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Wolf selfie in which the profile reads:
 Wolf looking for furro mate with like-interests: Opposites Attract! Fun loving gal who likes wearing face masks whilst taking longs walks on the beach. My optimal mate knows how to scratch/rub "the right spot" behind my ears, and is not afraid to bark at the moon herself! Someone who can share her deepest desires in out intimate evening flea dips.
 Our evening alone might go like this: After sharing our personal moments over two dog dishes of Duck and Rabbit meat, we sit near the fire if a hunter doesn't show up first. We both feel at ease with each other and nap shortly before scouting around for any intruders on our territory.

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That "Happy Halloween" text is stealthy! blends right in to the background.


The spider though... not quite as good at stealth.

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Valuable companion, always there to support, in the most dire of scenarios, and the most grievous of circumstances.


He's like the Age of Empires 2 monk, if the Age of Empires 2 monk's healing ability was actually worth a damn.

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Eins, zwei, drei.. 


Hier kommt die Sonneee!



Edited by OniriA

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