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What are you expecting from Doom 3?

Captain Red

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What kind of game do you think Doom 3 will turn out to be?

I’m guessing Doom 3 will be a survival horror type scenario, along the lines of Alien Vs Predator 2 but more “refined” (ie anything unnecessary will be removed) I’m thinking that the player physics will be similar to quake 2’s (in terms of speed, ect), with thing like stamina, reaction to pain, ect. Like AvP2, I’ll probably scare the hell out of me the first time I play it. But unlike AvP2, I’ll still be repayable like every other id game.

I’d say it’ll be to doom, what RtCW was to Wolf 3D, I’ll be a fresh bit of gaming but still retain enough of that old doom charm. (except, of course, Doom 3 will look utterly fantastic when it’s released)

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gatewatcher said:
I don't think (as of now) that Doom III will feel like Doom.

I know that some of you dislike that Doom III won't feel like doom, but I really don't mind. aslong as your fighing Hellspawen with shotguns and rocket launcher, I'll be happy. :)

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Ct_red_pants said:

What kind of game do you think Doom 3 will turn out to be?

Uhhh...an awesome one?

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when i first saw it im like this game is going to own everything and redefine what we call FPS gaming, but revelation after revelation has somewhat dimmed this expectation...now i expect it to be a visually captivating experience with nice action and decent demons

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I must be one of the very few who thinks that Doom 3 seems to capture the mood and feel of Doom 1 nicely.
Among the first things that spring to mind when I think “Doom” is the darkened labyrinth hallways of e1m2 – what I’ve seen of Doom 3 so far reminds me a helluva lot of this.
Secondly, at least the shotgun and machinegun feel like the shotgun and chaingun from the original, judging by the amount of shots the enemies seemed to be able to suck up from these weapons.

While I admit that the monsters look very different from the old Doom, I don’t think that’s a bad thing. They have a new fresh look to them, which vastly improves on the old ones (in most cases that is – I still think the pinky is arguable) and make them scarier.

I expect Doom 3 to be what I have been expecting all those years: A worthy Doom game, with kickass gameplay and stunning visuals.

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Aliens VS Predator meets Half-Life, polished to the shiniest degree. I expect it to be more scary and immersive than any other game of its type, thanks to the new levels of realism in terms of graphics, sound and physics.

In short, it's going to roX0r teh boX0rs.

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I think it will feel like Doom for a few reasons. As dsm said, the shots of the new game give a dark foreboding impression, just as the old game did when we first played it. Two, simply have the same name will force are brains to try and draw connections with the old, thus noticing tiny things that others who weren't fans of the old Doom wouldn't have noticed. And finally, you know that id is going to put an easter egg or two in there that will draw a connection to the old Dooms.

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Lord FlatHead said:

Aliens VS Predator meets Half-Life, polished to the shiniest degree.

Dammit, that's almost exactly what I was going to say.

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It'll probably not be like the old Doom's at all.
But I wasn't expecting that either. It'll probably be something like Flathead said. That's completely fine with me.

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It is interesting. Another step in video card/games tech. As in relation to the game per se, it feels like they are doing Quake II again, but with a friendlier name and one step beyond in tech.

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As long as there are not too many scripted sequences.
I hate it if you can't change a situation, no matter how hard you try. The Omaha Beach level in Medal of Honor was great, however, the more you played it, the more scripted things you saw. It got boring really quick and it sucks, because some people just don't die, even if you fire a rocket at them. These people were needed in scripted sequences later on in the game, so they couldn't be killed, bah.

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myk said:

As in relation to the game per se, it feels like they are doing Quake II again, but with a friendlier name and one step beyond in tech.

Huh? Just because they add a field computer'ish gadget to the game that provides mission objectives? Or what? Now you got me interested -please, tell me more.

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It is the impression it gives me. After all Quake II was a kind of DOOM remake itself. And obviously tech-wise (and apparently gamewise) DOOM III is much more like Quake II than DOOM. Not just in what you mentioned, other things too, like the general monster designs, the way they come at you in lesser numbers, the greater bent towards realism. And the fact that unlike DOOM the new tech is mostly show; keep in mind DOOM was the 1st FPS that had multiplayer and DM, and that was a hell of a breakthrough that isn't about to be repeated. DOOM III isn't making a jump in anything other than making the physics of the gameworld more coherent and realistic. It is apparently very good immersive material, but in a way it strays away from what a game is by definition.

