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complevel9 ??


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Ok, so im a little bit confused about complevel9.

I´ve been asked to play some wads with complevel9 but i cant understand if:


- Its a Source port?

- Where can i download it?


If someone could try to explain this to me...because i searched where in the internet but i am a little bit confused...


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"-complevel 9" is a command line argument for PrBoom+ to force the game engine into a specific behaviour. PrBoom's complevel isn't set to 9 by default when you first unpack it, instead it jumps to the "highest" complevel it has (which happens to have slightly different infight behaviour for example)

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5 minutes ago, NerdyButLazy said:

Complevels aren't really THAT necessary unless you're speed running.

Complevels are very much necessary if you intend to use PrBoom+ to play vanilla WADs as well as MBF WADs like eviternity. MBF specific features will cease to function properly if the WAD is run with a wrong complevel, and vanilla maps will also show signs of misbehaviour, for example when you suddenly knock monsters down ledges, which wasn't something that was originally possible in Doom. So it's not just speedrunners and UVmaxers who should pay some attention here, since some of the differences in complevels affect the "average joe" just as much.

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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So i have downloaded prboom-plus-, when i play a WAD in that sourceport, it will automatically make me play that WAD in complevel9 and the WAD will have a behavior that is suposed too have?

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You have to manually input the complevel parameter based on what's recommended for the WAD. It can usually be found in the WAD's readme file.

Edited by NerdyButLazy

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24 minutes ago, Austinado said:

So i have downloaded prboom-plus-, when i play a WAD in that sourceport, it will automatically make me play that WAD in complevel9 and the WAD will have a behavior that is suposed too have?


Set the default (internal) complevel to 9, or have that in a batch-file template. That is the most common complevel in modern times. 


Then override it if necessary:


-complevel 2 (Doom 2 Vanilla / Limit Removing) 

-complevel 3 (UDoom Vanilla / Limit Removing)

-complevel 4 (Final Doom)

-complevel 9 (Boom)

-complevel 11 (MBF) 


Those are the ones you need to know.

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To avoid any possible confusions, another way around which I personally follow nowadays is: Options > General > 2nd page, there's the option to set the compatibility you want, though it's important to pick the correct one. "Boom" equals complevel 9 like people said, but you'll see other similar alternatives (e.g. boom vanilla) for older versions of boom, ignore those. "Doom/2 v1.9" is complevel 2 btw.



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Create a shortcut of Pr/GLBoom+ and then modify the properties by putting a "-complevel 9" (no quotation marks) after the target string.


It'll look like somehting similar to this:

C:\prboom-plus-\glboom-plus.exe -complevel 9

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Fun fact: You can also change -complevel on the fly in-game by using TNTCOMP as a cheat. It cycles in ascending order, so maybe a bit annoying, but still a helpful feature.

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