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how would you like to see those little goodies in doom3?

ammo as clips or "left" weapons that can be picked up by walking over are ok - but i hate those little armour shards or health potions one can pick up - this is fine for arcade like games (q3) but not for doom3. i prefer whole armour wests that can put on.
max payne handels those items a bit more realistic. weapon closets, first aid packs, pills, etc.

and i really dont know if i like to see extra items of the style invul, invis, etc like in the original doom.

nightvision, silencer, etc like items would be fine.
furthermore it would be great to have an inventory to be able to use medpacks, nightvision, flashlights "partially" and only if you are in need of.
instant item use sucks for the most kind of.

and you?

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I agree on the armour/health bonus thingies - keep 'em out of Doom 3. We really don't need them.

I want three types of armour: Light armour, Security armour and Combat armour.

Medkits: Same is in the old Dooms, Stimpacks that give you 10 healthpoints and medkits that give you 25.

Ammo: Clips, boxes of bullets/shells/rockets, energy cell packs.

Powerups: Though interpreted more realistically this time around, I'd like to see pretty much all of the old items (but some of them should work differently) except that megasphere:

Berserk is a must - boost up your fist attack, increase your stamina and *perhaps* increase your movement speed a little.

Light ampflication visor - these should be one of the rarest items and should have a more spooky night vision effect to it so that it enhances the suspense rather than detracting from it.

Partial invisibility - Make this a prototype cloaking device that makes it harder for monsters to spot you when you use shadows and gloom to your advantage - if you move into brightly lit areas you will be spotted by the monsters even while wearing this effect, but you will be able to confuse them and hide from them again by retreating back into the shadows.

Supercharge - Make this some sort of super health pack thingy, whatever, just don't make it a cheesy floating sphere.

Invulnurability - The rarest of the rarest, this item is only obtained in Hell and has the form of some physical object, like an emerald skull or something - should turn your vision into something that looks cool (not something that turns everything black and white - but similar in a way so that it's still easy to navigate the environment) to signify that your eyes are glowing evilly >:-]

Backpack - Should be in the game and work quite similar to the old game's backpack. 'Nuff said.

Radsuits - the old radsuits should be replaced by some sort of bio hazard suits that allows you to wade in toxic ooze - if D3 has actual radioactive areas (areas where it'll mean an instant death if you enter them without a radiation suit), there should be a radiation suit variant of the bio suits that lasts at least three times as long.

Computer area map - shouldn't be a powerup anymore, rather something that you can download from a computer and 'plug into' your PDA.

Have I forgotten anything?

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nope. you have not forgotten anything.
except the names differ :) (soul sphere, blur artefact).

but i am not sure if i like those über-items in a modern game.

it would be cool if the character should suffer from using different types of armour. also should your health status be influent to your moving abilities.

i want some new ideas for super-items. yeah its a retelling but i'd really like to see new ideas and not so much old-school ones. been there done that may be boring despite of over the top gfx, animation and physics.

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It would be cool to have "realistic" tech powerups like nightvision and drugs in the UAC bease levels, and some mysterious "magical" powerups in the hell levels.

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I think there SHOULD be extremeley unrealistic powerups like the soul sphere and megashpere, dont with extremeley weird and totally awesome looking special effects and shaders..

imagine a big shiny totally transparent metal ball on the floor .. you step towards it and suddenly volumetric clouds of thick green gas form inside, as you get closer to it the hue and saturation rises and then suddenly bright golden eyes can be seen inside the gas... boom the glass braks and suddenly the whole world is bright white gray or black... for youre tiny 30 seconds you are in godmode

Maybe this is a dumb example but thats the type of thing that should be done with supernatural powerups later in the game imo

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I agree on the armour/health bonus thingies - keep 'em out of Doom 3. We really don't need them.

I disagree. They kick ass. I don't know how many times I've been saved from near death by health potions or been given even a little protection by the armor bonuses.

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well i hope that the original items comeback :), DOOM didnt had a silencer....i just want the original item!

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How about having it so that you need to use the items whenever you wanted to (like the artifacts from Heretic and Hexen), instead of using them automatically when you pick them up? The only exception would be the magical items like the Soulsphere.

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I don't think that invulnerability and invisibility powerups would fit in too well in Doom 3, but if they were, I'd want them to be very bizzare and supernatural, both in execution and looks.

For night-vision, I'd like to see you find a set of night-vision googles or a thermal viewer that is powered by a rechargable battery, like Half-Life. It shouldn't be too effective in the dark, perhaps some enemies can't be seen with it on, or there are energy sources or supernatural events that mess it up perhaps?

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I doubt that every single demon is ectothermic, and even if they were...their background temperature would be greater than the background tempertaure most likely.

My point was that perhaps some demons could be hard to see with the thermal viewer, or that intereference from some entity or demonic item in some areas could mess the image up.

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The only problem is that you'll get a ton of interference from the Hell environment, since it's so hot there, especially around lava.

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UGH. If I see lava in a video game one more time...
I seriously hope Doom 3 gets over the crutch of using lava to represent hell. I think cavern areas with trickling blood and a red haze in the air would be artsy and hellish enough without being too cliche. BuT PLEASE NO MORE LAVA.

