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Beat Your Own Demos Month [July 4 - Aug 4]

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Castle of the Renegades 2 by Scott F. Crank

UV Pacifist/Speed in 0:09

(Old time: 0:13 from 2008) First I beat this in 0:11 (included in the zip) without using the second trick and was about to claim a bonus point for saying it saved some time in my old txt. Then I tried with both tricks and got this 0:09. Oh well.



Ultimate Doom 2 by Justin Lloyd

Map20 UV Pacifist/Speed in 0:07

(Old time: 0:12 from 2008) Same two tricks, but executed more crisply.



Cry Havoc by Joseph Wheatley (bad map alert!)

UV Speed/Pacifist in 1:11

(Old time: 1:13 from 2003) Surprised I couldn't beat this one by a larger margin. Probably more to do with the fact that I didn't want to play the map for all that long.



Lord of the Flies by Sam Ketner, James Jennings, Adam Windsor

Map01 (Pumping Station by Sam Ketner) UV Stroller in 0:20

(Old time: 0:26 from 2006)

Map02 (Angel Island by Sam Ketner) UV Stroller in 0:16

(Old time: 0:22 from 2006) Yeah, these two weren't exactly time-optimized.



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TNT Map 02 UV-Max (Solo-net) in 3:32


Beats my existing record by 1:28 (Old time was 5:00).


One of the luckiest endings I've ever gotten.



Edited by Bob9001

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Bob: as per the rules, the runs you pick need to be records by you. It looks like the record was held by Cyber for this map, so it doesn't apply. Let me know if I'm missing something though.

Edited by kraflab

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Icarus demos, mostly effortless


Map 1 tyson 6:24 (old 11:18)

Map 2 max 3:03 (old 3:11)

Map 2 tyson 4:09 (old 8:10)

Map 3 max 1:39 (old 1:45)

Map 4 tyson 1:52 (old 2:22)

Map 5 max 2:36 (old 2:53)

Map 7 max 2:07 (old 2:17)

map 7 tyson 6:24 (old 20:07)

map 9 max 2:25 (old 2:42)

map 10 tyson 3:53 (old 5:00)

map 13 tyson 7:45 (old 18:41)

map 15 tyson 8:14 (old 10:59)

map 29 tyson 14:07 (old 23:13)

map 32 tyson 2:14 (old 4:21)


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@j4rio, in the old MAP01 Tyson txt you said "I doubt any major improvements will be possible to do." :)


STRAIN MAP17 UV Speed in 2:14 (old: 3:14, 31% improvement). 


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Amazing work so far everyone, I wasn't expecting so much activity. And we're only a third of the way there. :^)

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10 hours ago, kraflab said:

Bob: as per the rules, the runs you pick need to be records by you. It looks like the record was held by Cyber for this map, so it doesn't apply. Let me know if I'm missing something though.

Oh I didn't even see Cyber's time, but my demos beats that time. So upto you if you want to give me a point or not.

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DEM.WAD by Donald E. Messer

Map01 UV Speed in 0:13

(Old time: 0:16 from 2004) At first I struggled even to equal my old time, but then studied the map a little more. It is a 0:13.00 for Great Justice or something. My 2004 self: "Could save some time by using a rocket on the demon at the exit, but that strategy has a high rate of failure." Well, if you stand too close, I suppose.



Dark Covenant by Keith Phipps

Map10 (Research Facility) UV Stroller in 0:08

(Old time: 0:09 from 2006) Triple glide, just a little faster. The decimals are OK this time (0:08.94). I also got a millisecond improvement on my old 0:04 UV Speed/Pacifist from 2005, but I don't really believe in those things.


Edited by Grazza

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11 hours ago, Grazza said:

DEM.WAD by Donald E. Messer

Map01 UV Speed in 0:13

DEM - Map 01 UV Speed in 0:11

Quirky little map that looked fun, thought I would do a run too. This doesn't have any bearing on the points for the month of course, but thought I may as well post it here 😉


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Exquisite Corpse by several mappers (led by Linguica)

UV Speed in 0:19

(Old time: 0:28 from 2004) Still ugly, as the exit takes three bites.



Gathering II: Darkside of the Mind by Daniel Norman

Map01 Nightmare! Speed/Pacifist in 0:10

(Old time: 0:11 from 2003) I think this qualifies for a bonus point, as I wrote in my old text-file "a good SR50-er should be able to get a 0:10 unassisted, but I'm sure I couldn't!". This is a 0:10.97.


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STRAIN MAP09 UV Speed in 1:24 (old: 1:41, 17% improvement)

I think the old one was recorded while I was preparing for the EP1 run, and it was way faster than what I normally got in a movie. From today's perspective it looks a bit clumsy, though.

Suspended in Dusk by Espi, MAP04 UV Max in 5:12 (old: 6:18, 17% improvement)




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TNT Map 07 UV-Max (Solo-net) in 11:30


Beats my current record by 2:41. (Old time is 14:11)


This is by far a 'hell' of an improvement.


But as far as Solo-net challenges go in the TNT wad, this is by far the hardest map. Lack of ammo doesn't help either but yeah, this is the best i can do.



Edited by Bob9001

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Not sure if it counts, as the "old" demo is from January this year. Shall I submit it just before the deadline so more time has passed between old and new?

Death Tormention II E4M8 UV Max in 2:10 (old: 2:23, 9% improvement).


Edited by vdgg

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TNT Map 09 UV-Max (Solo-net) in 6:48.


Beats my current record by 2:23. (Old time is 9:25)


Solid Improvement on this demo, really happy with it.



Edited by Bob9001

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Dead on the Run by Greg Springer

Nightmare! Speed in 0:47

(Old time: 0:48 from 2004) This one was a swine to beat, as the run is highly luck-dependent and stuff can get in your way at several points. Of course, the run where everything behaved (apart from the guy not opening the door sooner) was also the one where I threw away a full second at the exit and look completely stupid. Slight route tweak, but same two tricks as in the original demo.



Doom Gulch by Jim Flynn

UV Speed in 0:28

(Old time: 0:29 from 2004)

A fun and chaotic run. I expected to improve it by more than a second, but the main factor is whether the imps get out of your way. In an ideal run, a cyber would knock them out for you.



Get Psyched by Norbert Dávid a.k.a. NoneeLlama

Nightmare! Pacifist/Speed in 0:06

(Old time: 0:08 from 2011) Two-second improvement on what had been a very lucky first recording attempt.



Sadhus Chauffeur Trio by Blake Stoner (very bad wad alert)

Map03 UV Pacifist/Speed/Max/Tyson in 0:06 (Old time: 0:07 and not Max - all old times from 2004)

Map07 UV Pacifist/Speed in 0:01 (Old time: 0:02)

Map09 UV Pacifist/Speed in 0:07 (Old time: 0:11)

Map10 UV Pacifist/Speed in 0:05 (Old time: 0:06)

Map11 UV Pacifist/Speed in 0:21 (Old time: 0:22)

I did actually record faster demos than all of mine from 2004, but am only uploading those that are in some way an improvement over Green Herring's in his movie run: either faster, or Pacifist, or without starting the level with high health and/or armour. Yes, I am squandering three possible points. OMG.






Edited by Grazza
Fixed a typo in the old time for the deadrun1 demo.

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