Noiser Posted June 22, 2021 (edited) On 6/19/2021 at 7:07 PM, st0jan said: i need some help with key bindings - cannot sem to change USE key from space to E in crispy doom config app in ports folder although i confirm save configuration in the menu. I also checked the default.cfg key assignments but there is no matching key code value table where spacebar is 57 which coresponds to USE). I'm using the latest package 3.2.1 Expand That's weird, did you tried to change it on the "crispness menu"? Quote PS-Can i enable free mouse vertical look entire axis wise? Expand You can enable freelook on Crispy Doom, not sure about the whole axis though. Edited June 22, 2021 by Noiser 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Noiser Posted June 22, 2021 (edited) Try changing it from the "SETUP-choco.bat" shortcut, I think the settings will be applied on both source ports. You can also try to launch the mod on other ports if you want. I'm taking some time from D4V updates now, but when I come back I will try to make this whole thing easier. Edited June 22, 2021 by Noiser 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Codename_Delta Posted July 9, 2021 On 7/8/2021 at 5:08 AM, Breeder said: Expand Pog 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
continuum.mid Posted July 12, 2021 I've noticed that the lava and nukage textures are swapped - as in, whenever nukage should appear, lava appears instead, and wherever lava should appear, nukage appears instead. The green and red torches are also swapped around. This messes up the aesthetics of some maps (screenshots are of JPCP maps 27 and 28): Reveal hidden contents 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Noiser Posted July 12, 2021 (edited) I'm fine with these differences, however I'm aware this can also be an issue so I want to give more options on the future. From a few posts before: On 1/22/2021 at 5:49 PM, Noiser said: @Gez explained the reason behind the flat swap on the last page. It was a conscious (and aesthetical) choice. I want to remove the liquid swap on D4V-lite (a version of the mod I didn't updated for a long time), but there's some things I would have to change on my workflow first in order to make it happen. Expand Edited July 12, 2021 by Noiser 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
continuum.mid Posted July 12, 2021 On 7/12/2021 at 5:21 PM, Noiser said: I'm fine with these differences, however I'm aware this can also be an issue so I want to give more options on the future. From a few posts before: Expand Yeah an updated D4V-lite would in fact be exactly what I want. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Cheesenolives Posted July 28, 2021 I need help, I can't get it to run on GZDoom for Android, it just crashes after the black screen, I'm trying to load just the WAD along with the DOOM2.wad how can I fix it? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dontusd12 Posted August 18, 2021 On 8/31/2019 at 7:34 PM, Noiser said: ------------------------------------------------------------------[V2.0] [v2.1] [v2.2] [v2.3] [V2.4] [V.2.5] [V.2.5.9] [V3.0] [V3.1] [V3.2] [V3.2.1] < NEW ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOOM 4 VANILLA aka Doom 2016 the Way 1993 Did It After almost two years, I'm proud to announce my biggest project so far: It's a gameplay mod inspired by Doom 2016, made to be compatible with any source-port (or without any of them). 100% vanilla compatible and full of dehacked tricks! All under the limitations of the original Doom2.exe. --------------------------*** FEATURES *** ------------------------- New demon abilities: Mancubi with flamethrowers, Revenants using jetpacks, charging Pinkies, insta-moving Summoners... all the good stuff! Tough weaponry: As the 2x faster Chaingun, the Super Chainsaw that can kill almost any demon, a “glory-killing” sequence of punches and weapons with faster animations. Visually, it’s a mix of the original sprites by Neccronixis with some details from Franco Tieppo's version. Extra-weapons: Version 2.0 also added 8 new weapons (including the Gauss Cannon) that can be individually picked to replace the regular ones. A refined set of enemy sprites: At least a better job compared to my initial attempts from 2016, some of them reworked from scratch. You can see the full bestiary down here. The Doom4mator: An extensive change of textures\flats to set any map on a Doom 2016 mood, including foundries on the surface of Mars or Hellish canyons filled with toxic goo. Powered by DMXOPL: The amazing soundbank made by Csonicgo. Listen to a new selection of tracks (a few of them from Doom 2016) with improved OPL instruments. Perfect for some heavy djent riffs! Unusual vanilla effects: Brightmaps for sprites and textures Blood splats on floors A custom palette with vivid tones New COLORMAP tint effects Aligned weapons when fired Quick-weapon switching Monsters with multiple abilities TRAILER Watch it on 1080p for the BEST experience: Reveal hidden contents Possessed: Replacing the Zombieman, the Possessed ones are slow and can only attack when closer to the player. It's the weakest enemy in the game, however he attacks almost instantly, causing some distress if you're low on health. Abilities: - Melee: Scratch Security: Probably the only enemy unchanged from vanilla, behaving exactly like the normal shotgunner. He will drop his weapon when killed. Abilities: - Attack: Shotgun fire Imp: It's a lot faster compared to the original one, being able to avoid your shots just moving around. His fireballs are also faster and deals more damage. Abilities: - Melee: Scratch - Attack: Fireball Pinky: The Pinky Demon can charge at high speed, glowing his face when running towards you. You can see him in the dark when that happens. Abilities: - Melee: Bite - Attack: Charge attack Lost Soul: They have less health and will explode after touching you, however his blast will damage the player twice. When attacking, his flames changes from blue to red. Abilities: - Attack: Suicidal charge - Dead: Explosion Hell Razer: Replacing the Chaingunner, the Hell Razer will fire a deadly beam that can drain your health in a matter of seconds. You can deal with him paying attention to the sound he makes when charging his weapon. Abilities: - Attack: Energy beam - Pain: Quick retaliation Cacodemon: More agressive than before, Cacodemons have the lowest "reaction time", meaning that he will shot his projectiles more ofter. He