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How would you rank the Doom games by difficulty?

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According to the votes of the users on GameFAQs, this is how the Doom games rank in difficulty on a scale of one to five, with five being the hardest:


1.) Final Doom - 3.78

2.) Doom 64 - 3.71

3.) Doom (2016) - 3.42

4.) Doom II - 3.39

5.) Doom (1993) - 3.31

6.) Doom 3 - 3.15


For reference, a difficulty rating of three is considered "perfect" difficulty, neither easy nor hard. The games not included in this list (namely: RPG, Resurrection, II RPG, and VFR) don't have enough votes to establish a solid consensus, but the votes that they do have give them ratings of 2.96, 3.14, 3.20, and 3.24, respectively.


Do you agree with this ranking, or do you think the games need to be shuffled around a bit? In your judgment, take the "complete" version of each game into consideration. In other words, "Thy Flesh Consumed" included with the original, Master Levels and "No Rest for the Living" included with Doom II, Resurrection of Evil and "Lost Mission" included with Doom 3, and the three multiplayer DLCs with the 2016 game.

Edited by johnboy3434

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These are my personal difficulty rankings of the DooM games (Decided to add a small box to the side for separate ratings (Also the overall score is not the average)):


Final DooM - 4.1 [TNT = 3.7, Plutonia = 4.5]

DooM (Ultimate) - 3.6 [Episodes 1 - 3 = 3.4, Episode 4 = 3.9]

DooM II - 3.5 [DooM II HOE = 3.3, NRFTL = 3.9, Can't comment for Master Levels]

DooM 3 - 3.4 [DooM 3 = 2.8, ROE = 3.7, Lost Mission = 3.5?]

DooM 4 - 4.8 [Incomplete. Yet to finish.[And I wont bother with the MP DLC since I like my DooM to be singleplayer.]]


Can't comment on DooM 64...

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Just about.

Doom 2016 - 4.5 (I feel so squishy)

Final Doom - 4

Doom 2 - 3.5

Doom1 - 2.5

Doom 3 - 1.25


Doom64. Probably 5 because N64 gamepad.

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Won't comment on Doom 64, Doom (2016) and Doom 3 as I haven't completed them yet. The ratings below are an average of the three main skill levels HNTR, HMP and UV, playing each level from a pistol start.

  1. The Ultimate Doom - 2.45
  2. Doom II - 2.56
  3. Final Doom - 2.53

Doom II in detail:

  1. Doom II - 2.60
  2. No Rest for the Living - 2.90

  3. Master Levels for Doom II - 2.38

Final Doom in detail:

  1. TNT: Evilution - 2.42

  2. The Plutonia Experiment - 2.63

Edited by Andromeda

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On 9/1/2019 at 6:28 PM, MFG38 said:

Plutonia: 5.

Everything else: 1-2.


Nah, that's too much exaggeration.


My ratings are based on a combination of UV-continuous and UV-pistol starts. Personally, I would rate them as follows:


Doom 1 details:

- Doom Registered: 2.2

- Ultimate Doom (E4 of Doom): 3.0

- Sigil: 3.4


Doom 2 details:

- Doom 2: 2.8 (vanilla doom 2 is slightly easier than TNT when played continuous, but in pistol starts I think it is slightly harder)

- NRFTL: 3.3


Final Doom:

- TNT Evilution: 2.8

- Plutonia: 3.0


Doom 64: 2.90 (Played Retribution mod. I am sure original doom 64 would feel harder due to N64 controller)


DOOM 2016: 3.8 (I found it quite challenging on UV onwards)

Edited by ReaperAA

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1) Doom (with mods. I cannot actually enjoy base Doom as much without the visual updates and free look).


2) Doom 2016


3) Doom 64 (PC ports or conversions)


4) Doom 2


5) Doom 3. I feel bad about putting it so far down the list, because it was -very- inspirational for me, but the game play just never held up. 


4) Final Doom (Did not like...)


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  1. Plutonia
  2. Doom 64
  3. Doom 3
  4. Doom II
  5. TNT
  6. Doom
  7. Chex Quest

Mind you, Doom 3 is what I call "artificial difficulty" - much of it comes not from being actually hard in terms of skill, but the map basically being designed to put you in bad position in terms of effectively fighting back through a combo of general ammo stinginess and the layout giving monsters a huge advantage.


Haven't played Doom 2016 so I don't feel fair rating that.

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If you're going for the most complete runs possible, the bonus stages on Doom 64 (especially Hectic) are the hardest things in Doom to beat without cheats or exploits.

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I'll only rate the games I've finished.


1.DOOM (2016)

2.Final DOOM (PSX version)

3.DOOM II: Hell On Earth


5.DOOM 3

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On 8/22/2019 at 3:37 PM, johnboy3434 said:

For reference, a difficulty rating of three is considered "perfect" difficulty, neither easy nor hard.


Gotcha boss.


On 8/22/2019 at 3:37 PM, johnboy3434 said:

Do you agree with this ranking, or do you think the games need to be shuffled around a bit? In your judgment, take the "complete" version of each game into consideration. In other words, "Thy Flesh Consumed" included with the original, Master Levels and "No Rest for the Living" included with Doom II, Resurrection of Evil and "Lost Mission" included with Doom 3, and the three multiplayer DLCs with the 2016 game.


"The Master Levels" and "NRFTL" included with Doom II? Okay, but i haven't played "NRFTL" in years so i'm not sure how much i actually remember from it besides the fact that i think it was harder than Doom II (had way more monsters i believe). I also never played the "Lost Mission" in Doom 3 BFG Edition either so i can't comment on that nor Doom 3 BFG Edition itself as i haven't played that yet.


1.) Final Doom - 5 (mainly Plutonia; it's just impossible for me on UV as i don't really play enough Doom II mapsets and i haven't mastered killing archviles/chaingunners)


2.) Doom 64 - 4.5-5 with OG N64 controller (nowaday's) ; 3.5 with mouse/keys as i don't really play it much anymore and didn't remember much of it last time i played it


3.) Doom II (including Master Levels & NRFTL) - 3.5 (only higher score due to NRTL since i remember that being hard and a few Master Levels as well)


4.) Doom 2016 - 3 (once i got used to it, it was fairly easy besides a few enemies)


5.) Doom (1993) - 2.5 (EP 4 is a bit harder for me though)


6.) Doom 3 - 2.25-2.5 (last time i played this it was fairly easy, besides a few parts that is, but it has been a long time and it was on console as well...)

Edited by CyberDreams

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