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What would be your ideal doom movie?

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Personally, I think that what makes Doom thrilling is our protagonism destroying everything around us. I don't feel that a Doom movie could possibly reproduce that feeling even a little.

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A self-aware cheesy action movie with a classic Doom aesthetic. If it knew it was silly and had Doom 2 style monsters I'd be set.

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45 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

Ideal movie is obviously the one that never gets made, because statistics say that it's impossible to make a good Doom movie.


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I'd love something along the lines of Mad Max: Fury Road. That film stood out because it was essentially three long car chases punctuated by a couple of fistfights. There wasn't any downtime; there was a foot chase, then a car chase, then a fistfight, then a second car chase, then a tiny bit of dialogue, then another car chase and then the film ended. It was perfect.


Here's the climactic action sequence from Hard Boiled:



Imagine a single ninety-minute-long action sequence like that, but with hellspawn, and faster. The film would be pure spectacle, a choreographed action ballet.


On a narrative level the problem with the original Doom - and I think the team realised this - is that the idea of an Aliens homage with mild roleplaying elements was never going to work because the exposition was just screens of text. That's why they dropped the side characters and the idea of having marines playing cards etc. It wasn't until Half-Life that action storytelling in computer games really started to work.


Doom (2016) would be a perfect base for a film because it has the barest minimum of plot and the hero is a blank slate. It would be a bold choice to make a film with a hero that doesn't have any characterisation beyond blind rage, but in the right hands I think it would work as pure spectacle.

Edited by Ashley_Pomeroy

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in my Doom movie, doomguy is trying to write a movie but he's frustrated and his landlord is on his case and he spends all his money on army surplus stimpacks. i cast Brad Dourif in the starring role. his psychologist is played by Rebecca Pidgeon

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Honestly, Doom Source Film Maker movie would be a better option or perhaps, an animation of that Rip & Tear comic or something.

Video game to movie adaptation never really worked, especially for Doom with its almost non-existent plot. Even Doom 3 style wouldn't do any good because that game had barely any cutscenes & most of the time you were in first person mode, isolated from humans on Mars.

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For me, it can go many ways:


1. A Doom Bible movie with Tom Hall as the director.

2. A Doom 2016 movie with Hayden as the protagonist.

3. A Doom 1 movie that has extensive FPS sequences that aren't as nauseatingly shaky as Hardcore Henry with a soundtrack similar to the 3DO port's, filmed with actual cameras from the 90's.

4. An amazing fusion of Alien and Predator called "Marauder" where UAC Scientists accidentally get the Marauder out of Hell and it's up to a single Marine to stop him from bringing Hell to Earth. Filmed with 80's cameras.

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Duke Nukem would be a better canvas to paint a cheesy early-90’s-style animated film onto than Doomguy imo, but I’d enjoy it either way. Hell, with some of the garbage ideas I’ve seen on Adult Swim I’m kind of shocked it isn’t a thing. Something that’s cheesy and knows it but it still funny and entertaining, in a vein like Kung Fury.

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A gritty 1980s styled Anime OVA Doom Movie with a 80s metal soundtrack


Violent, gorey, actiony and badass

Edited by Mystic 256

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One detail I would put in is make the arch-vile able to 'zombify' humans - like be able to lock eyes with a character and make them go mad and try to kill the other good guys. Like Vigo in Ghostbusters II. 

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Well, this thread kinda banged. Even though most people think a Doom movie would be shit, I think that as long as it was self-aware of how shit or corny it was, it could work out.

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I insist that whatever Doom movie gets made, it has to have a scene where Daisy mutates and goes on a demon killing rampage! 

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I always imagined a potential Doom movie to be like a mix of Aliens and Starship Troopers. It‘s gotta be a bit tongue in cheek, a lot of rock‘n roll and if possible as much practical effects as possible. 


Statistics don‘t count, because the sample base is arguably too small yet. I think a good movie is definitely possible, no matter the basic story premise. If you weave a human story into the Mars hell invasion, then it‘ll definitely work. Best case scenario would be an additional layer of deeper questions about humanity, space exploration, maybe even god / faith. Handle the latter with utmost care though, hehe. 

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8 hours ago, whirledtsar said:

Event Horizon


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I think they could recycle the old doom 4 plot which was more about normal people and how a demon invasion is affecting society and they could have it canon and have the doom guy/slayer as more of a background thing like he is somewhere else then they could make a movie that's more realistic and have it part of the lore this would still be very violent and have a bunch of demons but would not just be about killing stuff

Edited by EndHack

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