will also instantly shot you after activating his Pain State. Abilities: - Melee: Bite - Attack: Fireball - Pain: Quick retaliation Hell Knight: Powerful melee enemies that can charge at you and unleash a sequential number of punches. If you provoke him (activating his Pain State), he will blast the ground furiously, hitting enemies at distance (so he can fight back when unable to reach you). Abilities: - Melee: Punch - Attack: Lunge attack - Pain: Ground pound Mancubus: The regular Mancubus can perform three different attacks: The first one is his well known attack with projectiles - unchanged from vanilla. However, if you get too close, he will use his flamethrower, quickly draining your health. On Pain State, he will perform a "mixed attack", shooting 2 projectiles and the flamethrower at the same time. Abilities: - Melee: Flamethrower - Attack: Big fireballs - Pain: Fireballs + flamethrower Cyber-Mancubus: This one have an area-denial attack, shooting volatile projectiles that stays on the ground for a while and them explodes, damaging everything around him. His armor also gives immunity against splash damage, protecting him from his own explosions. If you get too close, he will grunt and perform a blast attack shooting his cannons at the ground. On pain-state, he will fire his regular projectiles but at a higher speed. Abilities: - Melee: Ground blast - Attack: Explosive plasma - Pain: Quick retaliation Revenant: Revenants are back with jetpacks! He can use them in different ways. With his regular attack, he will just plain in position and fire two homing projectiles (that are faster, but causes less damage). However, after going through his Pain State, he may move with his jetpack, boosting his speed dramatically and allowing him to find another position to attack or avoid your shoots. Abilities: - Melee: Punch - Attack: Hover + Homing fire - Pain: Jetpack boost + Homing fire Gore Nest: A link to the inner depts of hell, the portals opened by Gore Nests are wide enough to be used by Lost Souls. Acting as an stationary version of Pain Elemental, the Gore Nests are very durable - when destroyed, they spawn more souls by activating two times their death sequence. Don’t worry though, most of them explode right after birth, resulting on an intense death animation. Abilities: - Attack: Spawn a Lost Soul - Dead: Spawn multiple Lost Souls (2x) Summoner: Replacing the Arch-vile, Summoners are very, very fast. She can insta-move (or "teleport" if you wish) going from different positions in a matter of seconds. Also can burst a huge barrage of homing projectiles and ressurect “summon” other enemies next to their dead bodies. Thankfully, she also have less HP than an Arch-Vile and a higher pain chance. Abilities: - Chase: Insta-moving - Attack: Projectile barrage - Special: Summoning (reviving) Baron of Hell: Barons are extremely dangerous. They can mix the charge attack from Hell Knights with the explosive projectiles from Cyber-Mancubi. He is also immune to pain stunning and it’s extremely fast. With an agressive behavior, Barons of Hell can easily outstanding the player. Be careful and try to keep distance! Abilities: - Melee: Punch - Attack: Explosive shots - Attack: Lunge attack - Pain: Inverted sequence Cyberdemon: Big, unpredictable and very powerful. The Balgaar Cybie have a big amount of health and four different abilities: The unchanged missile attack from vanilla, the blade attack that shot at three different directions and a volley of homing missiles. He can also boost his speed similar to the Revenant, but in a more manacing way. Abilities: - Attack: Cyberdemon missiles - Attack: Fire blade attack - Attack: Homing missiles - Pain: Rush (speed boost) Spider Mastermind: Have 3 different attacks that gets more and more dangerous. The first is a fast-paced attack with smaller projectiles, than she uses a spread attack with multi-directional projectiles + a single homing missile. Finally she finishes with his “telekinetic” attack (that it’s just his habitual hitscan from vanilla). If you activate her pain-state, she will resets this pattern from the beginning, giving you some time before going back to the hitscan phase. Abilities: - Attack: Multiple shooting - Attack: Spread shooting + Homing missile - Attack: Telekinesis - Pain: Quick retaliation Reveal hidden contents Please, read the instructions before trying the extra-weapons. Thanks!VORTEX RIFLE - SLOT 01 It's a one-hit weapon with perfect accuracy, made for precision shots. It fires all your bullets at once. The more bullets you have, more chance to kill your enemy. PROS: You can use it to aim or kill multiple enemies in a row. CONS: You have one chance to hit your target and you will lose all your bullets. The weapon may look OP, but the lack of ammo can screw you over. Use it wisely. MARK V PISTOL - SLOT 02 This weapon uses a chargeable energy. You can aim and hold your fire with it. PROS: It's stronger than the regular pistol CONS: It's a lot slower as well HELLSHOT - SLOT 03 Fire a single-shot with two bolts at the same time. The first one is a strong concentrated shot, the second is more open, closer to a shotgun shot. PROS: You can easily pierce weaker enemies. Deals more damage than a shotgun. The first bolt is accurate and can be used to snipe weaker enemies. CONS: The fire-rate is a lot slower than the shotgun, making you more vulnerable between each shot. THE REAPER - SLOT 03 It shoots three-times in a row, making it a rapid-fire shotgun weapon. If you decide to concentrate all the shots on a single enemy, it will deal the same amount of damage of a SSG. PROS: Instead of using all the shots on the same enemy, you can spread the damage on more than one target and with relatively good accuracy. CONS: If you miss one of the shots, you will not only waste your ammo but also a good amount of damage. The impact is not as immediate as a SSG shot. HEAVY ASSAULT RIFLE - SLOT 04 Precise shooting without the need of waiting. Snipe-tapping is 100% accurate. PROS: You can tap your fire to snipe enemies or conserve ammo. There is no cooldown animation, making it a better option for weapon-switching. CONS: It's weaker than the chaingun, with slower fire-rate (but it's still more powerful than the regular chaingun from Doom 2) GRENADE LAUNCHER - SLOT 05 Launch granades that flies on an arc movement (it will affect Cyberdemons as well) The pick-up ammo gives 2 grenades instead of one, PROS: A lot faster