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The DWIronman League dies to: Revolution!


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September, 2019




> Download Revolution!
> NaZa's unofficial leader board






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What is the Doomworld Ironman League?

The DWIronman League is a monthly competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given map set, preferably in one sitting. Click the spoiler tag below for a detailed list of rules. Players of all levels of ability are welcome. It could change the way you play Doom!


In September 2019 The Doomworld Ironman League dies to @t.v.'s Revolution!, a doomcute megawad from 2003 and a champion of representational design in the abstract. If DWIL did stroke indexes, this challenge would sit somewhere at the high end of the range, meaning that it's probably only as difficult as you're willing to make it. A mostly casual play could easily net you some green for your survival portfolio... but are you willing to take a gamble and put your foot down for a higher standing, instead? The doom marine is a pretty fast guy, you know.


It's time to cut corners or die trying.


Essential Info

  • Doom 2 as the IWAD selected.
  • Compatibility level 2, or "(Doom (strict))" for ZDoom derivative ports.
  • 30 levels + 2 secret levels
prboom-plus -file tvr! -complevel 2 -warp -skill 4 -record dwironman...


  • There are two competitions: Standard and Prepared:
    • To compete successfully in the Standard competition: your first play of the selected WAD(s) constitutes your one and only attempt for the month.
    • To compete successfully in the Prepared competition: your one and only attempt for the month is determined BY YOU immediately before play and may follow any prior number of plays that are strictly for practice/inspection purposes only. You cannot compete in the Standard competition after submitting a run to the Prepared competition. You may submit the first of your practice attempts to the Standard competition.


  • UV only (excepting 1CC format). No pistol-starting.

  • Demos (PrBoom+, GLBoom, Eternity or Chocolate), stream highlights and video recordings are the only accepted proofs. You must link to these runs in the thread. 

  • No additional WADs may be loaded.

  • No inspection of the WAD(s)'s content in an editor if you are submitting a Standard run.

  • No cheat codes and no features that result in behavior beyond what is possible in the intended source port (e.g. freelook, jumping and crouching in a boom set). This includes dynamic lights and brightmaps. If streaming or recording videos using an advanced source port with compatibility options, you must display these settings on-screen before your run. In ZDoom derivative ports, "Doom/Boom(strict)" will suffice.

  • If you choose to stream/record your run for video rather than provide a demo and you die before completing a single level, either on MAP01 of a set OR because a single level was selected for the month, you must display the number of monsters killed/remaining in the level before you quit.

  • You do not have to play the secret levels in order to register a complete run. However, a player who finishes the game having completed more secret levels than his/her competitors will rank higher than them.

  • You cannot load a game having progressed past the save point.

  • You cannot consult Doom Builder during your run to check for map details.

  • If the recording of your official run is interrupted due to technical difficulties, you are not permitted a second attempt. Any surviving recording may be used to register a DNF result.

  • Accidentally restarting a level before a death exit takes you to the tally screen will disqualify your run.

  • If you are competing in the Standard competition, you are required to affix one of three numbers to your run informing the League of your degree of familiarity with the map/set played. Note that your evaluation should only take into consideration the content covered in your run (e.g. if you remember only one part of a level in a set you haven't played before but never reach that level, you should list your run as a [1] instead of [2]):


    1. This is a blind run. If I have played or watched any of the level/set being played before, I cannot remember any details that would offer a reasonable advantage over truly blind players. *
    2. This is not a blind run. I have played the level/set before, or watched it being played, and can remember some details that would offer a reasonable advantage over blind players.
    3. This is not a blind run. I have watched the level/set being played via stream, demo or video after it was announced as this month's challenge.


* "Reasonable" in this instance asks you to consider whether the details in question are worth committing to memory. As in, you would thank the person who gave you this information with a straight face and not expect to be laughed at for being an utter berk.


