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Whats your favorite Doom game and why?

Whats you favorite Doom game and why?  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Note: This was mostly an excuse to try out the poll feature and gain an understanding of how it works. I'm also only keeping the poll open for a week's time. Let me know if I left a game out.

    • The Ultimate Doom
    • Doom II Hell on Earth
    • Final Doom
    • Doom 3 BFG Edition
    • Doom (2016)
    • Doom Eternal

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  • Poll closed on 08/10/19 at 05:00 AM

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Note: This was mostly an excuse to try out the poll feature and gain an understanding of how it works. I'm also only keeping the poll open for a week's time. Let me know if I left a game out.

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From the What's your favorite Doom title thread:


Doom II definitely. I love the variety of the level design and the creativity of some of the more open-ended maps, and after playing the shareware of Knee Deep in the Dead, it was the first Doom game I went and bought.

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17 minutes ago, The Maverick013 said:

I prefer Ultimate Doom simply because it is the first one I ever played.

Doom 64 :)

I knew I forgot one, sorry.

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Hard to pick one. I'll go with the Ultimate Doom. 


Doom 1&2 both seems like they start out well but end up being really frustrating the more you play. Doom 3 tries to re-invent itself as technology progresses and I can't really say I'd call that my favorite. Doom 2016 seems like one step forward and two steps back. It corrects the sneaky dark horror atmosphere, introduces the run&gun action as a central design principle, but also brings a lot of design choices I don't agree with as a long time Doom fan. I can go over those things in another thread but since Doom 1&2 both have good first episodes, Doom 1 wins with a more fleshed out thoughtful Episode 1. Doom 2 first 6 levels start out well, but they're too small and cramped to really compete with Episode 1. In Doom 2's defense, it does give the player a super shotgun and introduce couple new enemies in that timespan but as a believer that a good level design makes or breaks the game, I'll have to go with Doom 1. Its first Episode raised the bar too much, while content onwards in both games average out each other. 


P.S. Don't kill me...

Edited by SamuelNMEvander

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2 minutes ago, SamuelNMEvander said:

Hard to pick one. I'll go with the Ultimate Doom. 


Doom 1&2 both seems like they start out well but end up being really frustrating the more you play. Doom 3 tries to re-invent itself as technology progresses and I can't really say I'd call that my favorite. Doom 2016 seems like one step forward and two steps back. It corrects the sneaky dark horror atmosphere, introduces the run&gun action but also brings a lot of design choices I don't agree with as a long time Doom fan. I can go over those things in another thread but since Doom 1&2 both have good first episodes, Doom 1 wins with a more fleshed out thoughtful Episode 1. Doom 2 first 6 levels start out well, but they're too small and cramped to really compete with Episode 1. In Doom 2, defense, it does give the player a super shotgun and introduce couple new enemies in that timespan but as a believer that a good level design makes or breaks the game, I'll have to go with Doom 1. Its first Episode raised the bar too much, while content onwards in both games average out each other. 


P.S. Don't kill me...

I'm going to bury you, with praise, as that was a good analysis and I would love to hear more of your thoughts. Its not often I hear the original games or the 2016 game criticized, so I would love to hear more. 

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3 minutes ago, TheDoomDude said:

I'm going to bury you, with praise, as that was a good analysis and I would love to hear more of your thoughts. Its not often I hear the original games or the 2016 game criticized, so I would love to hear more. 

I can write a topic on that.

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Just now, TheDoomDude said:

If you wish to do so, I'd be willing to read that.

Well, talking about Doom 2016 really gets me going so I could do that. It's going to be a hot take so I hope people will understand :)

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2 minutes ago, SamuelNMEvander said:

Well, talking about Doom 2016 really gets me going so I could do that. It's going to be a hot take so I hope people will understand :)

Most will understand, a few won't, but no game is free from criticism not Doom, not Dark Souls, not Halo CE, and not Super Mario Bros.

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Has any debate raged longer in Doom's history?


Personally, I am on a lifelong journey of Learning to Love Doom 2.


E1 forever. E2,3,4 close behind.


I had a lot of the same concerns @SamuelNMEvander had about 2016. But I played through it finally and while it's not perfect, I enjoyed it much more than I'd expected.

