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Doom 1-3 on the Switch?!

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If that video's right we may only have to wait a few hours for their return. I wonder if the first two will just use the basic 1.9 IWADs or if they'll be re-revised versions of the BFG Edition IWADs to restore the Wolfenstein content now that TNC has persuaded Germany to relax their censorship laws.


EDIT: Got 1 and 2. The latter's only just finished downloading but I saw a medikit with a capsule on it so I guess it's the BFG Edition IWAD at the very least.




Edited by SiFi270

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Is it just me or does it run... slowly?
I don't mean from a performance/framerate aspect. I mean it's like the game is slowed down in actual play speed from vanilla doom. I can hear it in the music playback and the gameplay just feels slower than normal.

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So it turns out I already had an account, I think I got it by accident when Quake Champions was free for a couple days. You can select maps when playing DM or co-op, and while the secret maps are now known as "Wolfenstein" and "Grosse" again, they still have censored textures and zombiemen. Also interesting is that the only expansion available is Master Levels. NRftL is nowhere to be found.


EDIT: Also, the Master Levels are listed in the same order as the PSN version, but selected individually. So they'll still have the same sky and music as they did originally, and are even referred to as "Entryway" or whatever map they originally replaced when you beat them, at which point you're sent back to the selection screen. Despite this, you do see their proper names as a WILV## lump when selecting them for multiplayer. Also, cheats are simply selected from the options menu, but the only ones it offers are IDDQD, IDKFA, and IDBEHOLD for every powerup except partial invisibility.

Edited by SiFi270

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They've all just dropped on PS4 too. Though DOOM 3 is standalone so I'm not sure if it's the BFG edition or not.

Edited by Eurisko

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Just now, Eurisko said:

They've all just dropped on PS4 too. Though DOOM 3 is standalone so I'm not sure if the BFG edition or not.

The fact that the lost mission is included means it's the BFG edition, i kinda wish that wasn't the case since it isn't the best version of doom 3 tbh =/

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2 minutes ago, DMPhobos said:

The fact that the lost mission is included means it's the BFG edition, i kinda wish that wasn't the case since it isn't the best version of doom 3 tbh =/

aaahhh , well spotted. I'm not the biggest fan of DOOM 3 anyway.

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Is it possible to access the WAD file in any way? probably not.

It doesn't look like you can in Android, at least not in an obvious way.

Edited by Ferk

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2 minutes ago, Ferk said:

Is it possible to access the WAD file in any way?

No? But I think this version of Doom is more targeted towards the casual demographic, whose only played Doom 2016. So any flaws that we notice in these ports, most consumers won't notice.

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2 minutes ago, Cacodemon345 said:

Does this port even use the Doom engine? Or it's just a Unity Remake?

From what I've played, it seems extremely reminiscent of the Doom Classic Collection released on PS3, with weirdly pitched sound, and frame drops; But I'm assuming that it's running off of some kind of emulator, rather than an actual source port.

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I can't get over how slow it feels to move. Did they modify the movement speed?


I did side by side of certain actions like firing guns and opening doors at the same time on switch and on PC and they seem to be in sync on those aspects. But it still feels so sluggish.


On a brighter note, Panic Button did the Doom 3 port which is great. Played about 40 minutes of that and is exactly as it should be.

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Interesting, I might pick doom and doom 2 on the switch, can´t wait to kill pinkies on the go and while taking a mighty number 9 (Shit)

though why i need to create a bethesda account just for playing these two?

Edited by MrJohnReviews

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Also now on iOS and Android stores


Somehow classic DOOM and DOOM 2 went from <20mb in size from their original PC data size to over 450mb in size on the mobile and switch ports. The first DOOM fit on (4) 1.44mb floppy disks with some minor compression.

I'm not complaining... I just want to know how the hell they fit Doom 2016's near 100gb data size on a cartridge the size of dime for Switch release, yet somehow inflate the data size of the classics to nearly the data size limits of a CD 🤣


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iphone DOOM had touch controls for doors iirc.  any cool stuff like that or nah?


its kinda funny that i have bfg shipping to me over the next couple days so that me and the ol' lady can play classical DOOM co-op.


resurrection of evil included too? it would be cool if they brought back the flashlight or did the pistol/flashlight instead of the duct-tape mod.

Edited by Mk7_Centipede

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Wow, this really is a Unity version of DOOM. I am flabbergasted.


It explains why certain things like the movement physics seem off, as well as the tremendous file size (350mb+).


I am very disappointed with this revelation.

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Does this mean that Unity is a wrapper of some sort and that it is using some software renderer port underneath still?

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Just now, Blitzy said:

Does this mean that Unity is a wrapper of some sort and that it is using some software renderer port underneath still?

Looks like it.

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This is hilariously bad. First there's online-only DRM requiring a Bethesda.net account, and now you're telling me it's made in Unity? What the hell lmao


Are you required to have a Bethesda account to take it up the ass from daddy Todd Howard?

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I'm not knowledgeable enough in game development to understand their reasoning behind developing it through Unity (though I do know what Unity is as far as game engines go and people use it a lot to make projects).

Can someone explain why this a good/bad idea, what would be the reasoning for such (porting across platform or multiplayer stability?), and why it would not just be easier to use a common sourt port or develop one specifically for this purpose and port it as we do with the PC ports and original DOOM data? 


From what I'm reading here, seems porting it to unity is bad or a extremely complex/over-engineering a game that didn't require such a undertaking to port it to begin with?

Edited by Buckshot

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Fired up Doom 3 first, it initially allowed me to press B to skip the login prompt but since I had an account from the QC beta I went ahead and linked it anyway. Once I fired up the oldskool ports they logged in automatically so I didn't notice if there was a way to bypass the login menu in those, but I've since tried all three games in Flight Mode and aside from a few screens bitching at me to turn it off and the usual "online features will not be available" tripe, the games seem to be fully playable.


Also can confirm the PS4 versions have the same shit, presumably the XB1, too. It's also 15.7GB, despite originally fitting on a X360 DVD.


The Switch version of 3 is spot-on for the most part (well, it is the BFG Edition :/), however I noticed a few FPS dips in Docked mode. Not as crippling as the PS3 version, but definitely noticable. But yeah, if it turns out that the account linking is mandatory then that's a dick move.


Looks like Doom Eternal is gonna be a challenging game, then. A lot of us won't make it past the menu.

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I don't understand the hate for Unity and even for requiring a Bethesda account to play...


Can someone at least elaborate on why using Unity for the classic Doom games is such a horrible idea?

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It turns out the secret exit to Betray in map02 has been completely removed. In BFG Edition, activating it would just restart map02, but here it's an ordinary wall again. I wonder if map33's still in there, and just inaccessible. Can anyone who's looked inside this version's files shed some light?

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