than the Rocket Launcher, better control of splash-damage that can be used to hit specific targets or to fire down on holes. CONS: It's short ranged, limiting his use against far-away enemies. The grenade impact deals less damage than a rocket. LIGHTING GUN - SLOT 06 A precise bolt of energy that can reach enemies at distance or kill them faster when close to them. PROS: Very powerful, can stun and kill enemies very quickly. A mix of hitscan and projectile. CONS: Consumes a lot of energy and It's easy to waste ammo unnecessarily. You will need a good amount of cells for an effective use of it GAUSS CANNON - SLOT 07 Extremely powerful mid-range weapon that can destroy a single demon with just one shot. it's a bit volatile due to splash-damage, so you may need some time to master it. PROS: A strong blast of energy that can be used to dispatch big enemies almost instantly, dealing a huge amount of damage. Shot with immediate impact - you don't have to wait for projectiles. Consumes less ammo than a BFG shot. CONS: Doesn't have tracers like the BFG 9000 - it's not very effective against large groups of enemies. You have to be precise with your shots. Reveal hidden contents Unfortunately, there is an annoyance with the map07 slot. Both Mancubi and Arachnotrons (now as Cyber-Mancubus) uses different slots to work as intended. That means that they are not able to activate 666\667 sectors in Map07 anymore, soft-locking any map07 that uses that. Something similar happens with Ultimate Doom maps as well (E2M8, E3M8, E4M6 and E4M8). I found two “hacky” solutions for this: 1. A "default" map07 in D4V.wad that doesn't use 666\667 sectors. You will see that I actually made this using a modified Freedoom map. That will bypass any other map07, so I made another solution to go along this: 2. An individual "fix" for a limited amount of pwads, swapping the 666\667 sector with another activators. There is a folder called "Map07fixes" that includes "fixes" for some mapsets. None of these interfere with the actual pwads (that remains untouched). They are separate files that you can run together with their respective wads. For now, I only included 7 fixes. I also made another ones, but I want to know what the community thinks about it first. The idea is making files for a lot of maps, so you can play the map07 of each one as intended. Maps with an open permission also gets another additions like fixing texture inconsistencies (caused by my mod) or things that will make a difference specifically for this project. However, pwads that doesn't give the same permission are treated in a more careful way, only changing what is necessary to not soft-lock the game. [EDIT] I created a parallel-version called D4V-lite that doesn't include the map bypassers, recommend for mapsets like No Rest for the Living that doesn't use 666\667 activators on Map07. You can find this version on the changelogs. Reveal hidden contents To make it easier for newcomers, I prepared a pack with batch files so you can quickly click and play D4V. ______________________________________________* REGULAR EDITION: DOWNLOAD v3.2 * REGULAR BTSX: DOWNLOAD v3.2 Regular Edition - A pack with Chocolate Doom, Crispy Doom and 3 great pwads to demonstrate the mod (Kssht, Scythe and Baculus). Maps and source-ports are not related to this project - they belong to Khorus, Erik Alm and Crunchynut44 respectively. If you want to play with Back to Saturn X, download the BTSX version. If you want to configure Chocolate Doom, go to [SETUP-choco].bat. You can change the controls to WASD if you want. * MS-DOS EDITION: DOWNLOAD v3.2 * MS-DOS BTSX: DOWNLOAD v3.2 The MS-DOS Edition is an easy-to-play pack made for everyone: the ones with a real DOS machine OR a modern pc The pack comes with a pre-configured DOSBox with the correct render and aspect-ratio, also six pwads ready to run. - If you are using a modern pc... just run the "Launch DOSBOX with D4V" batch. - if you are using a vintage computer with MS-DOS... just take the main folder (also check the txt file)______________________________________________ You can play D4V with custom maps! To play other PWADs (or using other ports), I recommended using this command line:[SOURCE-PORT] -file [PWAD] D4V.wad -nodeh -deh D4V.deh For example: prboom+ -file SCYTHE.wad D4V.wad -nodeh -deh D4V.deh You can create a .BAT file on notepad to load your command-lines or using a launcher like ZDL.IMPORTANT: You need to load the files in that order or the mod will not work as intended. When playing with custom maps, D4V should be loaded first to make the map07 bypasser work. If you make it right, you will see the Doom 2016 TITLEPIC instead of the one used by the custom map. ______________________________________________ You can also add the MAP07 fix if you find a compatible one on the map07 list:crispy-doom -file SCYTHE.wad D4V.wad FSCYTHE.wad -nodeh -deh D4V.deh These files will fix other issues and bugs (also don't forget the "-nodeh" parameter) You can ignore the Map07fix if there isn't one. Then D4V's own map07 will load by default. ___________________________________________________ (MS-DOS Edition and his launcher - bundled with 6 pwads) Add-ons: Texture patch for OTEX: Reveal hidden contents Hell Knights: The Super Shotgun is the best weapon against Hell Knights. The animation for the "ground pound" was made to be perfectly synced with it - Just give two blasts holding the fire button and he will not finish his attack. Alternatively, you can move far away and go back, hide or use other enemies as shields. Hell Nobles - Charge Attack: Hell Knights and Barons can charge agressively, but they will stop the leap if you shot at them. The Chaingun is a good weapon to do that. Summoners: Summoners are very fast, but also have a higher Pain Chance, meaning they can be easily stunned. The best weapon to deal with them is also the Chaingun - it's more effective than the SSG or even the Rocket Launcher. Also, they emit a sound when Insta-Moving or preparing their projectiles. Keep a track on that. Punch mechanics: You can throw two punches when using the fist attack: The first one is normal but the second is 3 times stronger. Use that to your advantage - Your fists are stronger enough to kill lesser enemies like Imps. Explosive Shots (Barons and Cyber-Mancubus): Barons of Hell and Cyber-Mancubus have explosive shots that deals splash damage. It will first drop on the floor, turning into a green flame and