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Supercharge [gameplay mod | v3.0b 07/16/23 multiplayer fix]


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Simple but good mod. I liked the monsters, but I think you can add various variations for zombies. It would be great if you added the ability to adjust the speed of switching between weapons.

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20 hours ago, Armolitskiy said:

I liked the monsters, but I think you can add various variations for zombies. It would be great if you added the ability to adjust the speed of switching between weapons.


both great ideas, I'd love to implement both of these :D



@Doomenator hah awesome, I found that video a few months ago before I release Paradise v2, thanks for posting it!

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Been a while since i played paradise so i had to give this a go. If there is a one word to describe this it would be "satisfying"

When i played paradise i remember thinking that the gameplay would make a nice standalone mod and here it is better than ever 

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thanks @Matias :D I was pretty pumped when I found your youtube videos of v1 of Paradise last year - thanks a bunch for posting those.



also, if there's any of yall out there that might be interested in a Zandronum-compatible version of Supercharge, please let me know. it would be hard for me to justify maintaining 2 versions simultaneously, but I think it wouldn't take a ton of effort to port v1 to Zandronum, at least. I might try to do this anyway, but it very likely wouldn't be till after October

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1 hour ago, Tango said:

also, if there's any of yall out there that might be interested in a Zandronum-compatible version of Supercharge

I'm certainly interested, assuming it is feasible (since I know next to nothing about making gameplay mods).

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Oooh, this looks really interesting. Very excited to try this out! A lot of the minor tweaks and changes to some of the vanilla assets are hittin' me right in the sweet spot, and the new content looks intriguing.


Curious why you decided to eliminate the RNG?  

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4 minutes ago, RonnieJamesDiner said:

Curious why you decided to eliminate the RNG?  


good question. I think the main catalyst was that I've played a handful of multiplayer games over the last few years where the damage values for every weapon/character/enemy are known in advance and good to memorize to improve at the game. playing these games, I realized I really enjoy knowing exactly how much damage I'm going to dish out or receive. I don't think RNG actually impacts me that negatively when I'm playing vanilla Doom, but I do like the idea of knowing that, for example, this one rev rocket isn't going to randomly kill me at 70hp. or knowing that if I hit these two SSG shots square on, this cacodemon will definitely die and open up some much-needed space in a slaughter fight, for example. lots of folks don't mind the RNG in Doom, and many even seem to specifically enjoy it, but for me personally I don't feel like I get anything out of it, so I took it out :D

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Great to see this released standalone. I really enjoyed Paradise with these gameplay changes so I'll definitely enjoy testing these out elsewhere!

Edited by Pieruskwurje

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3 hours ago, Tango said:

also, if there's any of yall out there that might be interested in a Zandronum-compatible version of Supercharge, please let me know.

Tbh this sounds like something i would be interested in playing online

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11 hours ago, Tango said:


good question. I think the main catalyst was that I've played a handful of multiplayer games over the last few years where the damage values for every weapon/character/enemy are known in advance and good to memorize to improve at the game. playing these games, I realized I really enjoy knowing exactly how much damage I'm going to dish out or receive. I don't think RNG actually impacts me that negatively when I'm playing vanilla Doom, but I do like the idea of knowing that, for example, this one rev rocket isn't going to randomly kill me at 70hp. or knowing that if I hit these two SSG shots square on, this cacodemon will definitely die and open up some much-needed space in a slaughter fight, for example. lots of folks don't mind the RNG in Doom, and many even seem to specifically enjoy it, but for me personally I don't feel like I get anything out of it, so I took it out :D


Very fair! There are a few instances where I genuinely love the RNG (one of them I suppose would be watching a Pinky RNG enough damage while infighting with a Zombieman to actually gib him to death, which is always hilarious and awesome to watch). I think I actually enjoy the traumatizing aspect of the Revenant rockets, as well. It can just add so much tension. That said... I couldn't agree with you more about the value of learning the damage output -- of both yourself and your enemy -- and using this information as a reliable method of improvement. When I think about it, that is something I really value and appreciate in almost all other games, so I can't see why it wouldn't have the same effect on me in Doom.  

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Yo @Tango congrats on the release of Paradise! I was hoping you'd release a gameplay mod based on it and I'm really happy you did!

I did some real quick testing with No End in Sight and I noticed that taking out the RNG really speeds up the gameplay.

Since you know imps and former humans basically only take one shotgun blast, everything else dies a lot faster and that means more room to maneuver which probably adds to the feeling of being faster. This is really apparent if you play a level that flows really wells together like E2M3 of NEIS.


I thought that taking out the RNG would make things easier, but with all the enhanced enemies, that really wasn't the case.

Really had a blast with supercharge! Weapons are real satisfying esp. the pump shotty and while the gameplay is still doom it's enhanced enough to keep things fresh and fast.

Can't wait to see more!


Screenies after the spoiler...



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  • 2 weeks later...

a bit late, but cheers @chowbar, really glad to hear you're enjoying it :D


as a general update, I've started converting all the monsters to be zandronum-compatible, which isn't as bad a task as I thought, just a little tedious. hoping to have a zando-compat v1.1 out sometime later this month


edit: ended up spending the evening knocking out most of the conversion, not 100% of the way there though. the diabolist is currently broken, and it appears I have to make a few other small concessions (the baron won't be staggered when his arm is blown off), but generally things are looking pretty good. might have the first zandro version out this weekend if all goes well

Edited by Tango

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21 hours ago, Tango said:

as a general update, I've started converting all the monsters to be zandronum-compatible, which isn't as bad a task as I thought, just a little tedious


The absolute madman, glad to hear it's not too painful hehe.

