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My animated texture don't work


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Im making a doom wad and I added a blood fall texture, I numered correctly textures but in-game is static, don't work me.

Please help

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you need to add these textures to the animated lump in slade, where all the other animated textures are located. If you open that lump, you will immediately see what you need to be doing, it's reasonably self explanatory once you're there. What isn't so obvious however is that you need to make sure the textures are placed in your WAD file in the exact order they are supposed to get displayed ingame, with no other texture between them.

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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Then you need replace existing frames from iwads to have animated textures in vanilla or move to boom for "animated" and "switches" lumps. 

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There is the unused WFALL1-4 animation in Doom 1 and 2, that allows for an animated texture that doesn't replace an original.

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