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Which demon in doom is annoying to you?

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12 minutes ago, Danarchy said:

Pain elementals, obviously, though they're kind of cute, too.

That they are... unless you're talking about the Doom 64 designs.





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It's not often the monsters in themselves that annoy me, but rather combinations of them. For example, arch-viles combined with barons make it very easy to lose ammunition. Killing an arch-vile alone is rarely a problem.


An another exemple , trying to kill a cyberdemon with rockets while lost souls are attacking you.

Edited by Roofi

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Pain Elemental

Lost Soul


In that order. I have a love-hate relationship with the revenant so it keeps getting added and removed from the above list. Right now, it's on it.

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54 minutes ago, Blunted Player said:

Mancubus, since the process of killing it is pretty large. They can take 4 rockets/SSG shoots, and it break my patience.


3 SSG plus 1 pistol shot.

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1 hour ago, Blunted Player said:

Mancubus, since the process of killing it is pretty large. They can take 4 rockets/SSG shoots, and it break my patience.


I thought it was always 3 rockets :/


Anyway, Pain Elementals are indeed pretty anoying. But at least they don't have very much health. I find chaingunners to be really frustrating because they rip your health to nothing, and barons of hell, because they are just boring to fight and take forever to go down. It's telling that in doom2 they introduced a WEAKER version of the baron. Nice going guys lol

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28 minutes ago, magicsofa said:

I thought it was always 3 rockets :/


Sometimes 3 rockets, sometimes 4. Depending on RNG.

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13 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:


Sometimes 3 rockets, sometimes 4. Depending on RNG.

Playing Brutal Doom with the multiple hitboxes on the enemies it can be upto 5 or 6 if your hits aren't clean. I'm usually aiming for the head anyway...

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Certainly the mancubus because of its uncertainty with 3-4 rockets/SSG shots plus its shots are quite difficult to dodge lately. Arachnotrons are slowly getting up there as well due to their usual sniper position and stream that is harsh to sidestep.


Of course, the overall positioning of a monster can make any of them annoying in any context, so really any of the monsters can be the most annoying one depending on the situation.

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2 hours ago, DoomSpud said:

Playing Brutal Doom with the multiple hitboxes on the enemies it can be upto 5 or 6 if your hits aren't clean. I'm usually aiming for the head anyway...


In Brutal Doom, the SSG is your best friend. If u get close enough and aim at the heads, u can kill them (as well as enemies like cacodemons, hell knights, revenants) in 1 clean shot.

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14 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:


In Brutal Doom, the SSG is your best friend. If u get close enough and aim at the heads, u can kill them (as well as enemies like cacodemons, hell knights, revenants) in 1 clean shot.

Always loved taking off a Hell Knight's head in a single headshot...

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