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PSX Doom/Doom 64 original HQ sound effects

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https://www.dropbox.com/s/hj27zkh8udg1t7w/psx n64 hq sfx 01072019.wad?dl=0


I managed to found some of original source sounds from Sound Ideas libraries in CD quality. Some sounds needed to be constructed and i didn´t get them to perfectly right.


Description of some of the sounds source sounds:

DSCLAW: Imp/Baron/H.knight scratching sound. Piece of fabric getting teared apart

DSCYBDTH: Similar to PC version but with PSX/N64 explosion

DSDOROPN: Door opening sound. This is one of those sound effects that has to be constructed. I don't know how do it yet, so i only adjusted it's duration to match the low quality version. I will try someday to make it more faithful.

DSPSTART: Hydraulic lift. 16/44,1 version has lot of high frequency details that got lost during downsampling. When i first heard this, i wasn´t sure if this really was the original source recording.

DSMETAL: Spider Masterminds walking sound. Thrashbin getting kicked.

DSSGATK: Demon's attack sound. This sound comes from growling tiger.

DSSKEACT: Revenant idle sound. This came from same sound file where PC version Imp sounds are.

DSMANATK: Mancubus attack. Originates from snarling jaguar.

DSBAREXP and DSFIREXPL: Regular and barrel explosion sounds.


DSSPISIT: Spider Mastermind sightsound. Pig squealing mixed with quieter and slightly different version of Imp sight sound. I have to polish this more.


DSLASER: I think i found the original source sound. It sounds quite similar. I have to do some more editing and researching.


Since Aubrey Hodges is member on this forums it would be nice if he could help with this. I don´t have any clue how some of the sounds are filtered or constructed. I did post this earlier on ZDoom forums where members gave valuable information of possible sound sources -> https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=52877

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Wish you the best of luck on this and I'll be following it for when you add more to it. I would love to see Aubrey Hodges' Sound Effects come to life uncompressed, especially since the Archvile sounds that Mr. Hodges made are available uncompressed. 

I prefer his sounds to the originals so this definitely is something I'll use :D

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If you find any sounds and are unsure how to get them to be like the ones ingame, try getting the game sound and the sound you found, put em both into Audacity, or whatever editor you use, and put a high pass filter on the one you found. Do it at around 6kHz, then try to match up the position until they sound like they are actually being played together as one sound.

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Since there are a few of us working on higher quality Doom 64 sounds, perhaps we can organize together over discord? I have upscaled and remixed quite a few myself but they are unreleased. We could combine our forces and release a complete pack.

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Good to see some activity on this thread. I´m quite busy right now because i got accepted to a programming course. It includes net development (Javascript,CSS,cloud services etc.) and reqular programming with C# and Java. Course has proved to be quite difficult and finishing homework and preparing for exams requires lot of my time. You can use my soundpack, but remember to credit me properly.


Discord group is great idea. I´m joingin it when i can. There´s two things i particular we could try to solve as a team: investigating the pistol sound origin and coming with other ways than email to get in contact with Aubrey Hodges. I have sent several emails to him and PM on this forum. No answer so far. When i uploaded older version of this pack on GZDoom forums someone said that the pistol sound might be slowed down .357 firing sound. I have experimented a little bit with .357 sound with Audacitys pitch and tempo filters and i think it the resulting sound indeed has slight similarities to PSX pistol sound.

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8 hours ago, ColorSphere said:

There´s two things i particular we could try to solve as a team: investigating the pistol sound origin and coming with other ways than email to get in contact with Aubrey Hodges. I have sent several emails to him and PM on this forum. No answer so far. When i uploaded older version of this pack on GZDoom forums someone said that the pistol sound might be slowed down .357 firing sound. I have experimented a little bit with .357 sound with Audacitys pitch and tempo filters and i think it the resulting sound indeed has slight similarities to PSX pistol sound.

A slowed down gun sound makes sense! It has high frequencies which tend to linger more than normal and so it makes sense it was from a slowed-down sound.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 6 months later...

It's been a year since the last message was posted.


I wanted to say that I've been trying to do the same thing. I found some other sound effects in a few websites, along with the demon pain sound effect that was actually the same sound of one of the imp death sounds from the original PC release of DOOM, but cut off and a little bit distorted. I managed to restore in high quality using Audacity. I also found the item pickup sound which was taking from none other than Sound Ideas!


I found it on the WhoSampled website, and there is actually a YT link to the same sound. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkonVTk4O88


Now for the demon pain sound, well, I used in one of my sound mods, which can be heard by hitting the Baron or the Hell Knight. I also borrowed some sounds from the link above (the Spider Mastermind sound for example, as well the door opening).


Another thing I want to mention is, unfortunately, when I sent a message to Aubrey about the sound effects, he never responded. It was worth a try, but it remains there. It's been more than two weeks.


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