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Does anyone still even play the easier difficulties on Doom?

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1 hour ago, Andromeda said:

Does anyone still even use the search button?

Exact same thread dropped literally a week ago...

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Short answer: yes.


Long answer: Go read the other thread, or the one before that, or the one before that.

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2 hours ago, ([zen3001]) said:

trying to steal my threads, I see

That's a nice user name you have there. Sure would hate for someone to become zen3000.

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13 hours ago, nWADDEN said:

Just wondering if anyone out there is playing on "I'm Too Young To Die" or "Hey, Not Too Rough"


This thread is slightly different that the multitude of previous threads in that it specifically asks about ITYTD and HNTR, as opposed to asking the general question of "Hey does anybody ever actually play on difficulties other than Ultraviolence?" But, yeah, it seems that this question, in some form, gets asked every few months.


To answer your question, yes, I play on both those settings, and played those difficulty levels just today. I actually prefer ITYTD over HNTR.

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I default at Hurt Me Plenty. Sometimes i'll bump up to Ultraviolence when I feel like I want more of a challenge but more often than not, Hurt Me Plenty is the mode for me

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If I made maps, I'd create it with the desired amount of enemies for HMP, sprinkle in some harder enemies for UV, and then on HNTR I'd surround the player start with cyberdemons just to fuck with them

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I always default to UV, because I'm just that damn good at Doom. (There's some sarcasm there). But if the .wad looks like it was well designed, but I'm not having fun on UV due to the difficulty, I'll scale it back to HMP. It's a rare occurance for that to happen, but I'll take the ego hit if the level or mapset look like they had some TLC. 

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