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Rowdy Rudy II: POWERTRIP (Development Thread)

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On 5/27/2020 at 10:50 AM, Philnemba said:

Map name: Cyber Factory


@Doomkid I did give my map a name when I submitted my map months ago ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games, we got everything ya want, and something somethin else!!!

Edited by Doomkid

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Since I'm impatient, I just updated this with even more fixes. All the stuff fixed since then is spoiler'd now. Link just above, version 16!

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13 hours ago, Doomkid said:

There also needs to be a proper Titlepic and Interpic made. What I had in mind was editing some official doomguy art - maybe from the end of E4 or the Titlepic of Doom1, but of course altering it to actually look like Rudy. Maybe imposed on a jungle background, or maybe some sort of funny titlepic that incorporates Predator? I'm open to suggestions! The Interpic would simply be the Titlepic but much darker and possibly black and white. No need to bust our balls over that, though.

Hmm, I know Major Arlene is super good (and fast!) at making title and intermission pics. I'm sure if she's not too busy, she'd gladly help out.

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I put it in the ZDoom forum thread, but this one has more visibility I think:




How's that for a TITLEPIC draft?

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I'm so crap about checking the ZDoom thread, d'oh. That looks fantastic! If you're willing to make him bald that would be cool, just let me know. Once he shaves his head I'll slap the logo front and center right at the top there and it should be perfect.

Edited by Doomkid

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Baldened and paletted.



Perhaps better? Not sure.


B&W version:


Edited by Gez

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I think the titlepic turned out great! Thanks once again, Gez.

Edited by Doomkid

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Recorded MAP01 of Rudy II in DOSBox:



Totally down to test the whole set out on UV, pistol-start in DOSBox. Weapons and enemies work perfectly, as expected, and it looks great in vanilla.

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So I did a full casual continuous run of the entire set in Chocolate Doom (well, the main 20 levels). No crashes, and apart from a few visual glitches everything seemed alright. Everything was completable, though I didn't stay around for all secrets. Overall it was very much fun, with very minor nitpicks here and there, the biggest issues of my last run ironed out quite well. I think for a continuous run it works perfectly and is fun and speedy to blast through. Perfect for Rowdy Rudy.


Here's a link to some images, that contain the graphical glitches and issues (mostly tutti-frutti) I noticed along the way. The images are much bigger than I intended, but I had already finished the set before I noticed, and didn't feel like resizing them all (I know, Photoshop scripts etc. but I'm lazy.)




MAP03 was mostly tutti-frutti in stairs, which can be fixed by just resetting the vertical offsets. There was also one misalignment.

MAP04 had tutti-frutti on comp texture. Also the plasma dudes teleporting in the pool were a bit slow, maybe hasten their expulsion?

MAP09 had tutti-frutti on the same comp texture, twice. Also suggesting an earlier chaingun for a less grindy start if you die or are pistol starting.

MAP12 had some misalignments.

MAP15 (my map) still had the same nodebuilder issues, I'm wondering if it was updated with the latest submission.

MAP16 had a huge slime trail, and also the skull switch texture is not animated (did not animate in MAP20 either). Is it even supposed to be a switch texture, though?

MAP17 still had the plutonia style exit set to S1 instead of W1 (which I already pointed out last time I played.) Also a misalignment at the exit sign.

MAP18 probably had the player start set temporarily near the end of the map for testing purposes, but was never moved back to it's original location.

MAP19 was pretty fun, hadn't played it last time around. However, if you happen to save and load before the cyb fight, the two AVs won't teleport in. I think some joined sectors should be added to the closets so they wake up when you start shooting at the cyb. Also, the exit "door" has misalignments, but I'm not 100% sure whether it's intentional or not.


@Doomkid At this point I don't think re-submissions are necessary, so if you want I can go about doing the changes onto each map. Just making sure it's alright because I don't want to have two versions to be modified at the same time :P


EDIT: And just to clarify, when it comes to the gameplay suggestions, those I wouldn't implement unless the mapper gave their express permission to do so. I'd start by fixing the visual issues.

Edited by Aurelius

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This is just what I wanted to see! I’ve got a new build I’m working in atm, The dumb flub with the exit in M17 is fixed and I added two flying masterminds in the “well” just to make the end of the map more challenging (it ought to be hard-ish this late in the set, after all), plus it has a new MIDI since that prodigy one was just unfitting in general. I also implemented proper difficulty settings in each of my maps, since every other submission already had well done difficulties. Finally, I’ve also made some tiny, mostly inconsequential changes to other errors I noticed.


