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D4V Single Map: Chrono-Displacement Labs

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Tried this map in crispy, then i remember it is only Boom compatible. Pretty cool so far. It would be awesome to have a vanilla or limit removing level pack for D4V

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Very cool! I liked how you put pillars in the beginning teaching the player about Hell Knight's ground pound! Also the final room with the Cyberdemon was pretty great!

I saw some brightmaps issues on software mode though (actually it was just the yellow stripes flat that bugged me, the others looked cool).
I want to make a tutorial later on explaining how software brightmaps works in D4V, because it's very easy to fix them.

In the meanwhile, I fixed the yellow stripes and some other textures that had the same problem, like the mountains\outdoors textures.
Also the pentagram will glow a lil more: fixes.rar

Edited by Noiser

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Just dropped a new version. Check it out! The download is in the topic post. This new version of the WAD has better ZDoom port compatibility, adds a new secret, and makes a number of other tweaks and improvements.

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  • 1 month later...

played through it today. overall: its good. you did a really good job with the architecture, and the level progression is pretty good. the only problem is that the action is a little bit underwhelming, i just prefer more big open spaces with lots of monsters. but i will say, that cyberdemon was pretty good for a final boss. so overall, well done.

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  • 1 month later...

Short but sweet, felt like I ran around with 20HP all the time, had to punch some imps and zombies to death in the red key room because I ran out of ammo, guess I let that summoner play around for a bit too long. Died once on the cybie but that might have been because it was the first one I met in D4V, or perhaps because I caught a revenant fireball to the face =P

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  • 11 months later...
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  • 3 months later...

Just got around to playing this one @meapineapple, really enjoyed the map! Loved the aesthetic design, was very reminiscent of Quake 4/Doom 3 era levels and plenty of nice detailing. Fun monster layout and ambushes that were a great introduction for my first time using the D4V mod. The grand finale was a blast—literally, my face, blasted. Overall I can recommend it to anyone who wants an enjoyable, intense, medium-sized wad playthrough that shows off D4V's capabilities!

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