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Whats your favorite Doom game and why?

Whats you favorite Doom game and why?  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Note: This was mostly an excuse to try out the poll feature and gain an understanding of how it works. I'm also only keeping the poll open for a week's time. Let me know if I left a game out.

    • The Ultimate Doom
    • Doom II Hell on Earth
    • Final Doom
    • Doom 3 BFG Edition
    • Doom (2016)
    • Doom Eternal

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  • Poll closed on 08/10/19 at 05:00 AM

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Ultimate DOOM for the music in E1M1  


E1M3 - E2M2 - E3M3 - E1M7 - E1M8 - E1M9 - E2M8 SOMANY GREAT MUSIC!


That and because the levels are more original in ultimate DOOM to me, LIMBO is a well designed map and also the hardest to beat.


Cyberdemon is a end boss for episode 2 which is cool... and the spider mastermind for episode 3.


The music in E1M3 is cool (I have it on OPL mode)

Edited by vanilla_d00m

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I'm repeating myself here, but i go with Plutonia because it embodies my favourite design tropes in Doom. Also it was probably a very influental blueprint for many renowned PWADs that came after it.

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probably ultimate doom, doom 2 has more enemies but the maps aren't as great in my opinion.

if we're only talking about games I've played. I'm really hyped for doom eternal, the footage we have if it looks exactly like what I would want doom to be, so I actually voted eternal.

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PSX Doom and Doom 64 for their thick atmosphere, great ambient music, and meaty sound effects.

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I pick Final Doom: Plutonia, the level design is amazing, it's pretty hard but not unfair with the player. Most of the levels are short, but they are pretty fun. Also, the plutonia midi pack is awesome

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I decided to vote DooM 3 BFG Edition (mostly to throw some love to it) since I do like how the game plays.


Ultimate DooM is very much a masterpiece and a good example on how you should build your maps... but with the low enemy variety and lack of the super shotty the gameplay does feel repetitive. Especially in episode 4.


DooM II Brought in some much needed padding in terms of hell spawn. It is nice to have a better idea for a medium difficulty trap that isn't always pinky's, lost souls or cacos. Now hell knights and mancubuses can fill in some of that roll as well. DooM II does have some REALLY stupid level designs. I'm not against map24 but jesus I can see why it's hated a lot... DooM was not designed for precision walking.


TNT Evilution... ehh... I like the fact that it's a neat package of levels but wowza does this contain a few poorly designed maps. Thankfully Human BBQ's theme is rocking.


Plutonia... OH HEY LOOK! 1000 ARCH VILES, CHAINGUNNERS AND REVENANTS! YAY! - Rom Jomero The Casali Brothers


DooM 3. Spooky, atmospheric and intriguing. A lot less gung-ho with the slaughter of hell spawn but does make up for it with its horror aspect... but they could have seriously done with buffing the shotgun... that thing is pathetic...


DooM 4 AKA DooM 2016. Anyone who knows me knows I hate this dumpster fire of a sequel! You know brutal DooM that one mod that makes DooM gory and filled with glory kills? Let's make that a mandatory thing! Remember when pinky demons were invulnerable from the front? I sure don't! :D Remember those rocking songs? Oh look! Generic metal guitar rift 4000! Sheesh. I'm sorry... I can't love DooM 4... But one thing IS true about it, the whole "argent" cells system was a nice new way to reward you for 100% the game... It just feels like you HAVE to get them all though...


DooM Eternal/DooM 5? I just wish they don't make it like DooM 4. Otherwise I can't say a whole lot about it.

Edited by DynamiteKaitorn
Fixed typos and added DooM 5 stoofy

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Hallo everybody, 

The "Original" DOOM had only three episodes.

1. First : Knee deep in the dead

2. Second : The shores of hell

3. Third : Inferno

This is also mentioned in the shareware versions of DOOM flowing around.


The most popular DOOM in this days is that what many people call ultimate DOOM or final DOOM, it includes the episodes counted above + the 4. Fourth episode 'They flesh consumed'. This  version is still on sale on different platforms.

Never heard about a final DOOM half Plutonia and half TNT, must be some self made, homegrown, whatever 🤔



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Final Doom is an official, commercial release, although all of its maps were designed by fans. That did end up causing some controversy back in the day, at least if the stories are to be believed (I had no home internet in 1996, not to mention a very limited grasp of the english language). Speaking of Final Doom, that's what I picked. Doom II's excellent added gameplay mechanics, but with level design that is far superior to Doom II's. You'll get nothing better on this poll list.

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1 hour ago, KickAss said:

The most popular DOOM in this days is that what many people call ultimate DOOM or final DOOM, it includes the episodes counted above + the 4. Fourth episode 'They flesh consumed'. This  version is still on sale on different platforms.

Never heard about a final DOOM half Plutonia and half TNT, must be some self made, homegrown, whatever 🤔



Hello KickAss, I am just replying to clarify that "Ultimate Doom" and "Final Doom" are names of 2 separate things.


Ultimate Doom includes the original 3 episodes of Doom 1 and a Fourth episode called 'Thy Flesh Consumed'


Final Doom is the name given to the two standalone expansions/addons/map-packs of Doom 2. One of these expansions is called "TNT-Evilution" and the other is called "The Plutonia Experiment". Each of these consist of 32 level (thus a total of 64 levels).

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On 8/7/2019 at 11:42 AM, DynamiteKaitorn said:

Generic metal guitar rift 4000!


Rift? Hahahahaha... that's where I stopped reading...

