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*2020 HAKAWARDS* I'm Also Looking to Play and Record Your Maps 2 *CLOSED*

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1 hour ago, HAK3180 said:

I neither crouch nor deathmatch.


If it's a total conversion, probably.


Okay, so the sticking point was a total conversion, especially a long one. That clears it up, thanks.

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The appearance is quite good and well-tailored to the action. The beginning gets a little boring, as it’s very hard to skip the fight but you only get a shotgun and chaingun for at least a dozen revenants, several mancubi, a pain elemental, an arch-vile, and a handful of low-tiers. But the actual beast arena is pretty cool. The first wave is basically revenant rocket survival with an accompanying Mastermind. Then you get a very large open space, complete with rockets, rad suits, damaging floor, cyberdemons, and arch-viles. You have to keep moving and keep killing or it will not go well for you.


Bottom line: a rather interesting massive open space

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@Walter confetti



Doomworld forum topic


16 is fine. I just think the progression could be a little more obvious. I know the whole point of this type of map is keep Doomguy in it longer, so I’m not saying it should be easier to get to, but maybe more obvious what you’re trying to do.


31 is a quick fight that takes some skill.


32 is a kinda cool gimmick but you can exit pretty quickly.

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1 hour ago, HAK3180 said:

The appearance is quite good and well-tailored to the action. The beginning gets a little boring, as it’s very hard to skip the fight but you only get a shotgun and chaingun for at least a dozen revenants, several mancubi, a pain elemental, an arch-vile, and a handful of low-tiers. But the actual beast arena is pretty cool. The first wave is basically revenant rocket survival with an accompanying Mastermind. Then you get a very large open space, complete with rockets, rad suits, damaging floor, cyberdemons, and arch-viles. You have to keep moving and keep killing or it will not go well for you.


Bottom line: a rather interesting massive open space


Oh, got some feedback pretty quickly, thanks! I really didn't expect to see the video so quickly.


Well, a couple of my thoughts:


- The first battle with revenants and archi-vile was originally in more tactical style of play than "shoot everything until they die", I did not give the SSG for this reason. I know killing a lot of revenants with just one shotgun may seems boring, but it's not bad enough to be considered a big problem of the map.


- It's really weird that you have problems with teleports, I tested the map in Prboom plus and in ZDoom ports and this never happened before ...


- Damn, it sucks that Mastermind always had problems in this arena and most importantly in his teleport lines.


And yeah, glad you enjoyed that :0

Edited by MAN_WITH_GUN

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Doomworld forum topic (project)


I think it’s a fun map. Visually, it’s cool, offering that classic tech-hell / realistic-abstract tension. Even while the progression is pretty simple, the map still feels like it develops in a noticeable way. It’s probably too easy for a Map 29 on Ultra-Violence. There are tons of cells, and lots of health pickups. But that being true, the big fight does a good job of staying interesting, because even though it mostly amounts to circling while waiting for infighting, you are going to take some hits and you do have to be alert of what is teleporting in.


Bottom line: a wild party that feels a little too easy

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That was a quicker playthrough then I anticipated... oh well. Infighting is bain of my mapping existence.
Difficulty can be increase by lowering the supplies or increasing the monster count, but that would not prevent infighting so why bother.
(Though I had a version with like 370 monsters.)
You didn´t even used the close windows feature... I´m pretty sure nobody who playtested the map did.

Due to major design flaws (and yes, clearly I mean infighting and not my map design) @ViolentBeetle should get the map 29. I concede.

Edited by Shawny

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Doomworld forum topic


I think Clippy wisely spent most of the time on gameplay here and very little on visuals. Still, the monotexturing makes sense with the theme, and there's pleasant contrast between wood and water. The combat itself is nothing too involved, but it's thought through enough to provide a little challenge and a pretty good time all around. The map is quite simple, but it doesn't lack in enjoyment.


Bottom line: a workable and noticeable gimmick with some solid action

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@HAK3180 thank you for playing my boat map haha. Glad you liked the music and had fun. I could probably give less cells to make it more challenging but I really threw this together on the spot I had a very creative afternoon. You got the berserk secret which most ppl seem to miss as the lost souls have to open the door for you but missed the megasphere. To get it you have to click the silly dolphin picture and run to the lowered wall. @Soulless has the current world record speedrun of this map and accesses said secret at 1:05


Good times buddy will tackle Crossbearer map 19 soon




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Also picking up the red key should have opened the red door automatically to allow the archviles to come down the stairs but you appear to have been able to get the key without triggering it

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Heya, I replaced Map01, and thanks to encouragement will be continuing with this wad.  UVMAX Should be less than 10 minutes.
GZDOOM || TNT || Map01

Thank you again,


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I've been working on a new map recently. Here is a prototype version of it. It uses OTEX for most of the textures. I'm trying to make sure it doesn't look un-doomlike so tell me if it looks it. I will be posting the finished version here soon enough but for now this is it. I'm thinking of turning the blood to nukage to give it a green theme instead of red. Any thoughts on that?Screenshot_Doom_20201110_225253.png.54204554e071e91613e6661be1dece2a.png

Edited by Jacek Bourne

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@Jacek Bourne, looks like a promising fort map. As far as nukage vs. blood, I think it's important to factor the sky into the decision as well. Personally, I think the blood vibe fits better with the map itself, but if you were to keep the Doom 2 sky, then I would say green nukage is a better aesthetic fit. So I guess my opinion based just on this would be keep the blood, change the sky to something maybe dark blue or dark grey-black, or possibly even a predominantly white. And then I would consider changing the torches to green or blue.


