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Rowdy Rudy II: POWERTRIP (Development Thread)

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Ok nice!

Hmm.. can we do (sector based) color maps? :P



This is all I have so far:





Yes, that's right.. you will have to look closely because this is the biggest screenshots your going to get at this stage.. lol..

I just started on it last night, once I have some sector lighting and a bit more ambition, things will begin to turn full motion and these previous screenshots likely won't look anything like they do here. aside from the current layout plan, and still staying in the bubble of Doom VPO/SEG count. Which is something like this right now:



The 3 larger sectors on the right side of the map, I plan to have the out doors areas, connecting to those 3.

But anyway, it's a very small map right now.. yet.. progress! :P


Edited by Mr.Rocket

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I don't know if you're aware, but the switch at the end of MAP02 has no action assigned to it.


I know the question's not directed to me, but no, I didn't know that, in fact, seems how it's a new project and the beta release of it is basically a resource wad for development, there's not much reason for review.. of course that's just my out look on things, though..

Edited by Mr.Rocket

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No, you’re right, if you aren’t sure what to do with your maps visually they can give some ideas, they also provide a look at the new enemy functionality, but there’s a good chance they’ll be changed around substantially before release.


Still though, I welcome notes on them, that way I have a better idea of what to change!

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Well, maxmanium was saying that MAP02 (in the resource wad) has a problem, which is understandable.. it's beta, it may have.

And it's good that he pointed it out. I guess what I was trying to say is that, it's like a new born baby, it has no teeth yet, but eventually, it will.

In other words, nothing else is final until it's done..


Anyways, I'm wondering what our slot status might be so far.

Edited by Mr.Rocket

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At this stage slots aren’t set yet, but if you’d like to claim a certain spot that’s totally fine!

Once a few more layouts start forming, I think it’ll be best to try and order them at that time, since it often changes anyway based on how hard different submissions are compared to eachother.


I’ve done the “fixed slot” style submissions before and it’s definitely the norm, but with Doomed in Space it underwent so many modifications and rearrangements that the maps barely ended up where they were originally planned to in the progression, so I’m not too worried about that aspect for now

Edited by Doomkid

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Okay, I'm not so sure I'll be able to make a map for this project after all. I'm so absorbed in this one personal project that it's eating up all of my mapping energy and then some. I haven't even been able to think up anything I could feasibly translate into vanilla format, much less a Plutonia/techbase aesthetic.


But if there's no rush just yet, I might try conjuring something up during the next month.

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That's okay MFG, no pressure at all. If this project is still going when you're free again you're always welcome.

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13 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

That's okay MFG, no pressure at all. If this project is still going when you're free again you're always welcome.


That's relieving to hear. c:

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@Voltcom, Looks like a pretty good map so far!

Although, you might want to run and test it under the ChocoRenderLimits version, then you'll have a pretty good idea of what's killing it in vanilla Doom2. But Like you said, you have plenty of time to make changes if needed. 


Unless this is the previous version you have uploaded? ~ it's throwing a lot of HOM in vanilla, then VPO.



Edited by Mr.Rocket

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You might find this a lot easier to work with Voltcom, I know I do! It easily seeks through the whole map and puts bright red spots where visplane crashes are caused. I don't mind if you pass the limit that causes visible HOMs, it just can't crash.


I took the liberty of modifying your map slightly so that it runs in vanilla, just so you can compare the two in the editor. What I had to do was remove some gradient lighting and stairs, and a couple other very minor tweaks. The most irritating thing I had to do was delete the big tub of nukage which sucks because I like it, but I'm sure other more superfluous sectors can be removed to make room for it in the visplane count.


Each time you make a new sector with a new height, flat, or light level, it creates a new 'plane'. In vanilla, you can only see a maximum of 128 planes at any time. Obviously, gradient lighting with a smooth transition looks way better, as seen in the original version of your exit room for example, but due to vanilla limits, stark lighting is sometimes necessary. There's also a hall of brown bricks where I merged a few stair sectors. Instead of many steps each going down 8 units at a time, i made it fewer steps going down 16 at a time (only in that one hall) to reduce planes. Merging sectors that are untagged that have similar properties is another good way to reduce your plane count.


My edits are just to give you and idea of course - if you want to do it yourself or a different way that's totally fine. The reason you see really stark lighting changes and sector height changes in vanilla maps is that low plane limit.


It's an adorable little map by the way, I'd love to have it as an early slot in the wad!


its in slot 5 atm

Edited by Doomkid

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I decided to scrap mine also and start fresh, heh.

Not because of VPO or anything, I just didn't like how the previous layout was turning out.. mainly because I'd for it to be DM compatible also.

So the new one will be a bit more suited for that as well. ;)

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Eh, I figure if there's going to be any kind of DM component to this, that I'll just pull the old trick of making a second, DM focused map off to the sides and keep the regular map intact.

