Tetzlaff Posted October 30, 2002 Perforator said:I don't see any fimiliar faces around here besides Lin. Hello, remember me? But yes, many of the old posters left. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Perforator Posted October 30, 2002 TETZ....w00t I didn't even see you, but then again that could be do to the fact that I have the attention spand of a goldfish. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
doomedout Posted October 30, 2002 Do some people know me, I know one person loaths me(gatewatcher)) and one finds me amusingly ignorant(dsm)... anyhow I personally think Doom3 will kick ass and in some ways be almost like doom1. Still prime has some really nice points. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted October 30, 2002 doomedout said:AHHHH, DSM don't lynch the poor fella, some of his points are thought provoking and make sense. So it basically tends to piss me off (I'm not pissed off now, because Prime presented his points in an intelligent matter - I only hate when people downright bitch and moan, while displaying the IQ of a wooden plank) when people bitch about Doom 3 not being true to the original "because teh origional Dom had lahgh outd00r areas and hohds of monstars" And again just to make it clear:I'm not pissed off now, because Prime presented his points in an intelligent matter I am not lynching Prime, I am only disagreeing with a lot of his arguments because I don't see them as true at all. Yes, indeed some of his points are thought provoking and I must commend him on that, but a great many of his points are old points that I have spent a great deal of time proving wrong again and again in the past. - That task DOES become a little tiresome in the end, especially because people just won't get it. i was just wondering why they chose to try to carry the Doom name when an entirely new project would seem more appropriate. They've already stripped the very things that made original Doom so good by retelling the whole deal. I'm just saying, what's the point of retelling Doom (which doesn't need any freakin retelling if you ask me) when you can make an entirely new original game with this kind of technology. It's very simple: A lot of their fans, myself included, WANTED a new Doom game. And I sure as Hell wouldn't mind a reteling of the original Doom if it means an improvement (though I DID prefer an actual sequel rather than a retelling - I hate repeating patterns: Doom retelling in the wake of a Wolf3d retelling). Another thing is that the technology was perfect for scaring people which instantly made Carmack think: Doom! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted October 30, 2002 Perforator said:I didn't even see you, but then again that could be do to the fact that I have the attention spand of a goldfish. Maybe I should get myself a new avatar :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
doomedout Posted October 30, 2002 Yo, the point is Use Key should not be an issue. Designers at ID wont let something that small become the difference between an awesome game and an ordinary one- they are spending way too much effort anyhow. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted October 30, 2002 All I can say to the Use key thing for now is: We'll see. The next time someone posts a thread, bitching about the usekey, I'll kill it. We already have enough threads about the usekey. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Wobbo Posted October 30, 2002 dsm said:Why is it that people give Quake such a broad definition? When I think Quake I either think "brown everywhere" or total high-tech, humanoid cyborgs. I dont know, why do you give quake such a broad definition? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Little Faith Posted October 30, 2002 doomedout said:Do some people know me, I know one person loaths me(gatewatcher)) and one finds me amusingly ignorant(dsm)... anyhow I personally think Doom3 will kick ass and in some ways be almost like doom1. Still prime has some really nice points. Don't mind Gatewatcher. I think he is a bit too quick to spit bile after other people. He was a complete jackass towards Railgunner, even when Railgunner tried to be nice he had nothing but scorn for him. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Prime Posted October 31, 2002 dsm said:a great many of his points are old points that I have spent a great deal of time proving wrong again and again in the past. That may be true. When I first watched this new footage, I had just finished playing the original Doom, so naturally the new one seemed like a giant leap in a totally different direction. It was almost as if subconciously I was expecting to see the same game, only modified, which is totally NOT the case. I apologize if much of what I said seems a bit ridiculous or unintelligent; The more I watch this footage the more I seem to accept it as a game worthy of the Doom title, not to say that I didn't before, just that I seemed to feel a Quake-like vibe when I watched it the first time. The more I think about it, the more I realize just how ridiculous it is to pass any sort of judgement on this new installment when this footage is basically all we have to go by. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