then will blow after some seconds. When you see these flames or hear the sound, move away faster! The good thing is: This attack is short-ranged and it's the only projectile they can shot, meaning you have full advantage if you always keep distance. Homing Missiles: Don't be afraid of them! Despite being faster, it deals less damage. The trick to avoid homing projectiles is always keep running. You can also evade them while going forward, so they can't turn to get you from the side. This is useful specially against Summoners. Cyber-Mancubus and rockets: Cyber-Mancubi have an advanced armor to protect them against his own explosions. He is immune to splash-damage. Because of that, your rocket-launcher will not be a good option against them! Gore Nests and kill count: Being an stationary enemy, it's possible to find Gore Nests on unreachable places. Don't worry - they don't have "kill" counts. You can go for a 100% run without having to search for them. Reveal hidden contents Please, let me know if I forgot someone! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statusbar from Back to Saturn X by ptoing and esselfortium DMXOPL by Csonicgo Doom Slayer mugshot by Xtor98 Enemy sprites by me (Noiser aka Phobos867) or edited from: - Merser433 (Cacodemon) - DrPySpy (Spider Mastermind) - simploo (Cyberdemon) - Franco Tieppo (Gore Nest, barrels) - Amuscaria (the original Corpulent, lots of effects) Weapon sprites by Neccronixis and Franco Tieppo Marble textures imported from simploo sprites Liquid splash effects by Enjay Music by Nabernizer, Immorpher, Viscra Maelstrom, silentzorah, Frankibo, Jimmy, PRIMEVAL Item sprites from Death Foretold (DBThanatos) and ARGENT (Xaser) Some visual effects and sounds from Death Foretold by DBThanatos Other textures by me, IMX, deathride58 and Cage Map 07, E2M8 and E3M8 edited from the Freedoom community E4M6 and E4M8 is from Eternal Damnation by DMPhobos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BTSX Edition credits: BTSX and D4V are NOT related. Back to Saturn X belongs to Sarah Mancuso and the BTSX Team and it was created without mods in mind. I recommend playing it as intended before trying with D4V or any other gameplay mod. Decoration replacements by Raymoohawk, Bloax, Captain Toenail, ShadesMaster, theultimatefaris766 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL THANKS: Id Software Khorus, Erik Alm and Crunchynut44 Back to Saturn X Team DBThanatos and Major Cooke Dennis "Exl" Meuwissen Andrew "Linguica" Stine The Doom community as a whole MAPS MADE FOR D4V: Chrono-Displacement Labs [Single-map, Boom] by @meapineapple Drought [3 maps, Boom] by @Tango RECOMENDED WADS: Reveal hidden contents This is a list of some of my personal favorites to play with D4V. It's very incomplete though, there are a lot of other maps you can try as well!LEXICON: Vanilla: Works on any port, including Chocolate Doom and the original MS-DOS executable Limit-removing: You will need at least Crispy-Doom to run it as intended Boom: You need at least a Boom-compatible port like Prboom+, Eternity or Doom Retro VANILLA: - Scythe - Khorus Speedy Shit - Interception - Doom Core - Doom 2 The Way id Did* - Zone 300 - Reverie - Nex Credo - 3 Heures d'agonie 3 - Eternally Yours - Hell Revealed - TNT Revilution* - Back to Saturn X 1&2 (USE THE BTSX EDITION) LIMIT-REMOVING: - BACULUS - Vile Flesh - No Rest for the Living - Unholy Realms BOOM: - Moonblood* - Whispers of Satan - Speed of Doom * Needs the -nodeh parameter to work, otherwise you need to remove the dehacked lump from the mapset. I also don't know if this parameter is working on GZDoom. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do about it. Expand how to download it? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
thestarrover Posted August 18, 2021 On 8/18/2021 at 8:10 AM, dontusd12 said: how to download it? Expand Below "Download" click on "Reveal hidden contents". Most updated version is HERE 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheNoob_Gamer Posted August 18, 2021 On 7/28/2021 at 1:24 AM, Cheesenolives said: I need help, I can't get it to run on GZDoom for Android, it just crashes after the black screen, I'm trying to load just the WAD along with the DOOM2.wad how can I fix it? Expand How did you load the mod - and what file? It's not supposed to crash at all. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Cheesenolives Posted August 20, 2021 On 8/18/2021 at 8:50 AM, TheNoob_Gamer said: How did you load the mod - and what file? It's not supposed to crash at all. Expand I loaded the Dv4.WAD along with the Doom2 wad, but I'm guessing it won't work with that app, it's the GZDOOM for Android that I was using but I'm going to try Delta touch instead 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheNoob_Gamer Posted August 20, 2021 On 8/20/2021 at 4:25 PM, Cheesenolives said: I loaded the Dv4.WAD along with the Doom2 wad, but I'm guessing it won't work with that app, it's the GZDOOM for Android that I was using but I'm going to try Delta touch instead Expand Yeah, it is recommended to use Delta Touch instead. That GZDoom build is pretty outdated and can easily causes issues. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
al_zera Posted August 29, 2021 You have Doom 4 Vanilla without OST? I want use this with other OSTs and I can't do... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheNoob_Gamer Posted August 30, 2021 On 8/29/2021 at 3:28 AM, al_berserker88 said: You have Doom 4 Vanilla without OST? I want use this with other OSTs and I can't do... Expand Here's a version I quickly whipped up that contains no music whatsoever. D4V_nomusic.zipFetching info... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
al_zera Posted September 4, 2021 On 8/30/2021 at 4:06 PM, TheNoob_Gamer said: Here's a version I quickly whipped up that contains no music whatsoever. D4V_nomusic.zipFetching info... Expand Thanks!!! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
MattTheGuy Posted December 11, 2021 Hey can you send the midi download please? I gotta test with opl3 and other stuff 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
PKr Posted February 7, 2022 Hey! I am trying to play D4V on Doom Retro 4.4.3, but none of the .dehs for alternenative versions work... VORTEX_DoomRetro.deh doesn't work either. After trying to shoot alternative weapons they just get stuck in some broken animation loop or something. However everything works fine on crispy doom 5.10.3. What might be the problem? I remember playing it just fine on some older Doom Retro versions. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