I thought the paradise text file said that coop was untested?

Have you been thinking of like paradise dm?

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5 hours ago, chowbar said:

I thought the paradise text file said that coop was untested?


yeah, paradise itself is completely untested in coop, since Paradise (or rather, the version of Supercharge that is uses) only works in GZDoom. it's possible to play it in GZDoom coop I'm sure, but I didn't do anything special for it outside of some very lazily placed monsters on map01 - map03 that are flagged multiplayer only. when I finish this zandro compatible version of Supercharge it would in theory be possible to make a zandro compatible version of Paradise, that actually has thoughtful thing placement. I currently don't have to the motivation to do that at the moment, but might at a later date maybe. no plans for any DM or anything though, but I figured it would be good to have a zando compatible version of Supercharge so that folks could use it in multiplayer as a mod, or even make multiplayer maps for it

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thanks @Lila Feuer :D


I'm just about done with the zandronum conversion now, though there's two issues basically:


  • I can't get the diabolist to maintain its exact current behavior without making some changes. what it seems like I'll have to do is 1) make it immune to explosion damage (which I'm fine with), and very possibly, 2) reduce its pain chance to 0, and make its plumes so that they always explode, even if you do pain or kill the monster. I'm less enthused about concession #2 but it wouldn't be too terrible I think. it would make the monster more straightforward, I guess - if you see a plume, you know it's going to explode. this is also exactly how the version of the monster works in Minicharge, so if nothing else it'd be pretty consistent in that sense
  • zandronum doesn't seem to be able to handle auto brightmaps? so the first zandro version would probably not have brightmaps. I can pretty easily write a script to convert all existing auto brightmaps into GLDEFS ones, but it'll take a wee bit of time

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  • 3 weeks later...

at long last, I've finally finished v1.1, which features, most importantly, Zandronum compatibility!!!! download link in the OP has been updated. here's a rough changelog:

  • rewrote a bunch of monster code to be compatible with zandronum
  • removed the "auto reload when empty" (sorry chowbar :[ ) and beeping monster rocket menu options. I might get around to re-implementing these at some point, but it's less clean and easy to do while maintaining zandro compatibility, which is the reason I removed them for now
  • removed the scrap gun
  • replaced the big HUD with a new, split version of the default doom HUD like you've probably seen in some other mods. the existing small HUD is still present, though I would like to redo that one at some point
  • replaced the graphics of the blood splatters and flying blood actors. I think it looks much more doomy now
  • added new, smaller explosion sprites to the player rockets to make it easier for your brain to remember that their explosion radius is smaller than usual
  • removed the Warlock monster (you probably didn't even know this monster existed)
  • to make the Diabolist work properly in zandro, I had to make some slight changes to its behavior. its plumes will now always explode, even after the monster dies, and the monster has a pain chance of 0 (because plumes always explode, causing pain to the monster would only cause more trouble for the player). it would have been nice to maintain its exact behavior from before, but I couldn't find a way to do it in zandronum, and imo these concessions aren't too bad
  • I removed the increased damage to the demon/spectre/cacodemon/pain elemental during their attack animations, because I couldn't see a way to make this work in Zandronum :(


(pinging @NoReason and @pc234 since yall indicated interest in zandronum compatibility, merry christmas)

Edited by Tango

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Tested with GZDoom g4.1.3, no other mods/maps.


- Pain Elementals don't seem to attack at all

- The shotgun is always firing/reloading fast at all levels of HP


These work as intended in ParadiseV2 on the same version number.

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7 minutes ago, DarkQuill said:

- The shotgun is always firing/reloading fast at all levels of HP


oops, this bit is intended, I just forgot to update the description in the OP. I decided to do away with this mechanic because I wanted the shotgun to just be fast all the time, though I did nerf the damage of the shotgun a bit since Paradise, to compensate. not sure what's going with the pain elementals though, I'll give those a look. thanks so much @DarkQuill :D

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This is more of a suggestion than anything, but I feel like the Chaingun Guy replacement would look best with the sprite set for the Heavy Carbine Zombieman (from Realm667 of course). Not only does he have blue armor, he's also carrying an assault rifle which would create a more consistent look (given how the player is given an assault rifle instead of a chaingun).






By the way, excellent work with this gameplay mod so far! I've been enjoying the absolute hell out of it!

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cheers @Man of Doom, I will definitely take a look at those sprites! it has always irked me a little bit that the chaingun guy still carries a chaingun despite dropping an assault rifle, so it'd be great to have a similar but still similar replacement. and thanks for the kind words :D


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On 10/27/2019 at 1:34 AM, Tango said:

merry christmas


heh, nice, actually used this today for a coop session and it was pretty damn fun.

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Just had a WHOLE lot of fun using this with the first half of Scythe. I'm not usually into gameplay changing mods too much but this ones a keeper. 

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I love it! Smooth, fast-paced gameplay. Satisfying gore. Fantastic enemy sprites. And popping sound effects. The weapons handle really well, too! 


A minor nit-pick I'd point out, however, is the font differences because I've noticed that some characters have a darker outline than others. 

Edited by Thorogrimm

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