After I post this build, we can then fix all the issues you’ve noticed in the post above, then once that is done we can maybe implement the properly connected entrances and exits (that’s worth doing, isn’t it?), get a proper credits screen made up, get the 3 story text screens written up w/proper background, then do our final compatibility checks (basically making sure every map has 4 player starts and 4 do starts)... then once all of that is done, which really isn’t much, this sucker will be at Release Candidate status!

Edited by Doomkid

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I can add the exits to my maps if the map order is finalized. I can fix my map but idk how to account for those computer errors. There could be some added lines to break up the texture and change the offset. As for the chaingun I felt the map was fine from a pistol start since I really like the rifle, however if you think it could use it I'd say a good point for the chaingun could be next to the circular staircase by the crate room to give that area another reason to explore it.

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Excellent, I’ll get the latest build uploaded in a bit, then if you simply update your maps from that build, that would work perfectly (just to avoid any desync mapping progress). The level order is finalised at this stage, so you can alter the entrances to your maps comfortably.

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[removed outdated link]


This is it, the LAST (lol not really) beta build before we go into Release Candidate status!!


Everything known to be messed up is fixed and all of the "finalizing details" (credits screen, titlepic, etc) are all right where I want them.


The last tiny handful of things to do:


-Make 100% sure that every map has all 4 cooperative player starts and at least 4 Deathmatch starts, just to avoid crashes. Doesn't matter if they're logically placed, they just need to be there!


-Let DFF modify his two maps (map09 and map10) so that the entrances and exits all match up - map08's end flowing into map09's start area, 9 flowing into 10, and 10's ending matching to the start of 11 (it almost does already, tbh).


-Implement fast vanilla weapon switching in DEHACKED. Damn, I can't do this - it would require about 16 unused frames, but right now literally every spare frame is being used, as far as I can tell.. Sucks, because I wanted this to help make the mod feel a little more newschool.


-Record vanilla compatible DEMO1 - DEMO4, but this will be done after all else is 100% finished.


-I couldn't find the one HOM in TravyB's map that you mentioned, @Aurelius - could you possibly fix it using this build? Also I think your map needs MP starts but if I add them that nodebuilder wackery happens.


-Map13 ( @Moustachio's Mutagen Plant) and Map14 ( @RonnieJamesDiner's Rumble in the Canyon) don't lead into eachother that well, mainly because I couldn't find a way top get them to meld. Maybe one of you guys or Aurelius could figure out a way to do this? Same deal with @Doom_Dude's Grim Sector map, the end has a door, which could maybe just be turned into a teleporter, or perhaps the door could lead to a cool Plutonia style tele room, since Map17 starts on a teleport pad.


-Get a TXT file made up that credits all map authors, all MIDI files original sources, and mentions the resources of all the textures and custom sprites.


Uhh... I think that's it! Hopefully you guys like how the finalized TITLEPIC and CREDITS turned out, by the way:






edit: mew credits screen is definitely better



Edited by Doomkid

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2 hours ago, Doomkid said:

-Implement fast vanilla weapon switching in DEHACKED. Damn, I can't do this - it would require about 16 unused frames, but right now literally every spare frame is being used, as far as I can tell.. Sucks, because I wanted this to help make the mod feel a little more newschool.

Damn, I missed this one. But that's okey, since the rest of the stuff in this mod is wonderful.

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@Doomkid Rebuilt nodes in all the maps I found slime trails in (so MAP15, MAP16 and MAP11) with ZokumBSP, and they looked alright in-game. Also added coop and MP starts to MAP15 with a few MP only weapons (the placement is probably not the best, but it's not really a DM designed map anyway :P). Here it is.


Also, about the Dehacked, I looked into the file and most likely found all the frames you need. I didn't do the edit because I want you to look them through and see what you agree with. There's more than 16 frames depending on what you choose, but you should get the required amount with relatively small visual impact:



- Mancubus fireball frames 360 and 361 can be replaced by missile explosion frames 128 and 129 (since they're practically identical). Nets you 2 frames.

- The Player and Sargeant can share XDeaths, so you can set frame 167 to go to frame 230 instead. Nets you 5 frames.

- The revenant rocket trail could be made to just go to Bullet puff (frames 93 - 96), because it uses some of the same sprites, and while the frames not completely identical in terms of order, I think it is close enough and is not even noticeable in game unless you look really closely. Nets you 5 frames.

- Last frame of teleport fog (141), is practically invisible.

- Last two death frames of the Baron could be combined (in both Raise and Death states) to net 2 additional frames.

- Check out Arch Vile death frames, there's a few that are nigh identical you could combine (frames 278 and 279 at least, but you could prolly do more if needed.) At least 2 frames.

- Depending on your preference (since you play multiplayer more), you could combine player death frames 162 and 163 (nigh identical). Again, 2 frames.

- Reduced soulsphere animation (drop frames 845 and 846.)

