tsareppsun Posted October 23, 2002 I've cought a brief glimps of the new "PCGAMER" magazine on D3, couldn't read the article though. But it had some real good new pics of some of monsters and ingame level areas. And the pic that got my attention the most is that "WUP-ASS" new archvile demon. It was standing poised to resurrect a former human I think. But I couldn't help thinking about that monster in "Serious Sam" called the "Kleer Skeleton" both monsters heads look pretty close. It also has a smaller sets of arms at the lower stomach area, kinda reminds me of the queen alien in "ALIENS". I wonder if id could make the Archvile's body give off that blurry shimmer, like a mirage made into rippling white hot sulfer flesh? Something also strikes me as weird, Why is some of the Doom2 creatures showing up in this "REMAKE" of Doom 1? So that's 3 D2 characters so far? 1. Chaingunner 2. Archvile 3. Arachnotron(*maybe, because of that drawing.) I notice that the new creature some of you refer as the "DROOLER" is said in the article to be the "HELL KNIGHT" redesigned for D3. And I think they mentioned that the "Cyber Demon" and the "Mancubus" is making a come back too. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted October 23, 2002 Well, like people are missing this point, this takes place on Mars, not Phobos and Deimos like the original Doom. We don't know what took place on Mars so we don't know what monsters lurked about on Mars. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MaCvILeWhOrE Posted October 23, 2002 Its not a re-make of the original doom, its a re-telling of the proposed story, so they can use whatever monsters they want, heh. And yes, TEH NU ARC VILLE PWNS!@(*$ 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Sphagne Posted October 23, 2002 I read somewhere that they are making the levels of the middle of the game first, and those levels take place on mars, then they make the end levels that will be on hell, then they start working on the first levels that take place on deimos! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted October 23, 2002 bigbadgangsta said:Well, like people are missing this point, this takes place on Mars, not Phobos and Deimos like the original Doom. Except, according to the PC Gamer article the game DOES take place on Phobos. Very, very odd. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted October 23, 2002 Lord FlatHead said:Except, according to the PC Gamer article the game DOES take place on Phobos. Very, very odd. Wtf? Since when? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Renegade_Style Posted October 23, 2002 Is that important ? ? ? uuuhhh 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted October 23, 2002 bigbadgangsta said:Wtf? Since when? Read the article in PC Gamer - it's in there within the first three pages or so.Is that important ? ? ? uuuhhh Yup, for it shows how closely related the new game is to the original - it's important to us story geeks. Anyways, the Doom 2 monsters are included because they're cool and like BBG has said already, Doom 3 is a retelling not a re-make of Doom 1. So basically, that means that id have taken the story to the original Doom, rewritten it, altering some of the aspects (but only to enhance the existing story or make things make more sense) and adding a shitload of interesting story twists. Being a retelling, it means that the setting and story of the game are similar to that of the original Doom, but the game itself can be vastly different, with totally different levels and having more weapons and monsters than the original. I think that covers it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted October 23, 2002 Lord FlatHead said:Except, according to the PC Gamer article the game DOES take place on Phobos. Very, very odd. In older interviews Tim Willits and other id members clearly said it will take place on Mars, not Phobos... most likely the PC Gamer article writer got that wrong. Maybe because he knows the original Doom took place on Phobos, so he guessed it would be the same in Doom3. Phobos would suck, it´s just a boring little moon, with low gravity and no impressive red canyons :p And wasn´t there a screenshot where a inscription or something was somehow related to Mars? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
uniQ Posted October 23, 2002 The http://www.ua-corp.com/ site graphic with the mars in the bg could be taken as an evidence that d3 will take place on mars. furthermore the pc gamer article shows a little picture (on scanned page four) showing off a martian-like surface. phobos i consider should be greyish. i really think the article's writer took something wrong regarding the set. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
niguel Posted October 27, 2002 Arch-vile is supposed to be some kind of sorceror from there where we go if we study such arts. anyway, the new arch-vile looks like it should, it's fine as it is now. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Spike Posted October 28, 2002 I gagged when i saw the new Arch-Vile - a result of sighing with relief and gaping in awe at the same time. My jaw still aches. Anyway, being my favourite creature from the Doom series, Archie measures up brilliantly IMO, the extra diminutive limbs adding an extra element of freakishness to its appearance. And yes - a firey shimmering on its skin would be ideal. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AirRaid Posted October 28, 2002 I'm not that impressed with the new arch-vile. It's OK yeah, but it's not what i thougt an arch-vile would look like at all. Ah well... can't win 'em all. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Perforator Posted October 30, 2002 MACVILEWHORE!!!! LORDFLATHEAD!!!! THEY SPEAK AGAIN, W00T!!!!!!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Livo Posted October 30, 2002 I don't like the tail on the Arch-vile, it doesn't seem to suit the monster design at all IMO. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
skinpack Posted October 30, 2002 Is it not possible that Mars may play some other sort of role in the game other than the initial setting? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Spike Posted October 30, 2002 skinpack said:Is it not possible that Mars may play some other sort of role in the game other than the initial setting? A source of chocolate, perhaps. Arf! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted October 30, 2002 skinpack said:Is it not possible that Mars may play some other sort of role in the game other than the initial setting? The place where Sarge is hiding, giving you your orders. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
m0l0t0v Posted October 30, 2002 I found this (german) site with scans of the magazine. click me That arch ville looks freaky man! The wierd eyes and the presence of a tail make it look less "intellegent" as the original but a lot scarier!! It looks SO COOL! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Xanthier Posted October 30, 2002 AirRaid said:I'm not that impressed with the new arch-vile. It's OK yeah, but it's not what i thougt an arch-vile would look like at all. Ah well... can't win 'em all. I agree, it's just another skeleton looking thing, everything has to look like a skull, just like the spidermind, but i liked the way it looked up close on the door, more like a thin ghoul. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Hicks Posted November 3, 2002 i really like the new Archville, the Hell Knight looks so sweet! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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