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How do you insert a script into a map, if you can at all? (with Doom Builder)



I've been having this problem with Doom builder for a while, where I can't seem to place a script execute on a linedef. I see people do it all the time in Doom Builder tutorials, But it always seems like we're using different versions. I use the ZDoom (Doom in Doom format). Is it an issue with what directory I place the script file? or is it something else?

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1 hour ago, Tangerine said:

 I use the ZDoom (Doom in Doom format)


There is your problem.

Use G/ZDoom (Doom/2 in Hexen format) or G/ZDoom (Doom/2 in UDMF).



Edited by Kappes Buur

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GZDoomBuilder is your friend. It doesn't bite.

Script is easy to get the hang of once you understand the basics and have ZDoom Wiki on speed-dial.
You can do some pretty awesome and impressive stuff with UDMF format. My current WAD is loaded with script. This map in particular has the entire UAC Warp Complex slowly disintergrating and falling down around you. Simply not possible without UMDF, ACS and GZDoom.



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It would probably work fine using DoomBuilder X (which I haven't tried because I like GZDoomBuilder), but you still cant use scripts in Doom format.  You need either Doom-in-Hexen or UDMF (which I recommend).

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6 hours ago, Tangerine said:

Well that sucks. I've tried using GZDoom Builder, I really hate how it takes everything I know about Doom Builder, and flips it on it's head; Like I can't make a door the same way I do in Doom Builder. But thanks for the help anyway.


How could that be since the GUI is essentially the same for all DB2 family editors.

As well the physics for doors does not change one iota from original Doom to advanced ports.


Basic Door Tutorial


However, what is different for GZDBBF since r3018 is that it needs to be configured to the .NET Framework 4.6 standard.




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13 hours ago, Tangerine said:

I really hate how it takes everything I know about Doom Builder, and flips it on it's head; Like I can't make a door the same way I do in Doom Builder.

It's actually easier...

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You can map in HeXen and UDMF format for ZDoom and you can do all of that in DBX still (or DoomBuilder 2 if you've somehow still got that running). GZDoomBuilder just helps with the GZDoom specific stuff (by displaying 3D floors in 3D Mode, for example), but isn't mandatory. As pointed out, Doom format doesn't support scripting - that's a HeXen (format) thing which is also in UDMF.

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For some reason the way this post reads makes me think he's using Doom Builder 1, which I wasn't able to move away from until about 2 years ago due to UI changes. I still miss DB1's interface sometimes. Rest assured though @Tangerine you can set GZDoomBuilder up so it feels almost the exact same as DB1 or DB2, it just takes a lot of tweaking. You can remap the keys and commands to all feel "mostly right" then once you transition, you'll never look back.


It's also important to note that even DB1 has support of ZDoom: Doom in Hexen, which is usually good enough anyway, though it's simply out of date in the old Doom builder (for obvious reasons). It still works just fine though and allows you to insert scripts.


One final and important note, just because you've been mapping in ZDoom: Doom in Doom format doesn't mean it all has to go to waste. You can go into linedef editing or sector editing mode, select the whole map, hit "copy" then create a new map in ZDoom: Doom in Hexen format (or UDMF) and paste it. Things like doors and lifts will have to be fixed, but at least you can keep your progress without flushing it all away using this method.

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3 hours ago, Doomkid said:

One final and important note, just because you've been mapping in ZDoom: Doom in Doom format doesn't mean it all has to go to waste. You can go into linedef editing or sector editing mode, select the whole map, hit "copy" then create a new map in ZDoom: Doom in Hexen format (or UDMF) and paste it. Things like doors and lifts will have to be fixed, but at least you can keep your progress without flushing it all away using this method.


Considering that it is extremely difficult to find a download link for the original Doombuilder, I believe that it is just ignorance that the OP refers to the editor as Doom Builder and not as Doombuilder2 or DB2 or whichever editor is being used.


Concerning the conversion of map formats, the method described above, or simply pressing F2 and changing the map format there, will certainly work for a tiny map. If the map has progressed past the point of being tiny, then the conversion method should involve the app designed for that, namely zwadconv.exe. See my tutorial.

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In GZDoomBuilder, pres F10 to bring up the script editor.  This will create and edit scripts that are only for that map.


If you also want some scripts that work in all maps, use Slade to make an ACS library.

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12 hours ago, Kappes Buur said:


Use G/ZDoom (Doom/2 in UDMF).

Well that sucks. I've tried using GZDoom Builder, I really hate how it takes everything I know about Doom Builder, and flips it on it's head; Like I can't make a door the same way I do in Doom Builder. But thanks for the help anyway.

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ok, so good news and bad news. Good news, I actually been spending a good while learning how GZDoombuilder works, finally got the most basic things to work; Like doors and lifts. Bad news, now my problem has shifted to not knowing how to have multiple scripts in the same wad. For example: I could make a script for MAP01 where if I step on a linedef, the music changes. But if I try to make another script (same music change script) in MAP02; it won't work, and it'll overwrite the first one.

If you don't know, this is the script:

#include "zcommon.acs"

script "changemusic" (void)
	Setmusic("D_DM2INT", 0);


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