Previous Threads


Jenesis (winner: Demon of the Well)
Crusades (winner: Ribbiks)
Nilla Doom (winner: Demon of the Well)
Khorus' Speedy Shit (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Perdition's Gate (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
UAC Ultra (winner: Bloodite Krypto)


Jade Earth (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Legacy of Heroes (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Back to Saturn X E1 (winner: dew)
Mapgame (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Vae Victus 1 & 2 (winner: Demon of the Well)
Disturbia (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Insertion (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Unholy Realms (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Osiris (winner: Demon of the Well)
End Game & End Point (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Oscillation (winner: Ancalagon)
Doom The Way id Did (winner: kmc)


Combat Shock 2 (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Coffee Break (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Warlock's Hearth (winner: Demon of the Well)
50 Monsters (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Double Impact (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Rush (winner: WH-Wilou84)
The Darkening E1 & E2 (winner: Veinen)
The Plutonia Experiment (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Interstellar Sickness & Shaman's Device (winner: leodoom85)
Doom 64 for Doom 2 (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
TNT: Renascence & Resistance (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Ultimate Doom The Way id Did (winner: Bloodite Krypto)


Hellfire: Dreams (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Fomalhaut (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Stardate 20X6 (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Base Ganymede: Complete (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
SIGIL (winner: leodoom85)
Vanguard & Lunatic (winner: Bdubzzz)

Edited by Alfonzo
Formatting, yikes

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Category 2. I played this wad during the DWMC session a few years ago, so I know the overall concept of the megawad; it's simple and easy, but fun and enjoyable with only few unfair moments throughout the entire wad. This time, I decided to play the wad with community-made music pack, since the original wad didn't include any custom background music. That being said, I highly recommend everyone to play the wad with this awesome music pack, if you don't want to play it with stock doom 2 music.


Survived +2, with 2:53:43 in-game time: ironman_anta_tvr.zip

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Holy moly! I Ironmanned the shit out of this set! Just over two weeks ago, as a matter of fact, and once two years ago. 


Unfortunately never got further than MAP23 and one of its extreme traps, but a survival is what I definitely want. 

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SCORE: Survived +2

CATEGORY: 2 - I have played this set as an Ironman practice in late 2017 where I died on MAP23. I had also played some of the latter maps (27-28) for the MIDI pack which I contributed to (intermission track!). I had also tried to Ironman this set fairly recently, a month ago, but MAP12 had me in stitches.

TIME TAKEN: 2:31:32



Finally I can put all my August (18 and 19) woes aside concerning this league with a rather quick romp through Revolution. "Quick" as in comfortable, because survival > speed if you ask me, and there is some bitchy moments in a few maps. Had some quick blasts through maps, notably the first episode where I blitzed through most of the maps having found a secret something incredibly early, actually never having found that secret prior. From then it was smooth sailing. I rarely dropped below 100/100 because of the absolute abundance of healing items, and I was never short on ammo. Played this with the MIDI pack, of course, which is a great addition and makes the maps stand out even more.




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4 hours ago, Bdubzzz said:

Category 1 Dead on Map 21 to some bull shit :)


Can I guess first? The stupid mouth. 


*checks spoiler


Been there too...


Edited by galileo31dos01

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4 hours ago, Bdubzzz said:

ded on map 21

What was that???

Honestly, I didn't played that map. Only did it until map 08 and that was like 10 years ago...

I barely remember map 01 lol.

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Not very fond of this wad. The first levels are cryptic and after that... it's somewhat more enjoyable but not worth my patience. It employs some cool tricks with vents and some neat effects, but this isn't my kind of Doom.


Ran out of patience after MAP10, it was interesting while it lasted but I don't think I would have forced myself to finish a 32 level wad in one sitting even if I could.



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On 9/2/2019 at 2:17 PM, Bdubzzz said:

Category 1 Dead on Map 21 to some bull shit :) I wasn't on pace to beat Naza's time anyway, got lost way to much in this set :p DWIronman-TVR-dubz.zip


Spoiler of the death:

  Reveal hidden contents



I died to the same bullshit, that's what happen when you don't read the topic before doing a run c:


Category 1, I only played the first 4 maps (I think, I'm not even sure) something like 14 years ago. I only remember not liking it back then and I still don't like it now.

Edited by SSGmaster

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Well I was doing really well until I met a cybie rocket in Map 14. Shame coz I didn't like the earlier levels and died just when things started to get interesting.


