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Favorite doom gameplay mod


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I don't see any topics about this theme in doomworld, so I decide to create one. Let's go so what is your favorite doom gameplay mod?

Personally, when I think gameplay mod, the first one that comes to my mind is always doom delta, so I can say without a doubt it's my favorite gameplay mod for doom.

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Final Doomer by far. I definitely get a kick out of general use mods that give you a rockin' experience with just about any WAD. However, gorgeous and satisfying weapon sets built exclusively to improve megawads feels better over time. Each set also feels properly balanced, with just enough extra oomph for the maps you play them on but not so much as to trivialize encounters. It's also very fun to use these weapon packs outside their intended maps, the hallmark of strong modding. Many other gameplay mods are more impressive and immediately awesome (Demonsteele, GMOTA, PillowBlaster werks, etc.), but Final Doomer has staying power for a classic-leaning player like myself.

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D4D (Doom 2016 for Doom)

The weapon sounds and animations, the brutal takedowns, the exploding blood and gore, the demon transformations, everything feels so satisfying in this mod. It's practically flawless. The enemies are much more vicious in this mod, but you can switch it to the classic Doom enemies if you want (even though they feel pretty puny when facing off against the new arsenal).


Lambda (Half-Life + HL: Opposing Forces weapons mod)

It's a near 100% recreation of all of the weapons in Half-Life and Half-Life: Opposing forces. It's using the original models, animations and sounds. The weapons do feel relatively weaker than the Doom weapons, but man, it feels good to put a bullet between the eyes of a Baron of Hell with the Desert Eagle.

Edited by Lizardcommando

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hdoom if i am horny.

Otherwise, my favourite pick always fell under Combined_Arms, MetaDoom and Aliens UDoom.

Edited by TheNoob_Gamer

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Immoral Conduct for me. I just love how the guns feel, everything else goes too far over the top for me, but I can always come back to Immoral Conduct and have fun. I’ll also pimp my own mod PowerGun.wad since I genuinely find it more fun than most others out there.

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There's a couple of bugs and performance issues with it, but Smooth Doom is the clear winner for me.  Keep the options mostly vanilla besides the randomized decorations, plasma sparkles, and added gore effects.  Highly recommended

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Death 4 Tould and Brutal Doom v21 are in my Top wads rigth now.

But Trailblaizer and LaTailorDoom it's my giggles wads.

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So far my favorite gameplay mod is Death Foretold.


Brutal Doom and Beautiful Doom are pretty damn good too, and I can't forget about Final Doomer, Brutal Doom: Black edition and Smooth Doom

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14 hours ago, Bauul said:

The minor sprite fixing project. 


It's all a good Doomer needs.

this, tho i occassionaly indulge in the last version of legendoom that still works with zdoom

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I tok a first look at Brutal DooM and im realy impressed of the weapon power, Brutal DooM v21 Gold was the only useful file I found. So atm i'm more into vanilla gameplay and got stuck with beautiful DooM and a fistfull of wads. Rip and tear! Btw DooMMetalVol5 realy rocks!


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Complex Doom Clusterfuck is about all I ever play these days. Part of it is the mod itself, part of it is the people I interact with (I play online), but it's all I'll ever need. It feels like it cures my depression.

Edited by killer2

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