- Last frame of BFG projectile (122), also practically invisible

- In general, every monster has two visually identical pain states, both 3 tics long, with the second one also including the Pain codepointer (frames 386 and 387 on a mancubus, for example). This is to prevent the pain sound from spamming too much if a monster is repeatedly put into the pain state, but removing the first frame could be done to some monsters who rarely get put into the pain state multiple times in a row. I didn't personally see (or hear any difference) with any monsters tbh when I made some tests, so that's a source of a few frames (if any of the previous weren't to your liking.)


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Thank you so much for finding all of those frames, Aurelius!


Alrighty, here's yet another quickie build that doesn't really count, all I did was add a line horizon effect on Map01's ocean, made the starting rock cave thingy a bit larger on Map02 so it makes more sense in continuous play, mark some lines on Map07 and Map08 as "not shown on Automap" since they're clearly not meant to be shown, and copied over the Map11, 15 and 16 with the good nodes that you just sent.


[removed outdated link]


(For the .Deh file, just use the one from the rudy2v17 Zip)


If you'd be willing to implement the fast weapons as per Tango's instructions, I would be most grateful. I'm already planning on re-tinkering the credits screen to add a "Dehacked Trickery" section where I mention you, Tango and myself, since it's essential stuff that I think bares mention.


Once that is done, all that's left is to get DFF's maps having more seamless transitions in the entrances and exits, as well as having Doom Dude's map end with a Plutonia tele rather than a simple door. (Maybe you could do that too Aurelius if so willing, it would only be a 3 minute tweak but I'm worried if I open it up in GZDB my node builder will fuck the map once again.)


Once those last few things are done, I think this sucker will be ready to come out of the oven.

Edited by Doomkid

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10 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

If you'd be willing to implement the fast weapons as per Tango's instructions, I would be most grateful. I'm already planning on re-tinkering the credits screen to add a "Dehacked Trickery" section where I mention you, Tango and myself, since it's essential stuff that I think bares mention.


Once that is done, all that's left is to get DFF's maps having more seamless transitions in the entrances and exits, as well as having Doom Dude's map end with a Plutonia tele rather than a simple door. (Maybe you could do that too Aurelius if so willing, it would only be a 3 minute tweak but I'm worried if I open it up in GZDB my node builder will fuck the map once again.)


I can probably do that stuff in the next few days, depending how busy I am with other non-Doom related things. Will keep you posted.


EDIT: I'm assuming you used the Ultimate Doom 1.9 format for the Dehacked file?

Edited by Aurelius

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Here's the update for MAP14: RJD_map14.zip

The entrance and exit flow nicely together with maps 13 and 15 now, respectively. And I threw in the coop and DM spawns (with a few DM weapons, though I'm highly skeptical how this would actually play...hah). I tried to pick the best spot I could find in the map :P


Everything is looking really good! Those title and credit pics are fantastic. One thing I did notice in a quick run through was that maps 11 and 12 appear to have their intermission screen names mixed up. The rest of them seemed to be in order, though.

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Thank you, and it’s no rush at all. This project sat dormant for a while so I’m in no hurry to release a final version, I want to be totally sure every last thing has been found.

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Looking good! Really like the titlepic and credits. Good to see this all coming together.


I can add a teleporter exit room to my map that matches the entry area of map17. That won't take much more than a day to get to that.


What was with the slimetrail I had in my map? I never saw that. Was it a nodesbuilder issue? I don't want to send my map in with the changed exit and re-introduce the slimetrail.


Also what was the issue with the switch not animated?

Edited by Doom_Dude

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Don’t worry about the switch, I replaced it with an almost identical switch and it works just fine now. It’s also used in xdarkmasterx’s map, but what it does is so blatant I don’t think it matters too much.


i think the slime trail was node builder fuckery, maybe after you and DFF submit the edited versions of the maps (Use the ones from the latest build please since some tiny tweaks were made) Aurelius can run every single one through ZokumBSP to make sure that no slime trails persist.

Edited by Doomkid

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Guess it didn't take me that long to make it after all. So here's the link to the newest build (rudy2v19), based on Doomkid's latest.


Included changes:

- Fast weapon switching for all weapons. I based the general idea on Tango's instructions, but modified it a bit after looking at what antares did in Antaresian Reliquary. I tweaked the offsets for a while, and now I feel all weapons switch at a lovely pace with no visible jankiness.

- Added RJD modified MAP14 into the set.

- Changed the beginning of MAP20 from a gray portal to a fireblue scrolling wall to fit better with MAP19 ending.