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I'm sick of lava. There is no reason or source to suggest any lava should be in Hell, just fire and more fire. Blood would be nice too.

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i dont want a want 1 to 1 copy of the original doom. where is the suprise then? if you only like the original game content then go and play your old doom with new ports and wads.

some imenent items would be nice to see again but i'd prever totally new special items, monsters and so on...

been there done that sucks!

and who says that there's just fire, lava and blood in hell. thats a very oldschool imagination of that place...visualisized 1000 times before *yawn*

id please surprise me in a better way.

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uniQ said:

i dont want a want 1 to 1 copy of the original doom. where is the suprise then? if you only like the original game content then go and play your old doom with new ports and wads.

We already KNOW that Doom 3 won't be a 1 to 1 copy of the old Dooms - as you can see from screenshots, the monsters are quite different in many aspects and so's the environment.
Don't you understand that people here would like to see some really spooky effects as well as seeing how the old items are interpreted in the new game?
They don't have to look 100% the same, but related.

I must admit that I AM kinda split between making the powerups some sort of high-tech items or making them supernatural.
Thinking a bit about it, the supernatural thing could add a lot in terms of spookyness.
BBG: About those 'mini-powerups', I could of course accept them if there weren't a shitload of them. In the old games they tended to annoy me because you would find a large amount of them in one place and you'd spend time just picking them up and make sure that you got them all. So if they are in Doom 3, there shouldn't be an awful lot of them - maybe like five in one place of a level and three another.

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those mini power ups are....shit.

i dont like them. this reminds too much of an arcade-game. this should be done more realistic. e.g. you can pick up first aid packs (stim packs) from dead former human soldiers and so on. little armour shards and health portion -> rofl. how can someone add armour shards to an existing combat armour and who should have placed so much little crappy items for you before. your sarge? your momma? come on! or is mr sarge translocating those things for you? (nice idea, hah?!)

let's say you can pic up used armour wests from dead soldiers - that would be realistic.
or maybe id makes your armour strength energy dependent. but i fear i dont like this energie-armour idea.
it would be cool if the different armour-vests affect your physical abilities - so you could decide what armour to put on/pick up. with a small one you're fast but more vulnerable - with a heavy one you're slow but you can stand more hits.

btw: why do physical based armour vests decrease in efficiency? this is a point i cannot understand.

and ok....magical artefacts would add somthing creepy to the game. but who have placed them in a UAC base before? god? ;)

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uniQ said:

btw: why do physical based armour vests decrease in efficiency? this is a point i cannot understand.

Well, if an armour vest takes hits, it gets increasingly ruined and less able to offer effective protection - simple.

As for armour shards: In case you didn't know, the armour bonuses in Doom are spiritual armour - they haven't been placed there bu someone (except for the level author), they're "disturbances" caused by the messing around with the interdimensional barriers. Same thing goes for the health potions.

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I can't relate to where exactly some of you get the name "soul sphere" from, maybe in the old manual that was come along with the CDs? Anyhow, it's called "supercharge" in game :)

Judging from look of the hell-themed textures/flats were made for original Doom, it somewhat made me think the artists were supposedly to imply there should be lava included, such as Lava1 - Lava4 or Blood1 - Blood3.

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999cop said:

I can't relate to where exactly some of you get the name "soul sphere" from, maybe in the old manual that was come along with the CDs? Anyhow, it's called "supercharge" in game :)

Teh DOOM Bible, third down under "14.2 Useful Items".

What about semi-solid lava that you can walk on, but still burns like a bitch?

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dsm said:

Well, if an armour vest takes hits, it gets increasingly ruined and less able to offer effective protection - simple.

As for armour shards: In case you didn't know, the armour bonuses in Doom are spiritual armour - they haven't been placed there bu someone (except for the level author), they're "disturbances" caused by the messing around with the interdimensional barriers. Same thing goes for the health potions.

this means that u have to be shot at the same spot for more then one time...i doubt that future kevlar vests wear out by standard bullets. btw such vests wont help much stopping hellfire...

that rest was meant ironical ;)
blue parfume flacons from hell that provide you health ARE scary! nevertheless i dont like those little bonus crap. this really wont fit into the new doom.

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Ultraviolet said:
UGH. If I see lava in a video game one more time...
I seriously hope Doom 3 gets over the crutch of using lava to represent hell. I think cavern areas with trickling blood and a red haze in the air would be artsy and hellish enough without being too cliche. BuT PLEASE NO MORE LAVA.

Sorry… buy by the looks of the screen shots, there going to be molten metal, which might as well be lava (hot, Orange, kill you if you fall into it).

And why wouldn’t hell have lava? (but I to would prefer a 'bloody' hell)

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He meant where did the term soul sphere come from the original game. Half of the stuff in this "Doom Bible" I've never heard of. But the soul sphere is the blue sphere, called supercharge by the game. I dunno who came up with soul sphere, although I must admit that Doom Bible's explanation of it is interesting.

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