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Hell-Forged Resources (More Episode 2 stuff added)

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I checked out resources in slade and seems big portion of stuff is plagued by white pixel artefacts. Maybe you could provide png versions of resources? For example, those skies are destroyed by doom pal:



Edited by Misty

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Oops, I forgot to mention that you need the Hell-Forged Palette for these images. Just rip it out of the mod itself. I've attached it. Unzip it and put it into your Slade.pk3's palette folder

HF pal.zip

Edited by Amuscaria

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I really appreciate you releasing your work, and you are awesome for releasing it with these licenses!

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  • 2 months later...

First to Amuscaria: more thanks and praise for releasing this wad especially with the permissions. To anyone who hasn't played it, Hell Forged is AWESOME! Big thematic beautiful maps, new textures, monsters and an all new well balanced arsenal that's good looking and fun to use. Play it.

Back to Amuscaria, I've played the first 4 levels with the 64 bit version of GZDoom 4.2.1. It works great until I get to the Assembly Line where the game fails to load and I get the message "Unable to open map 'HF1M5'". Do you know what might be happening? I'd love to play the other five maps, though the first 4 are well worth it on their own. Thanks.

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I've not had that issue with GZDoom 4.1, but ill go back and test it with 4.2+ when i get home today. Is it just that one map or are all the maps after also unaccessible? Try using the warp command in console and goto Hf1M6-8.


Thank you for repeating this. Will be fixed asap if its on my end and not the port.

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2 hours ago, Amuscaria said:

I've not had that issue with GZDoom 4.1, but ill go back and test it with 4.2+ when i get home today. Is it just that one map or are all the maps after also unaccessible? Try using the warp command in console and goto Hf1M6-8.


Thank you for repeating this. Will be fixed asap if its on my end and not the port.


I've tried a few things. Eventually I re downloaded the wad and discovered I had been playing HF-v06b.WAD. The New download is HF-v100a.WAD. Ive noticed that there is now new menu art, a new logo, a choice between Templar guy and Templar gal (bravo, doom girl is long over due), a map where you jump around in between levels like the original doom and heretic games (which I've noticed coordinates with the sky textures, nice touch) and some differences to the levels.

In this newer version the magic sword drop in the first level is much different and involves fighting a baron. I still cant warp between levels with the IDCLEV cheat as this always leads to classic Doom II levels. I haven't gotten back to map 4 yet but I did find the secret level. It was great. About half way through I just cranked gamma correction up because I couldn't find any more night vision. Good stuff, love it. I'm interested to see what you make of it but no rush.

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That would explain the crash. I did something in the versions below v.1.00 that makes it crashes on older versions of GZDoom, but works fine from 4.1+. No idea why, though. You can't use the IDCLEV cheat because the map names are formated as HF1Mx. Use the "Changemap" followed by HF1M1-9, or "NextMap" console commands. :)


Also, there is a Hell-Forged project thread here: 

I check that much more frequently than the thread here. Please report bugs there regarding the game there whenever possible. Thanks. :) 

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On 10/24/2019 at 6:50 PM, Amuscaria said:

You can't use the IDCLEV cheat because the map names are formated as HF1Mx.

If you define a LevelNum for each map in MAPINFO, I *think* that will make IDCLEV work.  It's worth a try, especially if you already have a MAPINFO.


About LevelNum, from the Wiki:


This is the map's identification number that is used to identify it to the Teleport_NewMap special. If the map's name is of the form MAPxx, then it will automatically have a LevelNum of xx unless you specify differently. (e.g. MAP23's LevelNum will be 23 unless you set it to something else.) For ExMy maps, it will default to (x-1)*10+y.


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On 10/31/2019 at 8:47 PM, Empyre said:

If you define a LevelNum for each map in MAPINFO, I *think* that will make IDCLEV work.  It's worth a try, especially if you already have a MAPINFO.


About LevelNum, from the Wiki:



Will add that to the next version.


Already have it in actually. Might just rename the maps to Map01-09 in the next major patch.