gayzad Posted February 23, 2022 holy shit this is impressive, like really impressive blood splats are pretty cool 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pixel Fiend Posted March 5, 2022 (edited) So I wish to create a wad that uses Doom 4 Vanilla but for that to happen I'd probably need to use someone's help. I'm bound to run into a whole host of problems, for starters: - The boss eye keeps spawning Spiderdemons, is there a way to modify this - Is there a way to include the extra weapon replacements in the wad - Is there a way to have arachnotrons in the wad Edited March 6, 2022 by game 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Codename_Delta Posted March 16, 2022 (edited) On 3/5/2022 at 9:46 PM, game said: So I wish to create a wad that uses Doom 4 Vanilla but for that to happen I'd probably need to use someone's help. I'm bound to run into a whole host of problems, for starters: - The boss eye keeps spawning Spiderdemons, is there a way to modify this - Is there a way to include the extra weapon replacements in the wad - Is there a way to have arachnotrons in the wad Expand For the first one, It's because the spiderdemon replaces the arachnotron, so the cyber-mancubus can have blast damage immunity. For the second one, not sure if you can (with very little experience with the many doom map editors out there, Doom builder, ultimate doom builder, slade etc., I don't know if it is possible to do so) For the third one, I think the arachnotron replaces the mancubus and the mancubus replaces something idk. Nvm Noiser explained it already. Edited March 16, 2022 by Codename_Delta Reasons 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Renbot Posted March 26, 2022 (edited) Somewhat minor bugs I've encountered using Vortex on PrBoom+ (and by extension DSDA Doom) The appearance of the chainsaw pick-up in levels stays the same when the vortex is loaded, as opposed to its vortex look on other ports. Switching back to fists takes several tries, doomguy keeps putting the vortex away and bring it back up. Rarely he'll switch to fists on the first try, but usually it takes about 5 to 10 button presses. While trying to switch, if you're facing a wall you'll see a single spark as if you chainsawed the wall for one tick. This is graphical only, it doesn't spend any ammo or alert enemies. Tested on PrBoom+ 2.6.2 and DSDA Doom 0.24.1 on Doom 2 IWAD (no PWADs) with VORTEX_prBOOM+.deh. Doom Retro also seems to have issues with this gun but I think that has been brought to attention already. Edited March 26, 2022 by Artbor 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
allanwesleybp Posted April 18, 2022 Any way to make this work with Doom Zero and Eviternity? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
VoanHead Posted April 18, 2022 (edited) On 4/18/2022 at 1:32 AM, allanwesleybp said: Any way to make this work with Doom Zero and Eviternity? Expand Unfortunately, my friend, those wads won’t mesh well w/ this mod since it already changes up the monsters and weapons in the PWAD. We have this thread to explain why, it’s just the way it is :(. However, you can play D4V w/ other wads that don’t really change up enemies and just have the base enemies as is. Edited April 18, 2022 by VoanHead 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shawny Posted April 25, 2022 (edited) I have no idea how much is this relevant (or maybe I am just doing something wrong). I was testing my mapset with the mod in DSDA doom (same happens in PRBoom+) and found out that hell knight seemingly ignore all kinds of (or maybe all, haven´t tested all of them) TP lines. I made a test map with few kinds of TP trigger lines to make sure. 3MB gif of TP testing. Reveal hidden contents Barons have no issue with TP lines apparently. Like I said, not sure if it is a bug or what. I searched this thread if anybody asked or reported this, but I haven´t found anything. So if this is known or mentioned elsewhere, my apologies. NEVERMIND -nodeh solves the issue... for a price. Edited April 25, 2022 by Shawny Problem solved... I guess. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Average Posted May 8, 2022 So, I love this mod but I have a question. I'm trying to run it along with Doom64 for Doom 2 but there's a bug in map02 that won't allow me to open the pillar with the blue armour beside the blue key door. The switch doesn't activate. Is there a workaround for this or am I out of luck. Ideally, I'd love to play with both these mods through Woof. Also, I have a request. Would a weapons only version be possible? Also, bonus request. Would you consider making a mod only containing your blood effects. I love the permanent blood on the floor of my vanilla maps. :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Hey!thatrandomuser Posted May 21, 2022 On 8/31/2019 at 7:34 PM, Noiser said: ------------------------------------------------------------------[V2.0] [v2.1] [v2.2] [v2.3] [V2.4] [V.2.5] [V.2.5.9] [V3.0] [V3.1] [V3.2] [V3.2.1] < NEW ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOOM 4 VANILLA aka Doom 2016 the Way 1993 Did It After almost two years, I'm proud to announce my biggest project so far: It's a gameplay mod inspired by Doom 2016, made to be compatible with any source-port (or without any of them). 100% vanilla compatible and full of dehacked tricks! All under the limitations of the original Doom2.exe. --------------------------*** FEATURES *** ------------------------- New demon abilities: Mancubi with flamethrowers, Revenants using jetpacks, charging Pinkies, insta-moving Summoners... all the good stuff! Tough weaponry: As the 2x faster Chaingun, the Super Chainsaw that can kill almost any demon, a “glory-killing” sequence of punches and weapons with faster animations. Visually, it’s a mix of the original sprites by Neccronixis with some details from Franco Tieppo's version. Extra-weapons: Version 2.0 also added 8 new weapons (including the Gauss Cannon) that can be individually picked to replace the regular ones. A refined set of enemy sprites: At least a better job compared to my initial attempts from 2016, some of them reworked from scratch. You can see the full bestiary down here. The Doom4mator: An extensive change of textures\flats to set any map on a Doom 2016 