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If you get a chance to try my 3-map WAD let me know:

I'd maybe suggest trying it on ULTRA VIOLENCE as I think its skill level seems more in line with original Doom 2's on UV IMO (than most WADs I try) but that's of course up to you!


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32 minutes ago, Austinado said:

Experience on mapping sure gives its results after only 5 hours of speedmapping. we have here a good map. Because there is a diference of nice map and good map, and for me this is a good map. Not big in size or monster count, but with challenging gameplay and more than solid visuals. Fun is guaranteed...and that..its all that matters. I think this mapper could put himself to do a good and nice project...but he is the only one who can answer that. We need more of this.

Thanks for the request!


Thank YOU for your greatest feedback, i hope you really enjoy the map as i enjoy made to them. Great map indeed, but not a perfect for me.

About project, like a was sayed - i have them already, about 10 and some in plans. . . (Oh god, what am i doing with my life) Well, once upon a time MAN_WITH_GUN will finish AT LEAST one of them. But, as you sayed, "boohoo" they are way too hard to finish them. . .for my laziness :P


Edited by MAN_WITH_GUN

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4 hours ago, Austinado said:



BY @Bidoof Slayer


Forum Thread


I did played these maps a while ago, in this same forum thread. I saw Final Release and i tought the mapper did changes in all the maps. At first, (i think about the 3 first maps) i guess some changes were really done, but afterwards i realized that much of the things that should have been fixed...were not. There is alot of "fixing" to do here, and i  think the mapper had more than time to do that. The maps are not very long (wich is not a bad thig) either the monster count, some textures are mixed in various ways, some textures simply dont belong where they are and at the end, mainly the things i said before about this WAD...maintains. I would recomend the mapper to look again and again within his maps...because improvement is always an option, and in this case...i think is mandatory. More comments in the video.

Thanks for the request !



STARTS AT 1:40:12





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Thank you very much for your feedbacks. I wasn't able to see your live before so I'll see it right now :)

Edited by Bidoof Slayer

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BY @MatthewPhillips


Forum Thread


So basically i dont have big things to adress here in terms of major flaws, and that is good. I think for a project started in 1996, it holds well for today gameplay. Its fluid gameplay, the visuals are more than acceptable with careness in lights, details of design. There are some things that i dont agree like using switches pressed on (it might confuse the player), lava textures on the ceiling (because it makes no sense) and personally i dont like to see Nazi references on the walls...but that is just me. Being the gameplay fluid, i consider the challenge light+, mainly because we have a straight nice balance of ammo and health and giving good weaponary to fight barons and all upgraded monsters was a easier way. Not a bad way at all, but the combat does not get a chore.

Overall, i think this mapper should not wait another 24 years to continue mapping and why not continue the project? In my opinion he should. 

Thanks for the request!







= You can follow me on TWITCH ( https://www.twitch.tv/austinado_) =


Edited by Austinado

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BY @boojum snark


Forum Thread


We have good material here with some issues that should be fixed and probably will rise more challenge if its done so (in my opinion of course).

Lava and Nukage textures on the floor are not pain sectors, wich is not normal, and this would dramatically change the challenge, but in the same way if changed the mapper have to balance again the health objects as well. I got caught trapped in a "well" (i think its map02) with no switch to leave..i had to "idclip" myself from there so i could continue to play..or else i would die from age. If there is an escapatory from there it should be better caught to the eye.

Misalignments, first map is more noticeable, and that is easy to fix. By the way...no secrets at all? At least one or two secrets per map is a right way to go with.


From map03 and so on, i enjoyed more the gameplay. There is better choice on textures, more details and from there until the end we get more challenge and i have no complaints about ammo/health balance. 

Last map, a little disapointed of the end. One Cyber is not much of threat if you have the ammo i had, and i got a little confused how to finish the map, and there he was Jonny in the Darkness. I think i heard about an Archville in the neighbourhood but im not sure now. Still, that last part could be better...and it deserves better.


Overall i enjoyed, and i congratulate the mapper for its first release. I think this is the right path...and i think the mapper had a great start. Surely i hope to see more in the future and thank you for the request!



STARTS AT 1:25:37




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19 minutes ago, Austinado said:



BY @MatthewPhillips


There are some things that i dont agree like using switches pressed on (it might confuse the player), lava textures on the ceiling (because it makes no sense) and personally i dont like to see Nazi references on the walls...but that is just me. 

I'll look into the switch issues, thank you! In some spots I wanted people to think they were pulling the power and I am not sure that concept came across.

The lava textures on the ceiling have to stay as that's part of the "hell" motif, but I did try and mix it up with rock (and such) in some parts.

Something I am noticing is that every player is missing one Archvile + Berserk room in Level 3. You missed it, and Clippy did too. Suitepee didn't miss it as I actually added that room (and quite a bit of stuf) after Suitepee had already streamed it (he played a much older version). You can only get to this room from the big elevator that brings you down. (You can go up and down that elevator as much as you want BTW).

You didn't explore Level 3 as much as 1 or 2 so I am wondering if you were bored or distracted. Missed a tonne of stuff (not just secrets)   :)

Thanks again for playing, and I am adding your name to the THANK YOUs in my text file that comes with the map.


