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I've got another level for you. It's in the map12 slot. It's an old jungle map that has been significantly redone visually. The gameplay is still mostly intact though. Hopefully it's not too bad. There's a lot of stupid jump scare insta-pop traps that I used to like to do. Also it's probably the most non-linear map in the wad probably. Difficulty-wise, just choose whatever you want. Canine or Top Dog will both probably be fine, although you might have trouble on Top Dog.



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2 minutes ago, Arbys550 said:

There's a lot of stupid jump scare insta-pop traps that I used to like to do.


Errmmmm i do that alot in my maps..was that a indirect shot at me? :D

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9 minutes ago, Austinado said:


Errmmmm i do that alot in my maps..was that a indirect shot at me? :D

Haha no I didn't know you did that!

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16 hours ago, Austinado said:

@TheStupidestBeing sure thing, but just to remind you that im not your servent, so...say "Hello, or "if you could play or record this ". Being a little polite is still free in times of quarantine.

Sry, i'm not really creative with comments and stuff, but i will take that for the future

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Hey mate, I watched your playthrough. Appreciate it! Too bad you got frustrated I actually thought this map was way too easy, maybe a bit more ammo. About the progression, I try to make my maps more open. It's up to the player what they want to explore and how. There's not really a limitation in how to progress. The only switch that actually opens the final bars to the exit is the one where the two Revenants and Imps go out. Maybe I should mark them like the dude said on your stream. But otherwise everything else is optional. So most switches open bars or a door to a previous place like the one in the building with the Mancubi that one lowers the bars in the first building with the shotgunners and it gives access to the ammo on top of the cross pillar with the hooks. And the secrets are well hidden, otherwise what's the point? As the dude said no, this map doesn't rely on secrets to get ammo. Only weapons or health/armor in the sense of blue armor or spheres. But the optional areas all hold a secret somewhere. I really thing I've improved on architecture and mood. It really depends on the taste like the music, I prefer the PS1/64 ports of Doom over the original. 


Also the enemies are just the original Doom 2 monsters, so it's weird that you thought they were hard too kill. Didn't changed anything about them. But the Revenant on the tower is a bit hard to kill I admit. Probably because of the mid texture. I will send you some more from my project but I have to take some time. I actually worked about 2 months on this map and still not satisfied.



Edited by Casketkrusher

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I've watched your stream about the first map of the arena, i will try to get the textures better, also, i lost the first map but i recreated it and tried to make it better.

I try to aim for short and simple maps with the goal right in front of you, i will try to place the monsters in a better place, i will fix the door and add more variety of textures.

Thx :D

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BY @Casketkrusher


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The mapper gave a response here in the forum, he watched the stream. He worked about 2 months in the map and that is fair. I can see alot of work is done there, and i liked the map. Like i said in the stream, for me its a little bit akward play doom maps without any music, but of course i respect the taste that everyone has. The main frustration i had with this map was the fact that everytime i get to river i had to be teleported to the "hub center". There could be a better way instead of that, but its not a big deal since the map is small in area. Yes a little bit more of ammo would be nice..even a chainsaw could make a diference. I felt a little difficulty on killing some monsters, the mapper says its weird because they are normal Doom2 monsters, well...probably my noobness came more to me than it should... :D

Still, from what i remember of his project, this is a good direction wich the project is going to. 

Hope to see more of your work! Thanks for the request!






= You can follow me on TWITCH ( https://www.twitch.tv/austinado_) =




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BY @TheStupidestBeing


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Its a first map, and the mapper already knows what i said in stream. Basically, this a beggining where alot of work has to be done. Starting from the beggining, middle and end. Its a long process...but a start has been done. Congrats for that and best of luck in your evolution. Never give up and keep on going!

Thanks for the request!


STARTS AT 1:28:30




= You can follow me on TWITCH ( https://www.twitch.tv/austinado_) =



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BY @Error-404


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We have a first release here, and the basics...the very basics are there. I have the feeling the mapper did this one, never done more after this and prpbably the motive is beacuse he did not get much of response for his work. Making a map in two days is very easy..for a mapper who has experince and good knolidge on mapping. I advise (and this is just an opinion) to take your time making a map...study well your objectives, your style, and everything that envolves the project. It surely will take more than 2 days. Practice and practice..and testing. Either way, its a first release and congratulations...keep on working and best of luck for future releases.

Thanks for the request!


