic map in the episode.


I love E1.

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E1M2, E1M3, E1M4, E1M5, E1M7.


If I had to cut some, I choose E1M2 and E1M7. I especially love the PSX version of those levels.

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E1... for me lots of maps in the middle of the pack if ranking the entire Ultimate Doom. None near the top and none near the bottom. But for the episode itself I would say my ranking, with horizontal space being relevant, is this:


6  97   4   2 1  3  8    5


They're all pretty close though. Ask me again next year and it might be completely different.




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I think it's a hard battle between E1M3 and E1M7, both of them are interesting as hell!

I voted for E1M3 because I usually find it's more fun! Instant action, Pinkies appear for the first time, same with rocket launcher, and secrets are cool!
Gotta say that E1M7's secrets are awesome, even cooler than E1M3's. But I feel that, while being interesting, it's also kind of a large map so it's a little bit tedious for me and the designs/brightness of the map don't appeal to me as much as E1M3.

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So many great maps in this episode.  I voted E1M7 overall, because for me the layout and flow of this map epitomises good design for a typical Doom level.


Followed closely by E1M8. Which is there for opposite reasons -- I love the weird atmosphere, visuals, and final moments of this map. Spiky architecture, eye-popping red panels, nukage on the ceiling, barons, the biggest area seen so far and an unexpected downer ending. An excellent departure from E1.


E1M3, M5 also very good. the chain 'o' secrets of M3 is fantastic and the ending area looks very cool. But M5 has the best combat scenario in all of E1 imo, when you get attacked from all sides at the bottom of the circular area with the two lowering pillars.


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E1M2 , holds a lot of nostalgia for me. Grabbing that chaingun from outside always takes me back.

Edited by Eurisko

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They're all brilliant, but E1M8 wins for me simply down to atmosphere.  The music, the weird architecture, the Baron fight, the way the walls lower, that ending.  It's the probably the most cinematic map in all of Doom 1.  

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Military Base was terrifying and mysterious, way back when. Probably was my favorite. But Computer Station is just perfection. More secrets, more combat, more wonderfully interconnected areas, more exploration, more of everything that made E1 great. Otherwise, well all the levels are great. Command Control in particular.

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It may seem linear and boring when you compare it to many other iconic Doom maps, but it did a phenomenal job of setting the stage for one of the most influential video games of all time, teasing you with a massive sprawling world outside and letting you explore it via a very satisfying first secret. It also shoved the newfound concept of verticality in a FPS right in your face: here's an imp throwing a fireball at you from above.


It had just the right level of detail and diversion, as well.


This was the level I fell in love with over 25 years ago, and this is why I still play Doom to this day.

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E1M5 because it's full of action and has a good layout. Plus there's a lot of good opportunities to use the rocket launcher.

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E1M3: Toxin Refinery. Brilliant layout, plays awesomely and has my favourite track from the soundtrack (Dark Halls).

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E1M5 has nice flow and plays well on dm. I used to watch the v1.8 demo after switching from Doom95 to DOS in the late 90s.

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