mood, including foundries on the surface of Mars or Hellish canyons filled with toxic goo. Powered by DMXOPL: The amazing soundbank made by Csonicgo. Listen to a new selection of tracks (a few of them from Doom 2016) with improved OPL instruments. Perfect for some heavy djent riffs! Unusual vanilla effects: Brightmaps for sprites and textures Blood splats on floors A custom palette with vivid tones New COLORMAP tint effects Aligned weapons when fired Quick-weapon switching Monsters with multiple abilities TRAILER Watch it on 1080p for the BEST experience: Reveal hidden contents Possessed: Replacing the Zombieman, the Possessed ones are slow and can only attack when closer to the player. It's the weakest enemy in the game, however he attacks almost instantly, causing some distress if you're low on health. Abilities: - Melee: Scratch Security: Probably the only enemy unchanged from vanilla, behaving exactly like the normal shotgunner. He will drop his weapon when killed. Abilities: - Attack: Shotgun fire Imp: It's a lot faster compared to the original one, being able to avoid your shots just moving around. His fireballs are also faster and deals more damage. Abilities: - Melee: Scratch - Attack: Fireball Pinky: The Pinky Demon can charge at high speed, glowing his face when running towards you. You can see him in the dark when that happens. Abilities: - Melee: Bite - Attack: Charge attack Lost Soul: They have less health and will explode after touching you, however his blast will damage the player twice. When attacking, his flames changes from blue to red. Abilities: - Attack: Suicidal charge - Dead: Explosion Hell Razer: Replacing the Chaingunner, the Hell Razer will fire a deadly beam that can drain your health in a matter of seconds. You can deal with him paying attention to the sound he makes when charging his weapon. Abilities: - Attack: Energy beam - Pain: Quick retaliation Cacodemon: More agressive than before, Cacodemons have the lowest "reaction time", meaning that he will shot his projectiles more ofter. He will also instantly shot you after activating his Pain State. Abilities: - Melee: Bite - Attack: Fireball - Pain: Quick retaliation Hell Knight: Powerful melee enemies that can charge at you and unleash a sequential number of punches. If you provoke him (activating his Pain State), he will blast the ground furiously, hitting enemies at distance (so he can fight back when unable to reach you). Abilities: - Melee: Punch - Attack: Lunge attack - Pain: Ground pound Mancubus: The regular Mancubus can perform three different attacks: The first one is his well known attack with projectiles - unchanged from vanilla. However, if you get too close, he will use his flamethrower, quickly draining your health. On Pain State, he will perform a "mixed attack", shooting 2 projectiles and the flamethrower at the same time. Abilities: - Melee: Flamethrower - Attack: Big fireballs - Pain: Fireballs + flamethrower Cyber-Mancubus: This one have an area-denial attack, shooting volatile projectiles that stays on the ground for a while and them explodes, damaging everything around him. His armor also gives immunity against splash damage, protecting him from his own explosions. If you get too close, he will grunt and perform a blast attack shooting his cannons at the ground. On pain-state, he will fire his regular projectiles but at a higher speed. Abilities: - Melee: Ground blast - Attack: Explosive plasma - Pain: Quick retaliation Revenant: Revenants are back with jetpacks! He can use them in different ways. With his regular attack, he will just plain in position and fire two homing projectiles (that are faster, but causes less damage). However, after going through his Pain State, he may move with his jetpack, boosting his speed dramatically and allowing him to find another position to attack or avoid your shoots. Abilities: - Melee: Punch - Attack: Hover + Homing fire - Pain: Jetpack boost + Homing fire Gore Nest: A link to the inner depts of hell, the portals opened by Gore Nests are wide enough to be used by Lost Souls. Acting as an stationary version of Pain Elemental, the Gore Nests are very durable - when destroyed, they spawn more souls by activating two times their death sequence. Don’t worry though, most of them explode right after birth, resulting on an intense death animation. Abilities: - Attack: Spawn a Lost Soul - Dead: Spawn multiple Lost Souls (2x) Summoner: Replacing the Arch-vile, Summoners are very, very fast. She can insta-move (or "teleport" if you wish) going from different positions in a matter of seconds. Also can burst a huge barrage of homing projectiles and ressurect “summon” other enemies next to their dead bodies. Thankfully, she also have less HP than an Arch-Vile and a higher pain chance. Abilities: - Chase: Insta-moving - Attack: Projectile barrage - Special: Summoning (reviving) Baron of Hell: Barons are extremely dangerous. They can mix the charge attack from Hell Knights with the explosive projectiles from Cyber-Mancubi. He is also immune to pain stunning and it’s extremely fast. With an agressive behavior, Barons of Hell can easily outstanding the player. Be careful and try to keep distance! Abilities: - Melee: Punch - Attack: Explosive shots - Attack: Lunge attack - Pain: Inverted sequence Cyberdemon: Big, unpredictable and very powerful. The Balgaar Cybie have a big amount of health and four different abilities: The unchanged missile attack from vanilla, the blade attack that shot at three different directions and a volley of homing missiles. He can also boost his speed similar to the Revenant, but in a more manacing way. Abilities: - Attack: Cyberdemon missiles - Attack: Fire blade attack - Attack: Homing missiles - Pain: Rush (speed boost) Spider Mastermind: Have 3 different attacks that gets more and more dangerous. The first is a fast-paced attack with smaller projectiles, than she uses a spread attack with multi-directional projectiles + a single homing missile. Finally she finishes with his “telekinetic” attack (that it’s just his habitual hitscan from vanilla). If you activate her pain-state, she will resets this pattern from the beginning, giving you some time before going back to the hitscan phase. Abilities: - Attack: Multiple shooting - Attack: Spread shooting + Homing missile - Attack: Telekinesis - Pain: Quick retaliation Reveal hidden contents Please, read the instructions before trying the extra-weapons. Thanks!VORTEX