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I looked up the Black Eagles, but their logo is different. Anyway, that looks like an emaciated, eyeless Doomguy head on a brown dopefish. Which is disturbing.

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Looks like the emblem of some resistance group in a dystopian nation.

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The egg-bunny ninja, while menacing looking, was in fact much more fragile than his narrow visor face and large red ears made him appear to be, for upon closer inspection it became apparent he was merely made up of flimsy dust masks and ribbons of red paper.

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Yosemite Sam I am. Pink plastic toy guns are my jam.

Wear my mustache on my chin. Always sportin' a giant grin.

Dark shades protect me from the Sun.

Besides I'm too fast to be burned by the Sun.

Damn, these vuvuzelas are too much fun!

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18 minutes ago, kalaeth said:

tut my ahnk, amon!


(yea, Ramses, but this sounded funnier in my head)

Where is this man, who is he, and why is he in that mysterious pose? 

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In these dire times when the combine presence was eradicated from earth, humanity is slowly recovering and adjusting to a dying world and the threat of invasive xenian fauna, some people, like this woman, were born with an evolutionary adaptation against headcrabs.

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Doomguy in boat or car, I wonder what kind of part in hell he will reach with his machinery.

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When you're taking awhile to order, and hear the person behind you in line say "omg" under their breath. 

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A British bunny gets a bank loan then ate some jelly beans

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Isaac Newton got tired and decided to just place the prism in front of the light.

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