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21 minutes ago, brullov said:

What is the best way to play Doom? (with wasd and mouse look, for Duke Nukem 3D is Eduke32 port);
What is the best way to make maps for Doom?
What is the best way to add your own art/sound/music/etc?
Could you tell me the best maps for Doom please?

1. Depending on features you want like 3d floors, slopes, portals or coloured lights you can jump into gzdoom, but if you want something more traditional-try prboom+, for true vanilla feels use chocolate doom or crispy doom. Middle ground between gzdoom and prboom+ is eternity engine - it supports portals and slopes(only for visuals for this day).
2. People use gzdoom builder-bugfix or doom builder x, they get updates quite frequently.
3.You need Slade 3 for textures, music, sound import and anything else what needs imported or written. It also has mapping editor, but I don't recommend use, unless you work on linux or there any other limitations.
4. People mostly recommend look up to cacoward page for good content. 



21 minutes ago, brullov said:

Is it possible to make a game with Doom Engine (I mean with its ports)? If yes, how?
Are there any tutorials about adding your own monsters/guns, changing HUD, adding cut-scenes etc?

Well, gzdoom engine is open source so you can use it freely for your own games. For that you would need go to zdoom wiki and forums. 

Sorry, for some questions I'm not able to answer, so I hope other people will fill gaps better than me. 

Edited by Misty

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Welcome to DooMworld forums! please enjoy your stay here, and enjoy browsing the different areas of the site. :)


To answer your questions, here's my best answers:


Q: What is the best way to play Doom?


A: Depends on whether it is vanilla compat or not. Usually WASD + Mouse is fine but some people disable jumping/crouching. (usually for modern engines like GZDooM).

Q: What is the best way to make maps for Doom?


A: GZDooM Builder Bug Fix is the one I typically use a lot. SLAD3 if you need a WAD editor and well for the rest, just experiment!

Q: What is the best way to add your own art/sound/music/etc?


A: SLAD3 is my recommendation.

Q: Could you tell me the best maps for Doom please?


A: Alien Vendetta, Scythe/Scythe II, Eviternity, Plutonia II... there's quite a few good ones.

Q: Could you tell me the best TC (afaik you call them wads) please?


A: I don't know much about the TC scene D:


Q: Could you link me the best tutorials for map editing/adding custom content please?


A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIh3EmorY3A&list=PLCE835098C82D8F24


The link above may be for an older build of DooM builder however most if not all the things Chubz teaches in that list is still possible with DooM (In DooM format).


Q: Is it possible to make a game with Doom Engine (I mean with its ports)? If yes, how?


A: You mean making an IWAD? O_O Yeah it's possible but it takes a lotta work.

Are there any tutorials about adding your own monsters/guns, changing HUD, adding cut-scenes etc?



Custom Monsters - https://zdoom.org/wiki/Creating_new_monsters_or_other_complex_items

Custom Guns - https://zdoom.org/wiki/Creating_new_weapons

HUD stoof - https://zdoom.org/wiki/Head-up_display  + https://zdoom.org/wiki/SBARINFO<--- the HUD one may take you on a slight journey, there's quite a few steps to it.


Cuscenes can be handled inside GZDooM just by using a mix of camera things, scripts and interpolation points.


Also since you're new and you may need help learning DooM mapping, allow me to bless you with the holy builders bible:






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I am a big Duke 3D fan and you have some really great work there! With Doom people often play it how they wish. Like I play it with Doom 64 mods. Here's what I have noticed in my little bubble though!

Most people play Doom with WASD and mouse. Most maps don't want you to crouch and use jump, although source ports will let you.

I am not a mapper myself, but what some have told me is that they typically make maps Boom compatible which lets them work with most source ports. Someone with more experience can tell me if GZ Doom Builder lets people do that. If you want to mess with dynamic lighting (since you have plenty of mapping experience) formats like UDMF for GZDoom let you add dynamic lighting.

In general you will probably want to get Slade since it lets you put together and open Doom format WADs and PK3 archives. Lets you edit sprites and what not too.

Since I already mentioned it, I play with GZ Doom since it is compatible with a lot of formats and has plenty of options. And is frequently updated. Since you can stack mods and wads in Doom, I use ZDL to load up the wads and GZ doom, to keep everything tidy for myself.

Here are some maps and mapsets to play...

Eviternity is a great mapset representing modern Doom level design aesthetics.
The Slaughter Spectrum really pushes the limits of the Doom engine in terms of geometry, and is challenging for experience retro FPS fans
Hurt is a gorgeous looking map which really oozes the hell feeling

And if you have Discord, I can recommend some servers to you which are really helpful if you need a quicker response. I am no expert, so others my chime in with better advice and the maps they enjoy.

Edit: Dragonfly has some tutorials which people have liked here: https://www.dfdoom.com/tutorials/
And Total Chaos is a TC which really pushes the GZ Doom sourceport.

Edited by Immorpher

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1 hour ago, brullov said:

What is the best way to play Doom? (with wasd and mouse look, for Duke Nukem 3D is Eduke32 port);

This greatly depends on what kind of maps you are playing. Classic Doom didn't have mouselook/freeaim or even jumping, so any map designed with this limitation in mind is usually best played as the author intended for a start. Naturally, you don't have to stick to it, if it isn't to your liking, but free aim is a whole different paradigm than classic Doom's "autoaim", and jumping is yet another thing of its own. Some maps might have sequence breaks in them when played with mouselook/jumping. Usually the text files should state how the map is meant to be played, or which source port it is designed for (which usually answers the "how it's intended" question).

