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React To The Profile Pic Above You


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A distressed... kid? Can't tell very well their age or emotion by the face, but then again, me.

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the look on my face when I can't think up anything for the "React To The Profile Pic Above You" thread. 

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Why are you feeling that way? Could I help with that? ...hug?  :<

Edited by Gustavo6046

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Enjoy your stay at the Fellowship of the Maximum Facial Hair. Don't forget to take off your shoes before entering, and kissing the altar to Your Sanctity at least twice before entering beyond the lobby. If you intend to join, please see the receptionist and ask about the joining rites. And never forget to surrender all of your hair mutilation equipment (blades, electric shavers, barber scissors, barber shop coupons), lest your unrepented, wretched soul be smited by His beard.

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