doomedout Posted October 31, 2002 No prime, you got the same impression I did...difference is I think doom3 is a lot like doom1 as opposed to quake2... How about trying to see the footage with a different persepective? Lets say the stuff that does remind u of doom? That may help...:P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted October 31, 2002 Prime said:I apologize if much of what I said seems a bit ridiculous or unintelligent; The more I watch this footage the more I seem to accept it as a game worthy of the Doom title, not to say that I didn't before, just that I seemed to feel a Quake-like vibe when I watched it the first time. It wasn't that unintelligent - you did have a few good points and you presented the stuff in a good, intelligent way. Heck we ALL do/say stupid things once in a while. You are forgiven (in fact, I never really got angry with you). I need to remind myself that Doom affected people in different ways and as such, people don't always have the same idea of what the essence of Doom was. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Crix Posted October 31, 2002 As long as your on MY good side, that's all that really matters, right?! 8) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Captain Red Posted October 31, 2002 doomedout said: The machinegun guy actually says...I SMELL FEAR..LOL I hope that it isn't as cheesy as it sounds... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AIRmichael Posted October 31, 2002 BTW i am staying, maybe i can get that new pc somehow:P It doesnt sound cheesy, btw because of the realism it scares you. BTW imagine it with 5.1 dolbi digital, it will scare the hell out of you. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Prime Posted October 31, 2002 Ct_red_pants said:I hope that it isn't as cheesy as it sounds... It doesn't. Which brings up yet another point -- One thing I'm sure we can ALL agree upon is that sounds played a MAJOR part in Doom's fear chemistry. I can't count how many times I got the shit scared out of me because of some monster jumping out at me suddenly while making some loud moan or shriek (baron, zombie, cybie, etc). Here's hoping that id continues this tradition... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Mordeth Posted October 31, 2002 dsm said: And here's a somewhat provocative statement: I'm one of the extremely few Doomers who thinks that Doom 2 was a lousy sequel to Doom. It captured very little of the original Doom's essence, because it had many more large "outdoor" areas and had a boring, repetitive tendency to just throw hordes of monsters (of up to fifty) against you instead of that cool suspenseful gameplay that Doom 1 offered, the maps were horribly designed - where the fuck was the Aliens aspect in that shit? - , and the story line was far worse than that of the first game. I can more or less agree with that. The reason 'everyone' is designing for Doom2 has everything to do with the better textures and of course the Doom2-specific monsters and SSG. Playing the original Doom you get the feeling that you actually are inside an overrun base, with surroundings that make sense. That concept was totally abandoned in Doom2, with levels just being playgrounds - with a few nice exceptions, of course. Personally, I liked most outdoor levels in Doom2 which always reminded me of the Mt. Erebus level... one big level, and you getting to choose which building to enter first... hmmmmm :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Crix Posted October 31, 2002 Agreed, the scariest thing about the baron's of hell at the end of Doom Episode 1 was their roar. If they didn't have that terrible roar there wouldn't have been much reason to freak out. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
doomedout Posted October 31, 2002 I smell fear, the only reason i put this title is because doom3 is full of paradoxes, at first it may seem wierd and to the hardest critics; idiotic, but on close observation it is going to be kick ass, i first thought i smell fear was really cheesy, but again if put on n5.1 and when u r low on HP and suddenly hear that in the darkness, there is nothing cheesy about that... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted October 31, 2002 The "I smell fear" thing is cool because it seperates possessed soldier zombies from undead zombies with the one "small" thing: The possessed are still "human" enough to speak, but they have been given a few inhuman, uh, "properties" like a slightly animal like behaviour (yelling battle cries at you). That's the reason I'm ok with it, but I don't think I'd be ok with it if the DEMONS (the inhuman monsters) can talk. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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