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Then, in a great torrent of flame rose the great terror of the world, the most terrible of all dragonkind and spoke the final words that were heard by him: "I will destroy you now."

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The plebs, being awestruck by this magnificent feat, saw the Egyptian pharaohs as powerful gods and bowed before them with great reverence. They made a giant emblem to signify their fealty: a giant capital G. 

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However, as sudden as the ecstatic turd rolling of a bored scarab, disaster struck along the Nile; the waters were evaporating at an abysmal rate! Slaves villagers have been overheard commenting about sightings of many "ghost coaches", carrying several round wooden containers (akin to barrels). One great mystery....

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Even the pharaohs looked on with wonder and awe. For the chariots were shimmering, almost translucent as they seemed to partially disappear and reappear before their eyes, like tan colored silk saris drying on a clothesline in a cool, morning breeze behind desert dunes. And they could not immediately understand how the chariots were moving. It seemed to them that round discs beneath them were turning. They had never seen anything like it. They then fell to one knee in unison and bowed their heads; for these surely were true Gods, even greater than them. As the chariots passed a young man seated high with brilliantly shining hair, gleaming in the sunlight, turned his head and winked at the Pharaohs, just as they were lifting their heads again, and then the caravan disappeared from view as suddenly as it had arrived.

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If Alderaan had one of these in orbit, it would still be there today.

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badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom

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"Then it started beating its wings faster and faster and the great winged horror rose above them like a giant, black cloak, blocking out the sun."

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Other than the sunglasses doomguy face, most of this profile picture is just barely comprehensible to look at for me.

Not that it's a bad thing, though.

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