Edited by MatthewPhillips

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1 minute ago, MatthewPhillips said:

P.S. It's "WRATH", i.e. Thy WRATH Unleashed :)


LoooL sorry about that..ill fix that right now.

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14 minutes ago, Austinado said:

There are some things that i dont agree like lava textures on the ceiling (because it makes no sense)


Sandy Petersen wants a word with you ;-P

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Just now, Horus said:


Sandy Petersen wants a word with you ;-P


Ahahahah...he will never know about my existence! :D

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On 4/29/2020 at 10:03 PM, Austinado said:



BY @Kain D.


Post Forum


Today was a big and long journey...with only 11 maps, that felt more like 32 maps. 

This mapper is new around DW, and this is his first post on the forum. I thought that this WAD was a first time release, but i guess that maybe might be a first time release but not a first time in mapping. 


The project is ambitious on a 32 megaWAD, but this WAD with 11 maps, sure make feel that is 32. The maps at a certain time (i think map 4 or 5) become wide and big and some things just need be adjusted (in my opinion of course) like reducing the maps in size, ammo balance (better ammo like rockets or plasma gun with cells) because shooting Barons/ Hellknights with bullets or shells get much of a burden. The maps feels more solid as long as we go, and the 3 initial maps decieve alot for what is gonna come afterwards.


We get cool moments like jumping platforms, some fights are fun, transition of sectors with portals. Map 11 starts cool but fighting about six Cybers with rockets looks unfinished and a easy way to finish after a looooooooooooong playthrough.


Overall an ambitous project, interesting nevertheless. There is a need of study of monster placement, ammo upgrade, reduce maps (quite) and of course better textures combination in terms of polish. My stream today had some requests...but the slot i could do today, was only for this WAD...i hope the mapper sees all of it, take some advices, wich i think they are pretty much valuable. 

Thanks for the request! 



Thanks for playing my maps. I created 6 limit removing maps before SOT, I never released them. The wad is boom compatible, so all portals, and room above room are acheved with silent teleports. It also leads to weird situations when single map has more silent teleports than an entire boom compatible megawad.


I added more rockets and raised black key platform in map 10, the player should use white key button to lower the platform and then grab the black key.


Also I am going to start working with the second episode and then do something with the 11 maps. So for now second episode has higher priority.


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BY @TheStupidestBeing


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Finally we some improvement from this mapper, with what we can call a biggining a middle and and end. We´ve got some decieving traps of certain death (this was done on purpose, like the mapper told me on Stream) and a cute fight between the player and the spider Mastemind/ some arachnatrons, and there is some flaws that i have noted during the gameplay and the mapper knows it. Overall, we have passed from making a map in 3 days and making a map in one week. Its progression but again, alot of work as to be done here...keep up and thanks for the request!






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BY @Clownslay


Forum Thread


I like it...the gameplay for me is fluid, there is a good sense of progression, transitions from one side of the map to the other side, and i had fun. Still some issues like the last switch to exit (i think that is not repeatable), there could be a more careness about textures. I think that is probably the best map i have played from this mapper and i feel a great improvment here to be honest. Thanks for the request and more comments in the video.








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BY @boojum snark


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The mapper said he has fixed some issues and just for curiosity i went to see the first map and lava is still not a pain sector. Maybe it is his choice and do respect that. 

This map is fluid with alot of open areas, it is a continuation of the previous 5 last maps, and it looks good on visuals with some open areas that might be more availed with mancubus and arachnatrons in my opinion, but for that, probably we will need a rocket launcher to be kind of the same level. Still, can be challenging and my noobness on gameplay might wanted me to ask for a little bit more of health, but overall, i think that the balance is done correctly.

Thanks for the request and keep up!



STARTS AT 1:08:23



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===== // =====


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BY @ViolentBeetle


Post Forum


I guess ViolentBeetle is revealing himself with mapping qualities more sooner that i expected...and that is really a good thing! Congratulations for this map, we have careness on visuals, some good fun on combat, no problems with ammo and some logical puzzle that makes you stop a little and think. Well done, more comments in the video!

Thanks for the request and keep up the good work!


STARTS AT 1:28:01





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===== // =====

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4 minutes ago, Austinado said:

I guess ViolentBeetle is revealing himself with mapping qualities more sooner that i expected...and that is really a good thing! Congratulations for this map, we have careness on visuals, some good fun on combat, no problems with ammo and some logical puzzle that makes you stop a little and think. Well done, more comments in the video! 

Unfortunately, I had to leave home just as you starting playing. I watched the stream from the phone, but I didn't have twitch logged in there and did not remember my password. Watching you play helped me notice some visibility issues, I will make sure to illuminate some areas more.


I'm considering adding red sectors on the pads to clue players on how they work, as well as making the teleports on the ends of the lines uniformly white. Gonna need to see how it would actually look in practice.

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i'd like to see you play Satanic Infestation sometime, it's my own little project to make a free and libre IWAD that i forked from Freedoom

if you do go and play it, don't play past MAP07, it's stock freedoom maps from MAP08 on

i'd recommend that you played on i'm too young to die/please don't kill me/little girl difficulty, ultraviolence/extreme carnage/this machine kills demons difficulty is quite unforgiving on these maps

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