RIFLE - SLOT 01 It's a one-hit weapon with perfect accuracy, made for precision shots. It fires all your bullets at once. The more bullets you have, more chance to kill your enemy. PROS: You can use it to aim or kill multiple enemies in a row. CONS: You have one chance to hit your target and you will lose all your bullets. The weapon may look OP, but the lack of ammo can screw you over. Use it wisely. MARK V PISTOL - SLOT 02 This weapon uses a chargeable energy. You can aim and hold your fire with it. PROS: It's stronger than the regular pistol CONS: It's a lot slower as well HELLSHOT - SLOT 03 Fire a single-shot with two bolts at the same time. The first one is a strong concentrated shot, the second is more open, closer to a shotgun shot. PROS: You can easily pierce weaker enemies. Deals more damage than a shotgun. The first bolt is accurate and can be used to snipe weaker enemies. CONS: The fire-rate is a lot slower than the shotgun, making you more vulnerable between each shot. THE REAPER - SLOT 03 It shoots three-times in a row, making it a rapid-fire shotgun weapon. If you decide to concentrate all the shots on a single enemy, it will deal the same amount of damage of a SSG. PROS: Instead of using all the shots on the same enemy, you can spread the damage on more than one target and with relatively good accuracy. CONS: If you miss one of the shots, you will not only waste your ammo but also a good amount of damage. The impact is not as immediate as a SSG shot. HEAVY ASSAULT RIFLE - SLOT 04 Precise shooting without the need of waiting. Snipe-tapping is 100% accurate. PROS: You can tap your fire to snipe enemies or conserve ammo. There is no cooldown animation, making it a better option for weapon-switching. CONS: It's weaker than the chaingun, with slower fire-rate (but it's still more powerful than the regular chaingun from Doom 2) GRENADE LAUNCHER - SLOT 05 Launch granades that flies on an arc movement (it will affect Cyberdemons as well) The pick-up ammo gives 2 grenades instead of one, PROS: A lot faster than the Rocket Launcher, better control of splash-damage that can be used to hit specific targets or to fire down on holes. CONS: It's short ranged, limiting his use against far-away enemies. The grenade impact deals less damage than a rocket. LIGHTING GUN - SLOT 06 A precise bolt of energy that can reach enemies at distance or kill them faster when close to them. PROS: Very powerful, can stun and kill enemies very quickly. A mix of hitscan and projectile. CONS: Consumes a lot of energy and It's easy to waste ammo unnecessarily. You will need a good amount of cells for an effective use of it GAUSS CANNON - SLOT 07 Extremely powerful mid-range weapon that can destroy a single demon with just one shot. it's a bit volatile due to splash-damage, so you may need some time to master it. PROS: A strong blast of energy that can be used to dispatch big enemies almost instantly, dealing a huge amount of damage. Shot with immediate impact - you don't have to wait for projectiles. Consumes less ammo than a BFG shot. CONS: Doesn't have tracers like the BFG 9000 - it's not very effective against large groups of enemies. You have to be precise with your shots. Reveal hidden contents Unfortunately, there is an annoyance with the map07 slot. Both Mancubi and Arachnotrons (now as Cyber-Mancubus) uses different slots to work as intended. That means that they are not able to activate 666\667 sectors in Map07 anymore, soft-locking any map07 that uses that. Something similar happens with Ultimate Doom maps as well (E2M8, E3M8, E4M6 and E4M8). I found two “hacky” solutions for this: 1. A "default" map07 in D4V.wad that doesn't use 666\667 sectors. You will see that I actually made this using a modified Freedoom map. That will bypass any other map07, so I made another solution to go along this: 2. An individual "fix" for a limited amount of pwads, swapping the 666\667 sector with another activators. There is a folder called "Map07fixes" that includes "fixes" for some mapsets. None of these interfere with the actual pwads (that remains untouched). They are separate files that you can run together with their respective wads. For now, I only included 7 fixes. I also made another ones, but I want to know what the community thinks about it first. The idea is making files for a lot of maps, so you can play the map07 of each one as intended. Maps with an open permission also gets another additions like fixing texture inconsistencies (caused by my mod) or things that will make a difference specifically for this project. However, pwads that doesn't give the same permission are treated in a more careful way, only changing what is necessary to not soft-lock the game. [EDIT] I created a parallel-version called D4V-lite that doesn't include the map bypassers, recommend for mapsets like No Rest for the Living that doesn't use 666\667 activators on Map07. You can find this version on the changelogs. Reveal hidden contents To make it easier for newcomers, I prepared a pack with batch files so you can quickly click and play D4V. ______________________________________________* REGULAR EDITION: DOWNLOAD v3.2 * REGULAR BTSX: DOWNLOAD v3.2 Regular Edition - A pack with Chocolate Doom, Crispy Doom and 3 great pwads to demonstrate the mod (Kssht, Scythe and Baculus). Maps and source-ports are not related to this project - they belong to Khorus, Erik Alm and Crunchynut44 respectively. If you want to play with Back to Saturn X, download the BTSX version. If you want to configure Chocolate Doom, go to [SETUP-choco].bat. You can change the controls to WASD if you want. * MS-DOS EDITION: DOWNLOAD v3.2 * MS-DOS BTSX: DOWNLOAD v3.2 The MS-DOS Edition is an easy-to-play pack made for everyone: those with a real DOS machine OR a modern pc The pack comes with a pre-configured DOSBox with the correct render and aspect-ratio, also six pwads ready to run. - If you are using a modern pc... just run the "Launch DOSBOX with D4V" batch. - if you are using a vintage computer with MS-DOS... just take the main folder (also check the txt file)______________________________________________ You can play D4V with custom maps! To play other PWADs (or using other ports), I recommended using this command line:[SOURCE-PORT] -file [PWAD] D4V.wad -nodeh -deh D4V.deh For example: prboom+ -file SCYTHE.wad D4V.wad -nodeh -deh D4V.deh You can create a .BAT file on notepad to load your command-lines or using a launcher like