STARTS AT 1:35:10




= You can follow me on TWITCH ( https://www.twitch.tv/austinado_) =



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BY @MissMelee


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Miss MAY-LAY is giving the first release of her work, and we can expect someone who probably will give us more maps in the future. Its interesting the ambition we have here in this map. There is triggers with linedefs, some playing around with lights, some progression around the center of the map. When i was playing the map, the mapper was with us on the stream, giving her ideas, the ways she work...and i can see ambition there. Good for you! Congratulations for the first release. Of course she noticed that there is more work to be done here...alot. And the process of doing maps its like that. Practice and pick advises so can improve in the future. Thanks alot for the request and keep up the work...you will surely get there with that ambition.


STARTS AT 1:44:24





= You can follow me on TWITCH ( https://www.twitch.tv/austinado_) =



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BY @Arbys550


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I have played maps of this mapper before and his style is there. In my opinion this is a good map, wich can be challenging, but at same time knowing the behavior of the monsters and giving BFG like that, can make things easier. Sure, i died alot of times, i could have been more carefull and in the overall this map is more than acceptable to be included in his project. Enjoyed the map and hope to see more in the future...i do have pleasure playing this maps!

Thanks alot for the request!


STARTS AT 2:24:39



= You can follow me on TWITCH ( https://www.twitch.tv/austinado_) =





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BY @Mr. LBN 


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The mapper did some changes, and now it was a very different story. For the good side i mean. Seven maps, full of challenge and we get the necessary time to adjust ourselves to the monsters, to the weapons and we learn  patience to open our eyes. The mapper was on the stream, and could get good reactions, from me and from the viewers as well.

It was  intriguing at first. What would come from this update? Well more ammo, health...and more " justice " of the game and the player. It got into me...I believe at the time of map03 or map 04...i was enjoying the challenge and soon we got to map 07. One think is for sure...this update on monsters, weapons made all the diference...and i hope to see more maps in the future and play the final result of this project will be a great challenge. Thanls for the request and standing by in stream!


STARTS AT 3:16:40



= You can follow me on TWITCH ( https://www.twitch.tv/austinado_) =



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Thanks for the feedback! Really appreciate that you took the time to play it. I sometimes watch your streams from time to time, you're doing a great job!



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1 hour ago, Austinado said:



BY @TheStupidestBeing


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Its a first map, and the mapper already knows what i said in stream. Basically, this a beggining where alot of work has to be done. Starting from the beggining, middle and end. Its a long process...but a start has been done. Congrats for that and best of luck in your evolution. Never give up and keep on going!

Thanks for the request!


STARTS AT 1:28:30




= You can follow me on TWITCH ( https://www.twitch.tv/austinado_) =



Thanks for the feedback, i think tomorrow i will complete all the 6 levels with new challenges 

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Thanks again! Everything pretty much went as intended. I think I'll add an archvile or two to the bfg fight to make it harder and more interesting.

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On 4/16/2020 at 11:50 AM, Austinado said:


Thanks alot!


Brutal wad man.


I did a blind run until my death in Map 02 (dead in 30 mins). I wasn't doing any saves, just to see how far I would get. This wad is probably a lot easier with multiple quicksaves. I can imagine it gets even more heavy in the later maps. I'll surely play them all the way through later.

I had fun with this wad. I felt like Rambo in some moments. It got quite frantic. I enjoyed the custom sprites a lot. It made each encounter surprising.

Here's the vid;



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21 minutes ago, eye.lid said:


Brutal wad man.


I did a blind run until my death in Map 02 (dead in 30 mins). I wasn't doing any saves, just to see how far I would get. This wad is probably a lot easier with multiple quicksaves. I can imagine it gets even more heavy in the later maps. I'll surely play them all the way through later.

I had fun with this wad. I felt like Rambo in some moments. It got quite frantic. I enjoyed the custom sprites a lot. It made each encounter surprising.

Here's the vid;




@eye.lid Thank you very much man! I am much apreciated!! Glad you enjoyed. Answering to you...yes, the onward maps will get harder, and i think that is the objective. I would advise yes that you should use quicksaves...there will be hard times in the maps. I noticed that its not showing the monsters from the mod..(imps,revenants, chaingunners). I dont know if you are uploading the files correctly has the video is presented below :




You are not supposed to use the assultriffle but the machinegun instead. So i believe maybe you are using other sourceport than GZDOOM and not following the steps above?

Again,very much apreciated and hope to see more videos of my project in the future! Cheers!

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Do you remembuhrr me? (do you remembuhrr vodka?) Well, i have completed The Arena, it took me 3 days to complete and it has 6 maps with 2 challenges each (map03 and map06 only have one) i hope i made it  better than the demo i sent you.

As always, use GZDoom, i tested with it.

thank you for incentivating me to make a public WAD :D

The Arena.zip

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