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doom2 GBA


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seeing that elbryan's other post got turned into a flamewar on pickle hammer, I will start my own post. i am asking how intact is doom2. are all the levels there and complete, as well as baddies. is the cyberdemon, archvile and mastermind in the game. crushing ceilings? and what of the speed? was this version coded much better and mistakes from doomGBA learned?

well either way i am going to grab a copy soon as i get some cash, and find my stolen GBA.

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From what I hear the only differences are that the blood is green and Industrial Zone and the Chasm are split into two levels.

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if this is true, hell yea. finaly a console doom port that did it right. personaly i dont see why the playstaion cut out stuff, compared to the GBA there were no limits.
i hope this is true,

also why hasnt there been a news report about doom2's release? come on news people get with the program. they seem to be updateing a few days behind

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Yup, everything is there. Just beat it. Much better than the first GBA Doom. Coded better, runs just as fast or faster. And yes, there are crushing ceilings (how else would there be the Crusher?).

However, here's some stuff that's different and should be mentioned for the purists:

-Green blood
-Bodies disappear (but markers still exist). First to keep the framerate up, which is awesome. Having 10 Revenants coming at full speed is great. The reason why the markers are there is so that the Archvile can resurrect them.
-No hanging body parts.
-Wolfenstin textures are replaced by Return to Castle Wolfenstein images. However, the levels are still the same, and the SS Soldiers still speak German.
-Some levels have added columns, walls, etc so that the enemies don't see you and slow down the game. There are walls in Dead Simple, so not all of the Arachnotrons come at you, and there is a column in the Crusher so the Imps shooting at you are less.
-Industrial level is split into 2 parts. First being the half before the river, second being the river and the other side. The Chasm is split up by the blue door. Of course there's new parts to the levels. :)
-Flying enemies, like Cacodemons, tend to get stuck in pits. Stuck as in once they go down the pit, they can't rise back out. Two examples. At the end of The Waste Tunnels and the ones around the island in the Pit.
-Your armor barely goes down. However, you can pick up new armor. Something tells me the armor percentage on-screen doesn't update as much as it should.
-The game's locked up a few times on me.
-Sometimes, some sound effects, like your weapon don't get played. Pausing and unpausing fixes the problem. This also happens on PSX Doom in the Computer Center.
-Sadly no gibbing. :(
-Missing sound effects: Slop, Arachnotron walking, Cyberdemon walking, Spider Mastermind walking.
-Enemies from far away can't see you. They don't activate unless you're somewhat close. Guess to keep the framerate up.

But don't let these get you down. I picked at the game quite a bit. The game is awesome! Some great points:

-Revenant and Archvile move as fast as the PC. The Cacodemons are as slow as the PC, not the speed demons from the first GBA Doom. :(
-The control rocks. B shoots, A opens doors, L and R strafes, holding A and L or R changes weapons. You can even change the control Turok-style (where L and R turn and left and right strafe). You can change the turning sensitivity and there's autorun. Beautiful. :)
-The music is there in full glory. They sound like SB16 quality at least, possibly better. The only tracks that are missing is "Between Levels" and "Getting Tense".
-All enemies and weapons are here. Yes, even Baphoment and the Super Shotgun.
-All levels are included and rock. No cut-up levels like the PSX, except the backpack from MAP03 is missing (this really pissed me off about PSX DOOM!). Oh well.
-The framerate is nice and smooth. The graphics are nice and clear on the GBA screen. If you play this emulated in hi-res, you can tell the difference though. But you don't pirate do you? :P
-The graphics changed a little. Obviously, the deaths now have green blood. Also, the Zombie and Imps (and possibly others) have eviler, angrier eyes. Cool. My only gripe is that the graphics have a muddy, darker look. Not muddy-blurry, muddy-dirty.

I think that pretty much wraps it up. Hope that answers everyone's questions. All I have to say is that it's one of the best games for the GBA, next to the Castlevania ones, Duke Nukem Advance, Doom, and the upcoming Metroid Fusion.

Also, expect to be seeing an update to the Depot including the GBA Doom 2 tracks. They're done, but not uploaded and not in HTML yet. The update should be done either by the end of today (maybe, I have vistiting relatives), or early this week.

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Wow.. I'm gonna have this game within the next 2 days, and hearing all of this has given me a lot to look forward to! I certainly hope that the levels at least stayed in sync with their relative music. Unlike Doom 1 GBA, where only from Pandemonium on was right. Actually MT Erebus wasn't, but hey. I was upset to hear The imps song on the level I should be hearing At Doom's Gate. I still very much love Doom GBA though..
What do you mean by texture replacements in thw wolf levels though? Do you mean just the pictures of hitler, swastikas and such? or the textures in thier entirety?

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Just the Hitler and the swaskikas. The Hitler portrait is someone else now, some old guy, probably the boss of RTCW (I never beat RTCW). The swaskikas are replaced with the RTCW logo, the logo on the box.

Doom 2 GBA is definitely a technical feat for sure, which is surprising. Most of the time the only company that pushes the envelope on a Nintendo system is Nintendo themselves. I still couldn't believe my eyes when I was playing the Spirit World, picked up the red key, and had 10 Revenants coming at me at full speed, with no slowdown. Torus games have really outdone themselves.

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The Boss of RTCW is Heinrich, and he looks more like Rob Zombie than anything esle. ;) It's probably Deathshead. He's a grizzled old man boss of RTCW ;).

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I just got this wonder today.. FUCK!! What a game!!!
There is only one other question I have. Is there still the story text in the game?? Doom GBA lacked that.

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Lost Soul said:

I just got this wonder today.. FUCK!! What a game!!!
There is only one other question I have. Is there still the story text in the game?? Doom GBA lacked that.

I haven't played it but I think there is story text (probably shortened however) because there is a story music track.

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Yes, there's story text, in fact, mostly 2 pages of it, word for word to the PC version. Weird thing though. The only story text screens that use the story track is the one after level 6 and the end game one. Must be a glitch. Still, it's a wonder that they pulled off such a great game with so much great stuff and not having something suffer in it.

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