I also kinda hope it doesn't come down to that, because boy am I not suited to making DM maps :P


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Don’t worry, as long as DM starts are present to avoid crashes, that’s good enough. Of course if you decide you want to include one, that’s just an added bonus!

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The monsters and weapons definitely look intriguing, I’d love to make a smaller map for this project. Possibly a Plutonian jungle setting.

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Alright, got my entry for Rowdy Rudy done. Tested in choc and PRboom, difficulty implemented.


I did a run through in choc and didn't see any errors. Map saved and no accessible visplane overflows (there is in 1 spot but it is not reachable without cheating).

Would love to get feedback.





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@VoltcomYour new revision is way better and I didn't find any crashes. Excellent little map, perfect for slot2 or slot3.


@DerFurer'sFaceThis is an awesome map for somewhere in the middle of the set. Great detailing, well implemented difficulty settings, and no crashes that I could find. Great choice of MIDI too.


@Doom_DudeLoving the look of the screens so far!

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[Crossposted from the ZDoom forums!]


Here's one! I'm thinking of it being called "Twin Fortresses" or "Split Fortress" or something like that.










This was a fun challenge, as I'd never mapped for vanilla seriously before - the visplane limit was harder to stay under than I had thought, as I had thought only maps with a serious amount of detailing would be affected. Most of the time my open areas reached 110-120, but once I started to get a few red spots, those were very difficult to iron out. That's why the big pillars are in the middle of the courtyard - to block the player's view at the problematic points!

There are a couple of tutti-fruttied lower textures on stairs that I can't work out (maybe something to do with changing the ceiling and floor height together?) but otherwise it should be ready to go.

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My apologies for the late reply, @DavidN. This is a great map, the texturing is very clean and polished and the challenge level will be great for the early-middle part of the campaign - It has some teeth but is still very manageable. The part where the blue key bridge lowered and a revenant and Archie came out was cool and I also liked they way I (accidentally) found the rocket launcher. Awesome submission, thank you!

EDIT: I'll looking into getting those tutti frutti steps cleaned up, I'm sure it will be a simple fix.

Edited by Doomkid

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@Doomkid This resources looks interesting and I haven’t mapped for a while, so I’m also participating. If necessary, I will correct the enter/exit on my map.

Edited by riderr3

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My map is done.

Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/zdiga9udino72z0/secrifts.zip/file




"Secluded rifts" by riderr3
For Rowdy Rudy Returns in: POWERTRIP! community project


Advanced engine needed: No advanced engine required
Music: zombie remix (D_COUNTD).mid by Viscra Maelstrom
Other files required: resource pack provided at the project thread
Map: MAP01
Single Player: Designed for
Cooperative: Yes
Deathmatch: Yes
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Build Time: 7 days
Editor(s) used: GZDoomBuilder-bugfix, SLADE3
Tested With: Chocorenderlimits 1.5.0, Chocolate Doom 2.3.0



Screenshots: (captured with PRBoom-Plus but map still in vanilla format)







Comments are welcome.

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Loving the screens! Gonna give this a whirl once home. ill probably also be making a tentative map order - that way, people who are going to submit maps later will have an idea of where their map will be in the set, now that we finally have some meat on this bone!



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I just playtested your map @riderr3, I really like it! The dark ambience and spooky MIDI fit together well. The map is pretty easy which is totally fine because it still kept me engaged. The only issue I had, which was possibly entirely on me, was not being able to access the yellow key. I see it when I'm looking out the window, then I progress through the map and approach it from the cave area, and it's up on that pedestal. At this point my only way out is a yellow door which raises the lift, but I can't open it. I was struck and had to start again, so a teleporter out of there might be a good idea. I guess I got to the cave area before I was meant to?


Texturing is very nice over all, although I did find a misaligned brick texture in one of the lifts. I like the repeating drain flat on the steps, but I'm wondering if maybe they're a bit overkill? One drain on each step would be good (unless that causes VPOs or messes with the current sector actions of course). Anyway, not a big deal. This is a really nice submission, a few small tweaks is all it needs at this stage!


EDIT: Also, I'm working on a map order. Not exactly sure what should go where yet but I'll have an update on that soon.

Edited by Doomkid

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2 hours ago, Doomkid said:

I just playtested your map @riderr3, I really like it! The dark ambience and spooky MIDI fit together well. The map is pretty easy which is totally fine because it still kept me engaged. The only issue I had, which was possibly entirely on me, was not being able to access the yellow key. I see it when I'm looking out the window, then I progress through the map and approach it from the cave area, and it's up on that pedestal. At this point my only way out is a yellow door which raises the lift, but I can't open it. I was struck and had to start again, so a teleporter out of there might be a good idea. I guess I got to the cave area before I was meant to?


Yeah, this is my omission, I'll fix it and update the map. I wanted to make non-linear progress where player can choose his paths to the yellow key or blue key.

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