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doom3 will not re-invent the wheel. the original doom didnt this either.
before doom there already existed 3d games with monsters in it. there was one for the mighty c64. in this game you had to run around in a 3d-maze and you were able to "shoot" some kind of spiders. it was a simple 3d version of pac man. the gfx was ridiculus and i hadnt played it very often.
additionally a long time before the orig. doom there was a 2d shooting game (in ASCII art!) that could be played in a LAN with up to 6 players (it was called sth like "snipers" and it run on a texas instruments system). i have done that in 1988 and it was a very cool experience ;)

in fact the first doom was a big merge of already existing gaming-principals.

also this shows that those steps from doom->doom2->quake1->q2->q3->d3 were more of the kind "evilution" ;) due to technical progression (gfx got better and "lan"ning was improved over the years).

this time around doom3 will give us never seen gfx, real 5.1 surround sound, a new flashy interface between the player character and the environment and some more nifty things (surprise me id!).

in a not so far future id may give us feedback clothes and VR helmets (these things do already exist but they are still too expensive and klumsy to use) - or they just will do some massivly multiplayer fps.
"evilution" is the word!

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myk, although it pains me to say this but i could not agree with you more, i thought at first doom3 will break barriers in what we perceive to be gaming, just like doom did when it tore open the whole industry and was arguably the most influential game ever made, but the thing with doom3 is as time is progressing it is looking to be a more of a technological breakthrough, with visuals that will leave u gasping, so in a way that is painful to me, i actually agree with myk that in some ways doom3 will be a remake of quak 2 etc...in some areas...

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and - oh - for the topic:

i expect a very sick, extraordinary good looking and sounding game. and i hope that lots of mods and addon maps will show up for it.

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uniQ said:

doom3 will not re-invent the wheel. the original doom didnt this either.

Uh, Doom pretty much invented the wheel in the first place.

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I don't get these people who say that "Doom 3 will be nothing special".
Come on dammit, Doom 3 will be the first game to have realistic lighting - adds a shitload. It will also have probably the best audio around, which means a shitload too.
Just because the gameplay is still old-school, doesn't mean that the gameplay can't be innovative.
I don't agree that D3 is "another Q2" - that's a load of bull imo, because firstly, the monsters look nothing like the Q2 critters, secondly, Doom 3 will have horror ATMOSPHERE - something which Q2 never had and finally, Doom 3 will have GREAT SOUND dammit. Most of Q2's sounds were shit imo.
And all this "the environments don't look like Doom's" - of course it doesn't, Doom 3 is aiming at realistic environments, what did ya expect? Blocky hallways with odd concrete textures?

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DSM, do you need to defend Doom 3 against Doomedout? I mean, really, he's the only one in the universe that would call Doom 3 another Quake 2.

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gatewatcher said:

DSM, do you need to defend Doom 3 against Doomedout? I mean, really, he's the only one in the universe that would call Doom 3 another Quake 2.

Uhh, no, myk has that opinion too - and I like to state my opinion thank you very much.
OK, I'll try and shut up now

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dsm said:

Uhh, no, myk has that opinion too - and I like to state my opinion thank you very much.
OK, I'll try and shut up now

I wasn't insulting you DSM...

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Yo first off, Gatewatcher, stop talkin from ur ass, for the first time in the history of this forum read what is written carefully, as with doom3 doing quake2 again, im not the only one to share that opinion, alotta forums elsewhere share the same view, and it is exactily what DSM just said, technological advances with minimal gameplay innovation, thankyou DSM, that is put in better words than i originally could post but that is exactly what doom3 will be. and ur right the monsters dont look anything like the ones in quake2, but they will be similar in the regard that they will come at you in small numbers(realism in mind), not like doom where the demons were bunched together and there was so much action at any given time...dooom3 will be scary, no doubt, and someone just said alien vs predator will be like doom3, that game was really immersive, u get the same feeling here, except doom3 will be shitloads more scarier with 5.1 sound...\
again...my whole underlined argument is that doom3 is going to make technological advances that we are so used to seeing with ID; perhaps more than any game they ever made, however it is going to offer minimal innovation in gameplay...in contrast to doom...which broke grounds in every conceivable department.

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