I don't think it looks un-Doom-like, but it looks like you've only got three textures in there at this point.

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This is an 8-map demo for Doom 2, MBF-compatible (tested in PRBoom complevel 11). 


It is a little against your preferences as it has four new monsters, but their patterns are similar enough to existing monsters that I think it still feels like classic Doom. 


The difficulty curve is quite steep as these are not intended to be the first 8 maps in the final set, but everyone should be able to clear the first five. The last three are more of a time investment.



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@Jacek Bourne


download the .zip




Most of the monsters are immobile, so you have to go through them with, but they are strategically placed so that it’s difficult to isolate one or two monsters. The Mastermind is effective as long as she’s alive. The arch-viles play the prevent defense. The revenants do all they can to flush you out of the frying pan and into the fire. So the monsters complement each other well. The space is thematic, perhaps to a minor fault, as it’s entirely symmetrical and a little bit monotonous, but lighting is noticeable and I think it looks slightly undertextured mostly because of its depth.


Bottom line: Good thought went into this and out came a competent and somewhat distinct experience

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Doomworld forum topic


Some of the flavor of the original still remains, but I think the changes are good ones. The map has an identity that has to do with teleporters, and they’re easy enough to follow, even while being daunting initially. I came very close to dying, so it’s not a basic Map 01 walk in the park. There are some nice crossfires and some situations where the numbers can sneak up on you. I like where this project is going, and I think keeping Map 01 fresh can be a good strategic move, but now hopefully we see new maps from this mapper.


Bottom line: a definitely more appealing TNT-ish opener

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What's up my dude? Got five maps that could use some testing and feedback for each! You'll need GZDoom to run the maps :) 




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 @HAK3180  Thanks for checking it out, that's the only redo I plan on since the original was my first finished map.  That's also the reason I wanted to keep a similar visual.  You helped with a little bit of a hiccup in the clarity of the teleporters, they're all supposed to show you where they take you on the map, save for the secret, so that's been fixed.


You actually pressed the secret switch that lowered the teleporter in the center of the red key room to get outside, haha.

Also, while the TnT nods so far have been intentional I do want to keep map length at a cap.  I try to get my no save UVMAX runs of a map below 10 minutes, and will probably try to keep that as an average going forward.

Thanks again!

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Here my first map, posted last week-end and made a few modification (New sky texture, new music and a visual and game play tweak) based on comments.


Made with the UDMF format and tested in GZDoom


Hope you like it


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@Soulless and I made a map that was drawn by 25 different people, I'd like to see you play it



Compatibility: GZDoom

Difficulty settings: no

Play time: about half an hour

Jumping and crouching: no

Freelook: allowed but not needed


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Part 1


Part 2


Doomworld forum topic


It’s quite interesting to see the development of this wad. The first maps are much more basic, but then we get very involved layouts, details, and combat setups, and a slaughter finale. I think there is evidence of mapping growth through the wad, but the first maps are definitely not complete newcomer material. There are some balance issues in different places as well, but there’s got to be at least something everyone can enjoy in here.


Bottom line: this thing is all over the place, but there’s a lot of fun to be had here

Edited by HAK3180

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9 hours ago, HAK3180 said:


It’s quite interesting to see the development of this wad. The first maps are much more basic, but then we get very involved layouts, details, and combat setups, and a slaughter finale. I think there is evidence of mapping growth through the wad, but the first maps are definitely not complete newcomer material. There are some balance issues in different places as well, but there’s got to be at least something everyone can enjoy in here.


Bottom line: this thing is all over the place, but there’s a lot of fun to be had here

Thanks for the test - this is not just my effort though! I actually only made 2 of the 8 maps (Retox and Jungle Massacre). The text file with the wad has the credits. I'm still watching the videos so I'll probably have more to say later.


Also, I have to ask, are you playing on keyboard/controller or is your mouse sensitivity just really low?

Edited by WashingMachineEnthusiasts

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Doomworld forum topic


01 Back Again

This map has a nice rhythm. You don’t spend too long in any area or on any encounter, but the map has a clear main area. It’s not a hard opener, but it’s not just humans and imps.


02 Underhells

This map does a good job of balancing inspiration and innovation. It has a very sudden spike in difficulty and seems to introduce the trope of obvious trap moments


03 Blood Pump

This map has a strong layout and reminds you of an intricate tech base. The action is mostly fun, but again the big fights are always where you would expect, not in a slaughter map or setpiece-centric kind of way, but more in a cheap way, like I’m actually supposed to be surprised.


Bottom line: visuals take a back seat and there’s way too many death triggers for my liking, but the core here is entertaining enough Doom

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