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I always fine this a tricky one because to me it goes:


Ep 1 > Doom 2 > Ep 2 > Ep 3 > Ep 4


So I think on balance I have to pick Doom 2 over the Ultimate Doom, but Ep 1 is still the best of the lot.

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4 minutes ago, tempdecal.wad said:

No option for the original Doom 3? :(

Was there something you liked about the original Doom 3? If so what was it, because from my understanding Doom 3 BFG edition was nothing but an upgrade as it came with better graphics and lighting as well as the duck-tape mod.

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BFG Edition doubled the ammo count you get from pickups, and added more ammo pickups to the levels, and I don't like the shoulder-mounted flashlight, and the removal of the helmet effects in the sewer sections of ROE, I thought that looked really cool in the original. not to mention no mod support.

Edited by tempdecal.wad

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I voted for Doom 2.  It's a very well balanced IWAD and it's the Doom I'm most familiar with.  I also love Doom 2: No Rest For The Living.  Vivisection! 

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5 minutes ago, tempdecal.wad said:

BFG Edition doubled the ammo count you get from pickups, and added more ammo pickups to the levels, and I don't like the shoulder-mounted flashlight, and the removal of the helmet effects in the sewer sections of ROE, I thought that looked really cool in the original.

Well then I'm truly sorry for not knowing the difference, and I would gladly add it in if I could edit this poll. Maybe in the future if I redo this poll I'll add it in. Thanks for the information.

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I don't mean to derail the thread, but I have been wanting to finally plow through D3 since finishing 2016. I already own the original, is that good enough to where I don't need BFG edition?

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I used to be in the Doom II camp, but as of late, I've been growing more fond of the original.  The level design, music, and episode structure is better, IMO, as well as the balancing.  Sure, the added monsters in Doom II are nice, as is the SSG, but honestly, there's just a certain charm to the original that the sequel lacks.


Long live Ultimate Doom.

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1 hour ago, TheDoomDude said:

as well as the duck-tape mod.


I personally rather disliked the duck-tape mod.  Having to switch away from your weapons for the flashlight was a fun, tense game mechanic.

Edited by Bauul

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1 hour ago, DuckReconMajor said:

I don't mean to derail the thread, but I have been wanting to finally plow through D3 since finishing 2016. I already own the original, is that good enough to where I don't need BFG edition?

It's worth getting BFG Edition if you want to check out NRFTL and the Lost Mission.

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1 hour ago, silentzorah said:

I used to be in the Doom II camp, but as of late, I've been growing more fond of the original.  The level design, music, and episode structure is better, IMO, as well as the balancing.  Sure, the added monsters in Doom II are nice, as is the SSG, but honestly, there's just a certain charm to the original that the sequel lacks.


Long live Ultimate Doom.


Ultimate Doom in the PSX port has the Super Shotgun in it, but it's in a secret map and it's so late in the game it's pretty useless. 

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I would say Doom 64 yet unfortunately it's not on the poll. Shame, i really like it.


Doom 1 is my vote. I liked E1, loved E2, but didn't enjoy E3 or E4 much. I still like it way more than anything Doom 2 past MAP08, there's some good maps in the rest of that but not as many as i can take from Doom 1.

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1 minute ago, -TDRR- said:

I would say Doom 64 yet unfortunately it's not on the poll. Shame, i really like it.


Like I said before, I'm sorry I left it out. Anyways thanks for participating. 

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Ultimate Doom, I prefer the level design, atmosphere and music and I actually find E2 to be as enjoyable as E1, with E3 and E4 being more variable in quality but still having some very strong maps (E3M4, E3M6, E4M2, E4M6 spring to mind).  I can't say that I've ever been able to get into Doom 2's stock maps as much, although the extra enemies are an advantage when it comes to modding.  I find Final Doom's maps to be variable in quality, but both TNT and Plutonia certainly have their moments.


Doom 3 is excellent early and late in the game but gets repetitive in the middle, while DOOM 2016 is also pretty good but the emphasis on wave-based combat, which was also accentuated by the checkpoint-only save system, detracted from the experience for me.  Too early to say regarding Doom Eternal.

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3 minutes ago, TheDoomDude said:

What is this Plutonia you speak of?


Final Doom


It's split in half with Plutonia and TNT.

Edited by Maser

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