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Doom 64, but since that ain't on the poll I'll vote for Doom 2. Ultimate Doom is a close contender, I think Ultimate Doom has better levels, but Doom 2 has more monster variety and the Super Shotgun. Combat's just more fun in the second game.

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8 hours ago, LadyVader1138 said:

But they are on the poll (Final Doom)

I know. I still pretend the 3 are Doom 2 since there are no gameplay changes :p. Even if plutonia has the better maps.

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On 8/3/2019 at 5:06 PM, SamuelNMEvander said:

I can write a topic on that.

Please, i would love to read it too, i think i can add some opinions to that thread, i was never totally fond of D16 either and i am currently replaying it and i dislike it even less, not that is a bad game, is just not Doom to me.

I will never understand either why people put Final Doom along with the canonical official entries.

Also, it would be Doom 3, not BFG Edition :/


On 8/3/2019 at 5:59 PM, Bauul said:

I always fine this a tricky one because to me it goes:


Ep 1 > Doom 2 > Ep 2 > Ep 3 > Ep 4


So I think on balance I have to pick Doom 2 over the Ultimate Doom, but Ep 1 is still the best of the lot.

I think we all can agree and say that without a doubt Episode 1 of Doom is by far the best thing to come out of the franchise, not that Episodes 2, 3 and Doom 2 are bad at all, but Episode 1 is just special.

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On 8/12/2019 at 9:19 PM, D88M3R said:

I think we all can agree and say that without a doubt Episode 1 of Doom is by far the best thing to come out of the franchise, not that Episodes 2, 3 and Doom 2 are bad at all, but Episode 1 is just special.

Agree to disagree, E1 is easily the weakest in Ultimate Doom for me.

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30 minutes ago, Andromeda said:

Agree to disagree, E1 is easily the weakest in Ultimate Doom for me.

:O Why?

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27 minutes ago, D88M3R said:

:O Why?

The levels look samey, texture usage is very repetitive leaving no room for variation, excessive non-linearity reminds me of Wolfenstein level design. In terms of gameplay it's the same all the way through, just mow down hitscanners, with a few imps and demons/spectres thrown in for good measure but not enough to feel fresh or provide some interesting scenarios. I will concede that the boss battle + finale is decent and the highlight of the episode, the secret level provides a breath of fresh air, with its interconnected layout and fast and unrelenting gameplay, and E1M4 is very atmospheric, where you'll first meet the demon in a non-secret area if playing on lower difficulties in the claustrophobic maze, the perfect place to introduce that enemy, making it seem bigger and deadlier than it actually is.


With that said, I might have rated it harshly in my reply to you, it's still an excellent episode, just not as enjoyable to me as the other three.

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Astronomically hot take. 

E2-4 are very underrated but E1 still runs in my blood.

I love to hear dissenters though. I don't agree that everyone loves E1 and I'm glad you spoke up.

Also I think the Doom 2 lubbers are gonna disagree too.

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I personally think Doom II > Doom I. Does Doom I have better level design? Perhaps (although I think Doom II's maps are sometimes underrated). But in terms of gameplay, the super shotgun + new enemies just make Doom II so much more enjoyable to me. So if I was stuck with one, I'd pick Doom II for the much more exciting gameplay.


Truthfully though, I'm not a fan of the original IWADs that much. Their style is often very exploratory, and progression can often be a little strange (looking at you TNT). I much prefer the more straigtforward, setpiece-driven mentality of more modern wads. Plutonia is probably my favorite because it is closest to that more modern style, but I'll take Plutonia 2 over it any day.

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On 8/15/2019 at 7:38 PM, Andromeda said:

The levels look samey, texture usage is very repetitive leaving no room for variation, excessive non-linearity reminds me of Wolfenstein level design. In terms of gameplay it's the same all the way through, just mow down hitscanners, with a few imps and demons/spectres thrown in for good measure but not enough to feel fresh or provide some interesting scenarios. I will concede that the boss battle + finale is decent and the highlight of the episode, the secret level provides a breath of fresh air, with its interconnected layout and fast and unrelenting gameplay, and E1M4 is very atmospheric, where you'll first meet the demon in a non-secret area if playing on lower difficulties in the claustrophobic maze, the perfect place to introduce that enemy, making it seem bigger and deadlier than it actually is.


With that said, I might have rated it harshly in my reply to you, it's still an excellent episode, just not as enjoyable to me as the other three.

Interesting, never heard that opinion before, thanks for your answer.

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Ultimate Doom, especially Episodes 2 & 3. For starters I really like the look of a lot of the more 'hellish' levels as well as the nice blend in Shores of Hell levels. The only levels that really come close visually IMO (aside from key areas in other maps) in a similar way are MAP 28 and MAP 27. I liked the mix of labyrinthine layouts of the original Doom's maps, as well as how the larger or hub based maps were handled. I also feel that their maps had nicer use of demons at times.  There are also more Doom 1 maps I prefer over Doom II overall.


I feel Doom II introduced more emphasis on 'arena' maps with hordes of enemies (map 18). It still had a decent mix, but I feel at times the later games attempt to capture these moments a bit too much. I like roaming about an entire level freely and feeling as though the map is already infested with demons filling the halls and I dont like having to be stuck in arena rooms. I suppose 2016 still had its moments though. It was an also an issue in Doom III at times; it liked to 'lock doors' a lot too. But in Doom III's case, its larger issue was its style of combat; i really disliked the emphasis on enemies spawning in in dull waves one after another.

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