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I wish I could better see this girl walking towards me and smiling, but I left my glasses at home. 

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Coming soon! Ruins: Return of the Gods by 3D Realms. (To be Powerslave by Playmates Interactive Entertainment and Lobotomy Studio.)

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Someone must have done something really bad to so upset the otherwise serenely sage Taw Tu'lki. The normally calm blue skin tone is now utterly flushed, and palely flashing! 

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You don't know what's upsetting. I just want my salary! I have laid five tonnes a day, for five years, and have not gotten a fifth of a grain of wheat. I've done so much stone weightlifting my bones are now made of granite, and so much sculpting that your triangle things are at perfect 45 degree inclinations and point exactly north-south! I even set them at the latitude of roughly the speed of Ra's rays in the vacuum!

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You know, I'd be mad at you, but this time I'll be fair with you. You're no stupid purple chicken. You still gangsta, homie.

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In all honesty, "Delete This" would sound like a good political campaign stuff... or not?

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Welcome to the club, then... uhhh... sunglasses Doomguy Blazkowicz with several abstract 70s ideogram thingamajigs in the background or whatever. Hope you don't get sunburnt in the eye, I guess?

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