ZDL.IMPORTANT: You need to load the files in that order or the mod will not work as intended. When playing with custom maps, D4V should be loaded first to make the map07 bypasser work. If you make it right, you will see the Doom 2016 TITLEPIC instead of the one used by the custom map. ______________________________________________ You can also add the MAP07 fix if you find a compatible one on the map07 list:crispy-doom -file SCYTHE.wad D4V.wad FSCYTHE.wad -nodeh -deh D4V.deh These files will fix other issues and bugs (also don't forget the "-nodeh" parameter) You can ignore the Map07fix if there isn't one. Then D4V's own map07 will load by default. ___________________________________________________ (MS-DOS Edition - bundled with 6 pwads) Add-ons: Texture patch for OTEX: Reveal hidden contents Hell Knights: The Super Shotgun is the best weapon against Hell Knights. The animation for the "ground pound" was made to be perfectly synced with it - Just give two blasts holding the fire button and he will not finish his attack. Alternatively, you can move far away and go back, hide or use other enemies as shields. Hell Nobles - Charge Attack: Hell Knights and Barons can charge agressively, but they will stop the leap if you shot at them. The Chaingun is a good weapon to do that. Summoners: Summoners are very fast, but also have a higher Pain Chance, meaning they can be easily stunned. The best weapon to deal with them is also the Chaingun - it's more effective than the SSG or even the Rocket Launcher. Also, they emit a sound when Insta-Moving or preparing their projectiles. Keep a track on that. Punch mechanics: You can throw two punches when using the fist attack: The first one is normal but the second is 3 times stronger. Use that to your advantage - Your fists are stronger enough to kill lesser enemies like Imps. Explosive Shots (Barons and Cyber-Mancubus): Barons of Hell and Cyber-Mancubus have explosive shots that deals splash damage. It will first drop on the floor, turning into a green flame and then will blow after some seconds. When you see these flames or hear the sound, move away faster! The good thing is: This attack is short-ranged and it's the only projectile they can shot, meaning you have full advantage if you always keep distance. Homing Missiles: Don't be afraid of them! Despite being faster, it deals less damage. The trick to avoid homing projectiles is always keep running. You can also evade them while going forward, so they can't turn to get you from the side. This is useful specially against Summoners. Cyber-Mancubus and rockets: Cyber-Mancubi have an advanced armor to protect them against his own explosions. He is immune to splash-damage. Because of that, your rocket-launcher will not be a good option against them! Gore Nests and kill count: Being an stationary enemy, it's possible to find Gore Nests on unreachable places. Don't worry - they don't have "kill" counts. You can go for a 100% run without having to search for them. Reveal hidden contents Please, let me know if I forgot someone! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statusbar from Back to Saturn X by ptoing and esselfortium DMXOPL by Csonicgo Doom Slayer mugshot by Xtor98 Enemy sprites by me (Noiser aka Phobos867) or edited from: - Merser433 (Cacodemon) - DrPySpy (Spider Mastermind) - simploo (Cyberdemon) - Franco Tieppo (Gore Nest, barrels) - Amuscaria (the original Corpulent, lots of effects) Weapon sprites by Neccronixis and Franco Tieppo Marble textures imported from simploo sprites Liquid splash effects by Enjay Music by Nabernizer, Immorpher, Viscra Maelstrom, silentzorah, Frankibo, Jimmy, PRIMEVAL Item sprites from Death Foretold (DBThanatos) and ARGENT (Xaser) Some visual effects and sounds from Death Foretold by DBThanatos Other textures by me, IMX, deathride58 and Cage Map 07, E2M8 and E3M8 edited from the Freedoom community E4M6 and E4M8 is from Eternal Damnation by DMPhobos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BTSX Edition credits: BTSX and D4V are NOT related. Back to Saturn X belongs to Sarah Mancuso and the BTSX Team and it was created without mods in mind. I recommend playing it as intended before trying with D4V or any other gameplay mod. Decoration replacements by Raymoohawk, Bloax, Captain Toenail, ShadesMaster, theultimatefaris766 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL THANKS: Id Software Khorus, Erik Alm and Crunchynut44 Back to Saturn X Team DBThanatos and Major Cooke Dennis "Exl" Meuwissen Andrew "Linguica" Stine The Doom community as a whole MAPS MADE FOR D4V: Chrono-Displacement Labs [Single-map, Boom] by @meapineapple Drought [3 maps, Boom] by @Tango RECOMENDED WADS: Reveal hidden contents This is a list of some of my personal favorites to play with D4V. It's very incomplete though, there are a lot of other maps you can try as well!LEXICON: Vanilla: Works on any port, including Chocolate Doom and the original MS-DOS executable Limit-removing: You will need at least Crispy-Doom to run it as intended Boom: You need at least a Boom-compatible port like Prboom+, Eternity or Doom Retro VANILLA: - Scythe - Khorus Speedy Shit - Interception - Doom Core - Doom 2 The Way id Did* - Zone 300 - Reverie - Nex Credo - 3 Heures d'agonie 3 - Eternally Yours - Hell Revealed - TNT Revilution* - Back to Saturn X 1&2 (USE THE BTSX EDITION) LIMIT-REMOVING: - BACULUS - Vile Flesh - No Rest for the Living - Unholy Realms BOOM: - Moonblood* - Whispers of Satan - Speed of Doom * Needs the -nodeh parameter to work, otherwise you need to remove the dehacked lump from the mapset. I also don't know if this parameter is working on GZDoom. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do about it. Expand So if this can run on any doom source port and any device does that mean I can run it on the damn calculator doom port 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
kalensar Posted May 21, 2022 On 5/21/2022 at 2:50 AM, Hey!thatrandomuser said: So if this can run on any doom source port and any device does that mean I can run it on the damn calculator doom port Expand No this cannot run on the T-90 Calculator because that port of Doom is a specialty port made for that calculator OS that is not anything similar to a normal PC port. It has lower resource power than even an 8-Bit style port of Doom ( a thing that does exist). 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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