1 hour ago, brullov said:

What is the best way to make maps for Doom?

There are 3 editors that are used these days, most commonly used is the feature-heavy GZDoombuilder, then there is a more "classic" builder with integrated lua-scripting called Doombuilder X (which is what I prefer to use), and then there is SLADE, which has a built-in map editor. Interestingly enough, SLADE is rarely used for its map editor, instead it's mostly used to edit parts of a WAD such as sprites, textures, and scripts (if the map format supports scripts, for that matter), among other things.

1 hour ago, brullov said:

What is the best way to add your own art/sound/music/etc?

Depends on the source port you want to target. Ports that support "MAPINFO scripts" only need the music file in the WAD-archive, and a string in the mapinfo to know which map the track is meant for. For ports that don't support scripts you need a different approach that involves replacing the MIDI files with the track you want to use, to give a very basic idea. It is worth noting that different ports have different limitations wrt supported audio formats, and if you have any questions about this there are plenty people here who can help you out in case the features of a port may be too difficult to find. Adding music and sounds to your projects is done in SLADE.

1 hour ago, brullov said:

Could you tell me the best maps for Doom please?

Good luck getting a clear answer there. :P I suggest looking at the "cacowards" section, and browsing around a bit to see what's considered "good". A map I would recommend is "Miasma". It's a magnum opus map that "does it all", including some slightly fierce fights. If you're still wet behind the ears, start on HMP, or save really often when playing on UV.

1 hour ago, brullov said:

Could you tell me the best TC (afaik you call them wads) please?

I think for advanced ports like GZDoom it would have to be "The adventures of square". It's a game of its own and runs the whole gamut from custom physics scripts, to custom monsters and textures and whatnot. For classic total conversions there's for example "Rekkr", which I can wholeheartedly recommend looking into as well.

1 hour ago, brullov said:

Could you link me the best tutorials for map editing/adding custom content please?

We have an "editing" subforum here, where you may find some answers for your questions, and there are also some tutorials on youtube to help you get started. A quick search will do the trick just fine in this case.


1 hour ago, brullov said:

Is it possible to make a game with Doom Engine (I mean with its ports)? If yes, how?

All I'll say is "Adventures of Square", and if you have questions about it, I highly suggest getting in touch with the people who contributed to it. "How?" is a much to "open" question to even answer, because it depends on what you want to accomplish in the first place. And even then it will still take more than a few exchanges on a forum thread to even get started properly.

1 hour ago, brullov said:

Are there any tutorials about adding your own monsters/guns, changing HUD, adding cut-scenes etc?

Yes, there are tutorials on this site, and there tutorials on youtube, too.

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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everybody knows that i like to promote my sourceport in each topic here. this is the only alive sourceport that has realtime Doom3-like lighting (and quake-like lightmaps). and alot of other k00l features nobody knows about. it may be not the sourceport of your choice, but at least give it a try, and maybe you'll like it.


(i wonder if people will soon start kicking me for sticking k8vavoom into every hole, lol)

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if you allready have experience with eduke it shouldn't be too hard for you. we games in gzdoom which used to be a port of doom but now is a stand alone engine, it has allready been used to create complete comercial projects. everything you need to know is on the zdoom wiki

btw wads are allready getting outdated, we use pk3s and zips these days but still like to call them wads for some reason.

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15 minutes ago, ([zen3001]) said:

btw wads are allready getting outdated, we use pk3s and zips these days but still like to call them wads for some reason.

No, WADs are not getting outdated, because most of the content output of this community is still in WAD format. This includes "high profile" releases such as Ancient Aliens, SunLust, Backt to Saturn X, Eviternity and many more. pk3 is something you see when it's a project that explicitly targets GZDoom and those are relatively rare in the grand scheme of things.

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For multiplayer, I recommend Zandronum.  It has most of the features of GZDoom (which is based on the discontinued ZDoom), lagging behind a few years, but it has client-server multiplayer and a browser, Doomseeker, which will download whatever wads you need to join a server.


If you want to make stuff similar to what you made for Duke 3D, I recommend UDMF format in a pk3 file.  It allows not only dynamic lighting as mentioned before, but also stuff like slopes and 3D floors.


After mapping in UDMF, the old Boom format seems so limiting, and the original Doom format even more so, but lots of cool maps have been made and are still being made in those venerable formats.


The Doom format is further divided into Vanilla and Limit-Removing.  Vanilla maps should work on the original Doom or Doom2 exe.  Chocolate Doom is a port that tries to emulate vanilla Doom as closely as possible, with the same limitations and bugs, while (as I understand it, having never played it) Crispy Doom is similar, but adds more features, like higher resolutions.  Limit-Removing is the same Doom format as Vanilla, but the limitations of the original Doom engine have been removed or greatly lifted, allowing bigger maps with more details.


Boom was one of the first ports made when the source code was released.  Its map format adds features like transfer heights, scrolling floors, and generalized actions, and more.


Another format is Doom-in-Hexen, which has features added by the Hexen engine, like slopes and bridge things, but is has been superseded by UDMF, which has a superset of its features.

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