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Impassible through a certain height range only zdoom script?


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I have been trying for the last few hours trying to create a scenario that has a midtexture on a 3d floor that blocks the player on top but not the bottom. When setting the line to impassible, it will block everything no matter the height.



pic 1.png

pic 2.png

pic 3.png

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As you can see from the pic, the midtexture is set to impassible, and placed down by an offset. However this blooks the player even though i'm well below the 3d floor. Any suggestions?

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If you want to add a completely impassible 3D barrier, the best option would be to use an invisible but solid 3D floor. You can still combine this with a mid texture on another linedef.


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15 hours ago, Gunrock said:

I have been trying for the last few hours trying to create a scenario that has a midtexture on a 3d floor that blocks the player on top but not the bottom. When setting the line to impassible, it will block everything no matter the height.



pic 1.png

pic 2.png

pic 3.png

You want projectiles to pass through? I believe it's possible with 3D middle textures. There's an extra flag you have to set, called "Projectile shoot-through middle texture" in the Doom Builders, or "3D MidTex Impassable" in SLADE. (And midtex3Dimpassible in raw UDMF code.) It makes the 3D mid tex line behave like an impassable line, so projectiles can go through but players and monsters can't; and only for the vertical span of the texture like a regular 3D MidTex, and it's still fully passable above and below.


By the way: it's impassable, not impassible. I know the mistake is common (it even found its way in the UDMF name of the flag), but while "impassable" means "unable to be passed", "impassible" means "unable to feel pain"... The etymology of impassible is related to passion, which originally meant suffering.

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If I recall, 3d floors can be movable and removable by means of script. ~ something like flooding water. 

So as Graf mentioned, a transparent 3dfloor could be setup for blocking, and then removed via script later if needed.

Or when you get close to it the floor goes up, and when you aren't too close the wall goes down allowing you to shoot through it.

Edited by Mr.Rocket

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The solution posted by Gez seems most appropiate for this scenario.


There's another trick that can be done with custom bridge things, but you should really just use the correct 3D midtexture line flag here and disable the default impassable flag.


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9 hours ago, Graf Zahl said:

If you want to add a completely impassible 3D barrier, the best option would be to use an invisible but solid 3D floor. You can still combine this with a mid texture on another linedef.


Thanks  Graf and Gez!!! This option seems close to what can be done.

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