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Looking for advice with Doom Builder and/or GZDoom

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So I came across Doom Builder yeeeeeeears ago, when it was Doom Builder, before Doom Builder 2.  Anyway, long story short when I use the most current up-to-date version of Doom Builder, if I click the play button, to test out my map, well when you hover over that arrow, it shows in a little pop up box, "Test Map".  Some of the time, when I am in the game, that pop up box is still there.  If I mouse over that pop up box my mouse cursor changes to an hourglass.  If I press ESC in game, select Quit Game and press Enter, I have to force close Doom Builder because for whatever reason, something is glitched or not working properly.  Task manager says it's running, and isn't showing any problems, but sometimes when you exit Test Map, you can't go back to the work you were on, so hopefully you saved it.


I keep seeing posts about GZDoom.  What exactly is GZDoom, and what problems does that have?  I just want to be able to use a Doom editor, that allows me to keep working.  Doom Builder is starting to make me frustrated.  I love the program, but I remember reading several years ago that the dev for Doom Builder became lazy and didn't care anymore.


Which map editor is good, and which do you prefer using/map editor that doesn't have many problems like Doom Builder does?

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I would suggest to give DoombuilderX (DBX) by anotak a try.

It is essentially Doombuilder2 (DB2) but rewritten with a more robust UI.

For more information read this tutorial.


GZDOOM is the continuation of ZDOOM and QZDOOM.

However, I have a sense that you are referring to the editor GZDoom Builder (GZDB) or GZDoom Builder - Bugfix (GZDBBF). Again, read the tutorial.

Edited by Kappes Buur

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6 hours ago, DoomMan007 said:

I remember reading several years ago that the dev for Doom Builder became lazy and didn't care anymore.


WTF? All (?) people working on tools, ports, resources, maps - pretty much anything the community provides - are doing it in their spare time, for free. Calling them lazy is outrageous, show some fucking respect. Or do it yourself. They owe you nothing. Comments like that is what drives creators away.

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Uhh, in my haste to help this guy

23 hours ago, DoomMan007 said:

....  I love the program, but I remember reading several years ago that the dev for Doom Builder became lazy and didn't care anymore.


Uhh, in my haste to help this guy, that line did not register with me.


So, I went to see who contributed to the development of the DB family:




After giving that much time, any time, to the project, to even think that they are lazy is ludicrous.

With any luck we will see an apology by DoomMan007.


Edited by Kappes Buur
added revisions

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8 hours ago, Kappes Buur said:

Okay, so apparently no one read what I said.  "I love the program"  I READ at another forum, OTHER people calling the dev for the original Doom Builder lazy.  I did NOT call him lazy, I don't even know the guy.  Again, I LOVE THE PROGRAM DOOM BUILDER, HOWEVER..... the way the program hangs when you try to go back to map editing is starting to make me frustrated, BUT I am continuing to use Doom Builder.  And yes I know people do this in their spare time.


I owe an apology to no one.  I called no one lazy, I said, "but I remember reading several years ago" so what that means is, I READ from an old forum many years ago of OTHER people calling the dev lazy.  Geez.  I wish newdoomforums were still around.  At least the people didn't blatantly accuse you of calling someone something.  Thanks anyway I guess.



Uhh, in my haste to help this guy


Uhh, in my haste to help this guy, that line did not register with me.


So, I went to see who contributed to the development of the DB family:




After giving that much time, any time, to the project, to even think that they are lazy is ludicrous.

With any luck we will see an apology by DoomMan007.



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14 hours ago, boris said:


WTF? All (?) people working on tools, ports, resources, maps - pretty much anything the community provides - are doing it in their spare time, for free. Calling them lazy is outrageous, show some fucking respect. Or do it yourself. They owe you nothing. Comments like that is what drives creators away.


Nope, didn't happen that way.  "but I remember reading several years ago" meaning that I read OTHER people from an old forum saying it, not me.  I know they do this in their spare time, I have respect for those that do it.  Never said anyone owes me anything.  Perhaps reading the original comment is beneficial rather than a quick skim and a false accusation.  Thanks anyway.

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19 hours ago, Kappes Buur said:

I would suggest to give DoombuilderX (DBX) by anotak a try.

It is essentially Doombuilder2 (DB2) but rewritten with a more robust UI.

For more information read this tutorial.


GZDOOM is the continuation of ZDOOM and QZDOOM.

However, I have a sense that you are referring to the editor GZDoom Builder (GZDB) or GZDoom Builder - Bugfix (GZDBBF). Again, read the tutorial.

Thank you for your kind help :)  I will take a look at DoombuilderX (DBX) and see how that goes for me.  Doom Builder 2 is nice for a while, but then when you really start getting good ideas for your map, you exit a play test and boom the program just hangs and won't fully exit out of that test map phase.


Again, thank you very much and have a great day :)

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