Demo: tvrdemo.zip (Category 1)

Used: Glboom+ (complevel 2)

Dead on: Map14 (reached map 14 at around 1 hr 08-ish min mark)


Edited by ReaperAA
Accidentally wrote complevel 9 instead of 2

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On 9/4/2019 at 11:16 AM, ReaperAA said:

Shame coz I didn't like the earlier levels and died just when things started to get interesting.


Same here. There's few things that piss me off in Doom more than cryptic progression. I can take a BS trap or encounter much more nicely than this, usually. Cryptic progression makes me wanna tear my hair out. I simply can't cope with it anymore. But, I agree, it did seem to get a bit better but I ran out of patience by that time.


By the looks of it, I could've likely survived at least a few more maps, but I deemed it unworthy of my time and simply quit the game at the start of MAP11.


"You are not worthy." (in Dark Brotherhood door voice)

Edited by seed

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22 minutes ago, seed said:

By the looks of it, I could've likely survived at least a few more maps, but I deemed it unworthy of my time and simply quit the game at the start of MAP11.

Every map in Revolution! is rather easy. It's just the occasional difficulty spikes - which are random, appear out of nowhere and mostly not telegraphed while hurting the balance - that render this mapset a bear trap and one to consider for Ironman. Luckily, moments like those are few and far between and if you're aware of them, the set shouldn't be too much a problem. I can see why anyone would quit it - progression, especially on MAP04 and MAP09, for instance, is rather obtuse and aggravating.

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Hello, did a blind attempt last night.



Survival! In 3:29:47. I'm so happy to have gotten a first big survival in an Ironman mapset, though I did have a couple hairy moments early on, surprisingly. Other than that, things were smooth sailing.


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That maze on map 18 perturbed me so much.
this was a Blind run

TIME TAKEN: 2:00:06

SATISFIED? NO I got cheated due to some STUPID MAZE AAAAAAAH

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Hmmm....I'm noticing that at middle of the mapset and map 21 are gathering most of the deaths...and of course, getting out of those problems have a good chance of achieving the survival. Gotta take that into consideration :)

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There is a game-breaking bug in map10.


If you don't activate the switch at linedef 549 before entering sector 50, you are unable to progress any further in the level. 


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Category 1 demo. Result? Survived with 2 secret maps visited in 2:50:17.

TVR! was mostly easy (especially with fat ammo stacks being carried over from one map to another) with few sort of bs moments.

Edited by Beginner
correction to final time

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9 hours ago, Beginner said:

Category 1 demo.

Just a heads up for Alfonzo, I've found that an intercept overflow has happened on MAP21 on my end while viewing the demo which desynced it. Luckily, by disabling emulation of it in prBoom+ settings, the demo works fine afterwards.


Also, your finishing time is 2:50:27, not sure why you made yourself look slower than you were. :P

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1 hour ago, NaZa said:

an intercept overflow has happened on MAP21

It's weird that it even happened as moment where IO occurs doesn't look that IO worthy. I'm glad that not turning IO emulation on finally paid off with non-trashed demo.

Also I have no idea why I've written 2:52:17 in the post when I have 2:50:17 stated in filename & total time at map30 exit, thanks for noticing.

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Survived in 3 hours, secret maps included.

I've never played the wad before, but I've watched Maxi Akse's TAS 30uv speedrun a couple years before, so I guess it's a category 2 run... ?

Anyway, yeah this is a good wad, featuring some nice and casual Doom II action. Obviously it's very easy by today's standards, with very few boss encounters and Medikits being generously offered all over the place. TVR certainly has its own identity thanks to the custom textures (particularly in the third episode).


Edited by WH-Wilou84

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@Alfonzo Any updates on your run or the leaderboard? Also last month's challenge and victor (an_mutt) seem to be missing from the index in the bottom of the OP - here's the link for easy edit.

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Yes, thanks NaZa. Will likely be a couple of days before I do any updates. Usually the first few days don't feature any as I'm trying to preserve cat [2] status for my own run! On this occasion though I did sneak a look at mutt's, so it's cat [3] once I get around to it.


I'll let the league know once it's up to date.

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Most people here will survive this wad or the next one when you update the previous board or this wad's board for sure ;). 

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