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How do i make a Mappack, like a wad with various maps on it?

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I very new at this kind of thing but i've being making maps in Doom builder for quite a while, and i notice that my maps may be too long. So how do i make a Map Pack or Megawad? 
PS: I don't really know the difference between Megawad and Mappack

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You can use builder's "save map into" or use slade 3. For slade 3 method you need open up your first map for the and other intended maps for pack too. Copy second map and paste it under first map's last lump and rename second map's name entry(if it uses slot map01) to "map02". Save it. Do the the same with rest maps, but change map numbers respectively. For music list open up doomwiki.org and rename tracks by showed music lump, like D_RUNNIN or D_STALKS. If you know how, you can add mapinfo too.


If I missed something, people should give you more information. 

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To answer your second question, a map pack is any wad/pk3 that contains more than one map.


A megawad is a map pack that contains either the full 32 maps (if it's for Doom 2) or 27/36 maps (if it's for Doom / Ultimate Doom). 

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I thought megawads were 15 or more maps? Ah who the heck knows though, Romero called SIGIL a megawad when it was clearly an episode! /pedant 

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10 hours ago, Doomkid said:

I thought megawads were 15 or more maps? Ah who the heck knows though, Romero called SIGIL a megawad when it was clearly an episode! /pedant 


Considering that in SIGIL there is a separate DM-zone at each map, the maps are not 9, but 18 technically. So this is still megawad.

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11 hours ago, Doomkid said:

I thought megawads were 15 or more maps?


Far as I recall, the wiki's definition for a megawad is a wad that contains 16 maps or more. So you weren't far off.

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1 minute ago, MFG38 said:

Far as I recall, the wiki's definition for a megawad is a wad that contains 16 maps or more. So you weren't far off.

From the idgames archive definition:


The 'megawads' directory contains files that contain a large scale replacement of 15 or more levels (…)


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