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Quiet, girl. The polls have ears!

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You somehow land a lame babysitting job for a hyperactive 3 year old when you are desperate for cash. He blatantly misbehaves. To what DooM level do you send the little bugger to so you can scare some sense into him?

I would say "the chasm". Maybe he'll stop breaking things and trying to beat up the babysitter if he's scared stiff of falling to his death ^_^

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e2m9. Fortress of Mystery. That little bitch won't be alive to piss me off after four Barons and a pack of Caco's get through with him.

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hmm, this is a tough one.

E4m3 would be nice.
But then again, map29 of doom2 is good.

and what about map07 of memento mori... or for that matter map26 of mm?

actually, hell revealed's map08 is a nice place for a field trip as well (im thinking of the one with all the arachnotrons and big guys)

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MAP16 - The Suburbs; crezzyness ensues.

In Heretic, E4M2 - Blockhouse; one of the hardest levels to start from scratch, ever.

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Hell Revealed: Map07 - Arachnophobia
Twilight Zone: Map23 - ?
Momento Mori I: Map23 - Showdown
Doom 64: Level 25 - The Absolution
Stone Stratagems: Map11 - The Barrier

I've got plenty of choices.

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Send him to Ultimate Doom's E2m8, Tower of Babel. The CyberDemon would obliterate the little brat before he could misbehave again.
Send him to E3m6, Mt. Erebus. He'll be turned into snack food by the Cacos and Imps before he knows where he's at.

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E2M9-Fortress of Mystery

Level 8-Tricks and Traps

Level 32 (Final Doom: Plutonia) Go 2 It

Level 32 (TEETH off the master levels)

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Ok, not the toughest level in the world, but even if he completes it, he will have less than 10% health when it ends, and presumably be fairly subdued until his parents get home.

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The best level for tortures EVER :


Seriously, a 128 pixels high square room with no exit, monsters, items or decoration. Properly lighted at 180, with the default textures and running on vanilla doom2.exe with low detail activated.

Now THAT's a torture.

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Hey, what about those two Daemon WADs the Doom Alchemy book was bashing all the time?

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