I didn't make any other map specific changes, because I saw Doom_Dude working on something of his own and thought I don't want to tweak something needlessly. I ran through the set with idclip and the transitions were very good for the most part, barring a few maps that Doomkid mentioned. Some of the sexier transitions were from MAP02 to MAP03 (with the DKC track starting with so much oomph) and from MAP19 to MAP20 (Rudy thinks he has won, fighting the horde in MAP19, but through the portal he faces the ultimate challenge, and it is quite ultimate indeed.) Not to mention Master of Puppets working perfectly to set the pace.

Edited by Aurelius

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Grabbed your build Aurelius. Almost have the exit done for map16.


I started to do a play through just for checking if I can get stuck behind anything like crates or whatever / see any blatant unaligned textures / flats.


Map 02

  • There's some lights that are unaligned. The first is above the steps right next to the red exit door.
  • The whole exit room and doorway is off the grid by 8 units, thus all the lights look off center.



  • The little room (sector 433) you drop into, to get into the green armor secret, the MEATAX2 texture is unaligned. It's very noticeable when you look at it. Also to the left when facing the red door, the same texture is unaligned there.



  • Since I was In map17 looking at the design, I spotted the light above the blue key is off center. Changing it to TLITE6_6 fixes it without having to move anything.
Edited by Doom_Dude

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This DEH touch up is excellent, Aurelius! The fast weapons feel fantastic in every port I try them in including vanilla. Thanks a million!


I did a few things and have made yet another build, it's cracking me up how we're all tossing it back and forth like a hot potato.


-Reimplemented the STRINGS section into the built-in dehacked file (not adding them to the external deh, since STRINGS are for advanced ports anyway)

-Fixed every issue Doom_Dude just pointed out

-Fixed the mixed up map names for Ambush! and Clearing Inventory that RJD pointed out (it was a Mapinfo fuckup)

-Did some more tiny tweaks to exits to make them all flow 100% seamlessly, including a very minor edit to Moustachio's Map13 to improve continuity with RJD's Map14. (The change is extremely minor)

-Slightly modified the ROTT midi from Map02. Everyone has heard that song a gazillion times in HR and a bunch of multiplayer wads, so I spruced it up by adding power drums and other teeny mods. I've always felt it was kinda 'weak' between the map01 and map03 MIDIs.


Also, Somewhere along the way, that certain room in TravyB's Ambush map (11) stopped working again. I have no idea why it's doing this... The final little skull that gets revealed in the central column is supposed to raise the floor back up to where it's mean to be, and it did, but it doesn't anymore! A few days ago I modified the little cubby holes, because in multiplayer they're easy to get stuck in and resulted in the stuck player seeing HOMs where there were missing textures. The best way to fix this was to make the floors damaging in those small cubbies (added a candle on the floor in each so it at least makes some sense) and added textures where the HOMs were, but I guess some aspect of this somehow fucked up the switch that raises the floor back up?! I honestly don't get it. Maybe it's more nodebuilder fuckery.. There's also some random line suck way too deep into the floor, god knows how it got there. This is the final remaining error that I'm aware of, hopefully one of you can help me get this figured out:








Also, still gotta get the slightly edited CREDIT pic finished, but that'll be easy stuff and can wait until DFF and Doom_Dude have submitted their minor map tweaks.


Anyway, here's v20: (no)


Very, very close to completion.

Edited by Doomkid

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15 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

Also, Somewhere along the way, that certain room in TravyB's Ambush map (11) stopped working again. I have no idea why it's doing this... The final little skull that gets revealed in the central column is supposed to raise the floor back up to where it's mean to be, and it did, but it doesn't anymore! A few days ago I modified the little cubby holes, because in multiplayer they're easy to get stuck in and resulted in the stuck player seeing HOMs where there were missing textures. The best way to fix this was to make the floors damaging in those small cubbies (added a candle on the floor in each so it at least makes some sense) and added textures where the HOMs were, but I guess some aspect of this somehow fucked up the switch that raises the floor back up?! I honestly don't get it. Maybe it's more nodebuilder fuckery.. There's also some random line suck way too deep into the floor, god knows how it got there. This is the final remaining error that I'm aware of, hopefully one of you can help me get this figured out:


I can take a look later, given I made the edits to TravyB's setup in the first place. Probably something minor got fuckered, since the solution I cooked up is pretty convoluted.


A suggestion: for each map name in the intermission, add the author's name below with a smaller font. I think that's general practice in some community projects, and it's always great to see who's map is coming up.

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13 minutes ago, Aurelius said:

A suggestion: for each map name in the intermission, add the author's name below with a smaller font. I think that's general practice in some community projects, and it's always great to see who's map is coming up.


I was thinking the same thing. I think it's a nice touch and I always appreciate seeing who's map I'm about to play.


I hope this exit room is acceptable but I got er done, unless I need to revise it. Here is the map download ----> r2v19_map16_exit.zip



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