Edited by Amuscaria

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

One-year necromancy. Added some Episode 2 resources I released on ZDoom forums for public use. Note Episode 2 sprites each use their own color palette, so you'll have to use a port that supports PNGs or convert them yourself to the Doom Palette.

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HF1 stuff is CC BY-SA.

HF2 stuff has no CC license yet. People are just free to use the stuff I've included here for their own mods. I'll release the stuff under the same as HF1 stuff when the project is completed.

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  • 3 months later...

I will be taking a break from Doom modding to work on some artwork. I've updated the Hell-Forged E2 resources to include all of the newest monsters, some more polished ones from the first release, as well as the weapons and misc sprites I've complete so far as a public resource. The resources for HFE2 are NOT currently under creative commons, but you are free to use them in your mods so long as it doesn't violate that condition.  See OP for download link.


All of the weapons and monsters are fully functional, with decorate and sounds, although I don't know how balanced they are in-game, as they've only been tested in non-game contexts. The HFE2Res wad is usable in-game if you have Hell-Forged v1.11. Just load both mods, with the E2 wad second. You'll need a ZDoom-family port that supports PNGs, as all of the sprites have their own palette, not the Doom one.


The Resource wads include 14 monsters and 2 weapons:


  • Mite
  • Wight
  • Striga
  • Vampyr
  • Vulgar
  • Corpse Spider
  • Abyss Crawler
  • Bloodhound
  • Putrefier
  • Necrodemon
  • Hemodemon
  • Strider
  • Succubus
  • Defiler


  • Skull of Blight
  • Manticore
Edited by Amuscaria

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(Just to note the Putrefier is included and functional as well! And the Corpse Spider and Abyss Crawler use the thing names "TheThing" and "Crawler" respectively) Also the Strider's armor item "StriderArmor" doesn't seem to have been included.

Edited by YouAreTheDemons

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2 hours ago, YouAreTheDemons said:

(Just to note the Putrefier is included and functional as well! And the Corpse Spider and Abyss Crawler use the thing names "TheThing" and "Crawler" respectively) Also the Strider's armor item "StriderArmor" doesn't seem to have been included.

Ah forgot to include the Putrefier to the list. I've updated the resource wad with the fixes. 


If you don't wanna redownload add the following lines to DECITEM2 text lump in HF2Res.wad.


ACTOR StriderArmor : DraugrArmor //Used for Strider only
   Armor.SaveAmount 200

Edited by Amuscaria

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Woah! Never expected to see these resources released so quickly, this is super cool. Been drooling over your new monsters & weapons for a while now. There's some really fun stuff in here, the Succubus / Striga combo is delightfully gross and awesome haha. Huge thanks!

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Many thanks from me also - this is particularly well timed because I've recently restarted Doom mapping based on an unreleased gameplay mod of mine that draws heavily upon Hell-Forged and Xaser's related Eriguns.  I had thought some of these would fit perfectly but assumed that it would be several years before the resources became publicly released.  But today, here we are, and sure enough, many of them are a pretty ideal fit.  Having played a lot of Quake recently I appreciate the nods to Quake monsters in several cases, such as the the way Wights behave a lot like Quake's zombies, and the Pain Elemental-style monsters that release minions have a lot of potential to be more effective and less annoying than Pain Elementals themselves.

Good luck with your artistic endeavours while you take your break from Hell-Forged Episode 2.

Edited by ENEMY!!!

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Thought I'd release them, since I'll be away for a while, and for safe keeping as I've had terrible experiences of losing years of work for Demon Eclipse due to a hard drive crash.

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13 hours ago, YouAreTheDemons said:

I also noticed that the Vulgar and Defiler both lack blood colors, so they just use default red.

Good catch.


Add the following lines to the Vulgar and Defiler, respectively.


Vulgar: BloodColor "7d 66 35"

Defiler: BloodColor "95 91 16"

Edited by Amuscaria

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  • 8 months later...

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