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shovel knight is one of my favorite games though i think the standard shovel knight carrer got a bit boring because of how slow it is compared to the other knights

and plague has the best story

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13 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

shovel knight is one of my favorite games though i think the standard shovel knight carrer got a bit boring because of how slow it is compared to the other knights

and plague has the best story

Finally looked up your avatar. I've never played Megaman ZX, never heard of Model A. I think the last Megaman Game I played was X3 or 7 . From what I've heard on the internets it went downhill after the SNES days. Maybe I should play some of the PS Megaman games.

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7 minutes ago, Jello said:

Finally looked up your avatar. I've never played Megaman ZX, never heard of Model A. I think the last Megaman Game I played was X3 or 7 . From what I've heard on the internets it went downhill after the SNES days. Maybe I should play some of the PS Megaman games.

x went downhill fast but all other series stayed very consistenly good

avoid x5 x6 and x7 all other are great for the most part its just that capcom forced the devs to keep making megaman x games when really inafune wanted to stop at x5 so he could start megaman zero (with is amazing btw)

and now i derailed the tread great so i guess i like zombies i dunno

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I'm definitely not going to make an extremely overdone joke that refers to a certain number value that has been on the internet for a long time.





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On 3/25/2021 at 4:11 PM, Lol 6 said:

Purple gloves? Are they purple?


Yeah I know, almost looks like they could have been from a Renamon or something.

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